
One Night

Just as she had suspected, there were indeed bruises on Chidinma’s back. Lanre sighed heavily. It seemed so unbelievable to her. But that was what she was seeing. And there was no denying it. The woman who did this to Chidinma was cruel.

Not knowing what else to say to Chidinma, Lanre asked her if she had dinner already. And when she said yes, Lanre asked her to go to her room. Immediately Chidinma left, Lanre dipped a finger into her mouth. She bit it so hard that one would think she will end up bleeding.

Lanre changed the TV channel from universal studio to a news channel. But at the end, none of the news was worth her while. She stood up and went into her room.

She decided to put a call through. She was calling Pearl, Chidinma’s sister.

“Have she agreed to arrange a meeting?” Lanre asked when Pearl picked up. Pearl told her that a meeting has been arranged. It will be on Friday night. Lanre smiled. She thanked Pearl. But she did not end the call. She wanted to tell Pearl Chidinma was doing well, but she wanted Pearl to ask first. Lanre was fully aware that Pearl did not quit her Job as a sex worker. She could not do anything about it since Pearl already made her choice. But she was so concerned about her relationship with her sister.

Pearl told Lanre good night and that was how the call ended. Lanre just dropped her phone as well. She then told herself not to feel concerned about Pearl not asking about Chidinma.

“Sometimes people care but feel it is better not to show it”. She said to herself. Then she wondered what she would do with the woman who whipped Chidinma’s back in such a manner all because of her mistake. It pained Lanre so much because Chidinma was not just knew, but because everyone and anyone could make mistakes and no one was above that. And that woman dared to whip Chidinma like that.

“Should I arrest her or do it my own way?” Lanre wondered. Then she told herself that when she wakes up in the morning, whatsoever she feels like doing, that is what she will do. Then she shuts her eyes and went to sleep.

Lanre jolted out of sleep about an hour after she had fallen asleep. It felt as though she has been sleeping for a whole day. She felt pains coursing through her entire body.

She felt relieved it was a dream, but a dream that has been reoccurring for days was not a dream she wanted. It only meant disaster. She sighed after taking in everything that happened in her dream. Then she stood up and went straight into the bathroom. She decided to take her bath cause she felt stinky because of too much sweat.

“It seems I will have to turn on the air conditioner. One night of staying under it won’t kill me”. Lanre said.


Authors Note: Please Read

So sorry dear readers for the late update as well as not updating the previous day. Well, expect your regular five chapters every day through this month. You can also check out other books by same author; “Excuse Me Mr Great”; “OH DEAR MARGARET”; “Bruised By Love”; and “The Power Of Love”. All completed novels.

And please do not forget to leave comments….. only speak out your heart. I will appreciate it more than you trying to make me feel good alone. Thank you for reading!