
The great escort

centuries ago a prophecy was said by the priestess of the lu temple that an evil force will rise and it will be unstoppable not even the special force can stop it. Only a person (gender not identified) that has a special power given by the gods can stop them and the only way to know that person is through the colour of his or her eyes, every human eyes in their world is black or brown but the heavenly sent worrior eye will be blue. join kim eun sung to revenge on her worst enemy and reclaim her love and the position of the crown princess back

Tip_blossom · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

assassinating the heavenly warrior

*At shang lu kingdom*

Han ni is crying her eyes out and scattering things " no,no !!! not my min young " she wails 😭😭 , her dad enters

" Stop crying, it is not the end of the world" he said consoling her , his daughter dream of being a queen is now shattered and if she had gotten married to min young he would have been so rich 💰

" Yes it is dad , without min young I'm nothing"

" There is still hope" he said

" What hope" han ni asks cleaning her tears and sitting up expectantly

" Even after their stupid wedding , you can still make him fall far you so that he can make you his concubine (royal consort)"

Han ni gasps " really"


"Yes!! , thanks daddy I'll do just that" she said and hugs him

*At evil domain*

A man is seen using his powers to set things on fire🔥 in anger

" I can't believe this is happening, how will my plan work now that this governor's daughter has ruined it all , aargh!! "

One of his numerous spies appears "master" he said bowing


"We have found the venue of the wedding" the spy said

"Perfect" he said smiling wickedly " make sure that the governor's daughter doesn't come back alive "

" Yes master he said and disappears

* At jing sae royal palace on the wedding day*

Eun sung is at the bride's room, the maids are dressing her for the big day and of course Chang li is among them

" Was the kiss amazing" she said whispering to eun sung

" Shut up" she said shyly and the other maids laugh , she glares at them and they keep quiet " nice make up li "

" Thank you my lady " she said smiling and turned to the maids " bring the hair jewelries". they bring it and li uses it to style her long dark raven hair

After they finished dressing her up , she was escorted to the carriage with guards to the wedding venue , after the declaration of them as husband and wife by the priest . Min young was in the first carriage while eun sung was at the back, and he couldn't stop looking back at her even his enoch noticed it

"Your highness you can stop staring at least she is not running away " he said smiling

" Shut up" min young said from inside the carriage, he smiles and looks at the people on the street cheering and throwing flowers in their direction

*At eun sung carriage*

" I'm nervous " she said to Chang li beside her

Li holds her hands " take a deep breath my lady" she does it " now release it " she does it too

"It is okay , if you're not ready for intimacy, you can tell him "

" Will he understand " eun sung asks

" I'm sure he will " Chang li replied sincerely

Eun sung smiles and looks through the window , I'm now married she said to herself. as her gaze drops to the beautiful diamond ring on her finger

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****

On the roof tops well skilled group of assassins wearing black was following eun sung carriage closely. Their leader signals them to separate and move to the left, the most terrifying thing is that they were carrying the latest British weapon " gun power" and they opened fire on everyone especially eun sung carriage

"Eun sung" min young said , trying to come down as everyone is running away

Fu hua kneels and holds his leg , preventing him from moving " no your highness , you must stay here for your own safety"😭

Min young releases his leg in anger " my wife is in danger and you're telling me to stay put"

One of the assassin shoots the men carrying min young carriage as they were running and the carriage fell down with min young and his advisor inside. Fu hua became unconscious immediately and min young started seeing double as a result of the force the carriage used to hit the ground. Min young quickly crawls outside forgetting his advisor

* At eun sung carriage*

It was already upside down, eun sung holds her head in pain, blood drips from the injury on her fore head. She shakes Chang li awake after seeing her unconscious

" Li, li , pls wake up" she said crying already, Chang li stirs and opens her eyes " li are you okay" she said happy to see her awake

Chang li grunts in pain and closes her eyes back " I'm coming , let me check if min min is alright" eun sung says and leaves immediately without giving li a chance to talk

Min young sights her from afar as she was looking around , he notices one of the killers advancing towards her slowly " eun sung get down now !!!!" he yells

She looks at him and was running towards him when the bullet hits her from the back, she coughs out blood and falls to the ground

" No, No!!! " He yells and rushes towards her madly

"Should we kill him " one of them asks the leader

" No master said he is still very useful, just kill the lady" he replied

Even before min young could reach her , he was knocked out by the assassins. Eun sung was gasping for breath as her blood was staining her white dress completely

" So you're still not dead " the leader said and smirks before shooting her directly on the fore head , sending her to her early grave

The news of the crown princess assassination spread like wild fire🔥 in the kingdom

*At the market square*

" Oh my, I can't believe this" a woman said to her friend

" me too, the princesses 👸 was killed on her wedding day. That is so unfortunate" her friend replied and they quickly separate seeing palace guards passing

*At shang lu kingdom in baek han ni chambers*

Han ni is in deep thought , well she is happy that eun sung is out of the way but who was the person that did the job, he or she deserves a reward. Could it be dad she thought, she leaves immediately for his chambers