
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
75 Chs

Chapter 62: Salary is about to be paid

Without a taxi, Yang Haoran could only choose to walk back to the city. In the past, he was most afraid of walking at night, worrying that he would encounter some scary things, but now, he hopes to encounter some scary things.

  It's just that he has seen a few vehicles passing by along the way, but he has not sensed any existence of undead or the like.

  Before he became a night watchman, he thought that there must be countless ghosts lurking in the dark in this world, but now it seems that there are not as many ghosts as he imagined.

  All the way to the city, he didn't sense the existence of a soul body. In desperation, he could only choose to go back to the grocery store first.

  Back at the grocery store, it was still early, and while he opened the door to resume business, he read the few books that Master Jiang had lent him.

  Since I have read it once and remembered a lot of content, the second time seems to speed up a lot.

  After a night of nothing, Yang Haoran received a call from Master Jiang in the early morning of the second day.

  Seeing Master Jiang calling, Yang Haoran was a little surprised, because Master Jiang rarely took the initiative to call him, but as long as Master Jiang called him, there must be something, definitely not just chatting.

  Sure enough, Master Jiang's call was really serious, and it was a big deal!

  Today is the last day of this month. For office workers who are paid at the end of the month, today is naturally the best day in January, because their one-month efforts will be rewarded today.

  However, for office workers who are not paid at the end of the month, today is a more difficult day, because the closer to the end of the month, the tighter their money is, and the less they dare to go out.

  These are only for ordinary people. For Yang Haoran and his night watchmen, today is also a day of giving in exchange for rewards, which can also be understood as salary.

  Master Jiang had told him about this before, but he had forgotten about it during this time. If Master Jiang hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have remembered that there was such a thing.

  "Salary is going to be paid today, but..."

  A wry smile appeared on Yang Haoran's face, he took out his Soul Gathering Orb, there were only two soul silks in the Soul Gathering Orb.

  With only two soul silks, he doesn't know how much soul energy he can exchange for, but he can be sure that it is definitely not much.

  As the soul-gathering bead was taken out, Gao Liang and Wang Qing in the soul-gathering bead seemed to sense something, and the two showed their faces one after another, grinning fiercely at Yang Haoran. Swallowed Yang Haoran alive outside the Soul Gathering Pearl!

  The two were cursing angrily in the soul-gathering bead, but the voice could not come out from the soul-gathering bead, but looking at the mouth shapes of the two, Yang Haoran could still guess what they were cursing.

  Seeing the reaction of the two, Yang Haoran turned up his mouth and smiled.

  He knew that the current Wang Qing already knew that Gao Liang was instigated by him, that's why she was scared to death.

  And Gao Liang must have known that Yang Haoran was lying to him. The so-called letting him get Wang Qing was just locking him with Wang Qing.

  The two people who understood this, of course, didn't have a good face towards Yang Haoran, and it was reasonable to scold them when they met.

  "May you grow old together and have a precious son early."

  Yang Haoran sent out his blessing with a smile, and then put away the Soul Gathering Orb. Although he knew that the two of them would not be able to hear his blessing, Gao Liang and Wang Qing could still guess what he said by his expression and the shape of his mouth. what.

  It's good that Yang Haoran didn't say this, but when he said this, Gao Liang and Wang Qing were almost so angry that their souls and bodies burst.

  However, Yang Haoran was not interested in appreciating the reactions of the two of them. After he put away the Soul Gathering Orb, he began to think deeply about the matter.

  I heard from Master Jiang that if you have something important to do at the end of the month, you can ask the envoy Deng Feng to take leave. Anyway, you are getting paid by yourself. If you don't go, the envoy will not force you.

  According to the current situation, Yang Haoran felt that he could find a reason to ask for leave, but if he asked for leave just after he joined the night watchman, would he be too ignorant of the rules?

  Besides, he also wanted to go and see the other night watchmen in Lecheng except him, and he also wanted to witness this infusion of soul energy with his own eyes.

  After thinking about it, he decided to take a look.

  The place where the wages are paid is not in the villa of the envoy Deng Feng, but has always been set at the Temple of Death in Nanhu. The time starts at nine o'clock in the morning. Check the time, it is already eight o'clock.

  Now that he decided to go, Yang Haoran didn't delay, closed the grocery store, took a taxi and rushed to Nanhu Temple of Death.

  Usually at this time, the shadow of Miao Zhu can be seen in the Nanhu Death God Temple, but now, there is no shadow of a single Miao Zhu in the entire Nanhu Death God Temple, and all believers are busy.

  In the eyes of these believers, at this time of the month, the temple owner will call all temples for a meeting, not only their Death God Temple, but also the temple priests in Lecheng and other Death God Temples will come here for meetings. , these believers have long been acccustomed to it, and it is not surprising.

  After Yang Haoran arrived at the Temple of Death, he called Master Jiang, and not long after, Master Jiang appeared in his sight.

  Under the leadership of Master Jiang, Yang Haoran walked into a remote hut. He stayed in the Death Temple for a while, doing chores and sweeping the floor, so he knew about this hut.

  But usually, no one has ever seen anyone step into this hut, and the door of the hut is always locked, so he has never known what is in this hut.

  Today, the closed door of the hut was opened. After Yang Haoran entered the room, he found that there was nothing special about the room. It was a very simple hut with simple decoration and simple furniture. There was nothing special about it.

  Apart from Yang Haoran and Master Jiang, there was no one else in this hut.

  "This is..." Yang Haoran couldn't help showing doubts on his face.

  Don't want to pay wages?

  Aren't there other night watchmen?

  Why is it just him and Master Jiang?

  Master Jiang saw the doubt on Yang Haoran's face, and said with a smile, "Don't worry."

  As he said that, Master Jiang walked towards the wall beside him. This wall was leaning against the rock wall, and it also looked very ordinary.

  However, Master Jiang would walk towards the wall at this time, so it must be more than what the naked eye can see.

  Thinking of this, Yang Haoran suddenly remembered his ghost eyes!

  Doesn't it mean that you can open ghost eyes to try things that are invisible to the naked eye?

  With this thought in his mind, Yang Haoran wanted to try it, but without hesitation, he let out a low voice in his heart.

  "Ghost eyes! Open!"

  The ghost eye opened, and the ordinary wall suddenly became different, and there was a faint yin energy emanating from the wall.

  Not only that, Master Jiang's body also exudes Yin Qi, but this Yin Qi is much stronger than the Yin Qi emanating from the wall.

  Master Jiang turned around, looked at Yang Haoran with a smile on his face, and Yang Haoran saw the presence of the God of Death curse seal on Master Jiang's forehead.

  The finger-sized seal of the curse of death, at this moment, was emitting black smoke between Master Jiang's brows. It was mysterious and strange. It was usually invisible to the naked eye, but under the eyes of ghosts, it was very clear . Presented in front of Yang Haoran.

  "Hehe, you are smart." Master Jiang said with a smile, then pointed to the wall, and continued: "Come here."

  Yang Haoran smiled, closed his ghost eyes, and came to this seemingly ordinary wall.

  "It's your first time here today, so I'll show you the way. If you come here again in the future, you don't need me to lead the way." Master Jiang said.

  "I also ask Master Jiang for advice." Yang Haoran said with a smile.

  "I can't talk about giving pointers. If you inject a trace of yin power into the wall, you will understand what's going on." Master Jiang said.

  Yang Haoran nodded, didn't ask any more questions, mobilized the yin energy in his body to condense on his hands, and immediately, black smoke visible to the naked eye rose from his palms.

  The palm was lightly imprinted on the wall, and a trace of yin energy was injected into it. There was a crackling sound from the wall, and a black light flashed. channel in the wall.

  "Only people in our Yin Division can open this channel normally. People who are not in our Yin Division have no Yin power in their bodies, so they cannot open this channel by normal means." Master Jiang explained.

  Master Jiang's words made Yang Haoran sense something else, and he asked: "Opening this channel normally requires yin power. Is there any abnormal means?"

  "Yes, some strong people have countless methods. Even if they don't have Yin power, they can still open this passage. However, there are no secrets in our passage. How can a strong person come here when they are free? This closed passage The main purpose is to prevent ordinary people from breaking in unintentionally." Master Jiang explained.

  Yang Haoran nodded, expressing his understanding, while Master Jiang continued: "We will hand over our souls to the envoys here every month. From now on, you can just come here at the end of each month, and then open the passage to enter."

  Yang Haoran nodded again.

  "You go in first, I am the temple owner here, I have to welcome other people here."

  Yang Haoran bowed to Master Jiang, thanked him, and stepped into the passage.

  As he stepped into the passage, the wall slowly closed. After a few breaths, the wall became the same as before, and there was no problem with the naked eye.

  Yang Haoran originally thought that the passage must be dark and damp, and also haunted, just like in the movie, the ground is paved with bluestone, and there are torches on both sides of the wall.

  However, after stepping into the passage, everything in front of him made his eyes shine, which was completely different from what he had imagined.

  There are no torches, no bluestones, and there are pieces of shiny ceramic tiles. Not only the floor is covered with tiles, but also the sides of the passage and the top of the passage are covered with exquisite tiles.

  In addition, on the top of the passage, a large lamp is hung at intervals to illuminate the passage brightly.

  Not only that, there are different kinds of bonsai placed at intervals in the passage, and a brand new red carpet extends from the entrance of the passage to the depth of the passage.

  Walking on the red carpet, Yang Haoran couldn't believe his eyes.