
Ch 1 - Abbey Road

The day was long, the night would be short. Or at least that's what Lucas thought. Driving home from his job at the company was always something he looked forward to. The calmness of the road, the subtle humming of the car, it all blended together to create the perfect mood. Lucas enjoyed the cacophony of sounds that filled his car when he drove, it gave him a space to think that felt private. He was single and lived with his two cats, Adler and Minnie. But there was a certain feeling that driving gave him that sitting at home just couldn't compare to. The road was his and so were his thoughts.

"I wonder what I should have for dinner." He thought aloud.

His silver Volkswagen hummed as he thought intensely about what he wanted to eat. The mental image of sandwiches, chicken and pasta popped into his head.

"Pasta would be delicious."

The thought of eating spaghetti was quite pleasant to Lucas, so that's what he decided on having. Lucas soon pulled into the parking lot of his apartment building. It was a plain looking building. It had tanish walls and slate roofs, if anything it reminded Lucas of those that chateau he saw during his last visit to France.

Walking up the stairs, Lucas paused for a moment as he turned to look at the sky. It was sunset, the sky was a deep blue, almost purplish color with streaks of orange here and there. The wispy light blue clouds dotted the sky in a way so particular, Lucas thought it was a painting.

"I think too much."

He shook his head as he smiled to himself. He walked up the stairs to his apartment and opened the door. His two cats came to greet him.

"You guys must be hungry."

He sighed as he took off his coat and set it on the coat rack he had placed next to the door. He walked over to his pantry and took out the cat food and silently filled the cat's bowls. He loosened his tie as he plopped himself down on his couch. He sighed as he took out his phone and flipped through the notifications.

"Work, work, work. Ah, here's one from Mom."

Lucas clicked on the notification and saw a voicemail from his mother.

"Hey honey, I called you earlier but you didn't answer. Call me back when you get the chance, bye."

Lucas smiled as he called his mom back.

"Hey mom, what's up?"

"Oh honey, I'm so glad you called. Me and your father are going down to the states to see your Aunt Nancy, and we were wondering if you wanted to come along?"

"I can't mom, I have work. I just got a pay raise, and I want to show the boss he didn't make a mistake by giving it to me. You and dad go have some fun with Aunt Nancy. Besides, Aunt Nancy lives in Seattle, If she lived in Detroit, that'd be another story."

Lucas heard a sigh across the phone.

"Are you sure? You've been working nonstop the past few months and we thought you could use a break."

"Trust me mom, I'm fine. I'm your son after all."

Lucus's mom smiled

"Alright honey, bye."


Lucus got up, stretched, and walked over to the pantry to start gathering the materials to cook his pasta. By the time Lucus finished, it was 21:00, and he started to prepare for bed. He took a shower, brushed his teeth and sunk into his sheets, awaiting the world of dreams.

The ground was cold, uneven, and somewhat damp. Lucus opened his eyes to see he was no longer in his bedroom.


Lucus jumped up and saw he was in a completely different place. His eyes almost popped out of his head.


Lucus violently stumbled out of the alleyway and onto the street. Before stood a medieval like town. But that's not what shocked Lucus the most. Walking on the street stood people with pointy ears, people with fur all over their bodies, and lizard people! Some of them were even flying!

Lucus stumbled back into the alley, fell on the floor, and collapsed into the fetal position. He put his hands over his face and screamed loudly into them.

'Oh my god, oh my god. This must be a dream, right?' thought Lucus.

"Wrong host! This most certainly is not a dream! Welcome to the beautiful, yet moderately dirty world of Enos!"

Lucus sat there, unmoving. This place had turned him into a looney, yep, he was nothing short of crazy now.

"Host? Oh Host? Are you there?"

'I'm crazy, This has to be a nightmare.'

"Host, you are not crazy! I am the Godly Goal Achieving System! Granted to you, by, well god."

Lucus smirked. It was besides the point if he was mad or not, all that mattered was that this thing that was speaking to him seemed to possess a mind of its own, which both comforted and frightened Lucus. He took a deep breath, and tried to calm himself down.

"Host, I am genuinely concerned for your wellbeing. Would you like assistance?"

Lucus sighed.

"Okay voice in my head, I'm going to need you to just let me calm down a bit. I'll be fine."

"Host, the system has a name. It's the Go-"

"Godly Goal Achieving System. I'm well aware."


A few minutes later, Lucus could be seen sitting in the corner of the abbey. "Has the host finally calmed down?" Lucus sighed, "Yes, I think so." "Wonderful, Now, I am the wonderful Goal Achieving System. Granted by god, I was sent here to help you achieve your goals." "Why?" asked Lucus, curious as to why a god would give him such a thing. "Because, god has decided your life was too boring. All you did was work."

Lucus sighed, he was actually very fond of his lifestyle. It was easy and simple. He had nothing to complain about. 'Whatever,' though Lucus. "What can you do system?"

"I'm glad the host asked, the Goal System is primarily here to help the host achieve their goals. As doing such, the system will utilize power from what you call the 'void.'. The system will give the host several missions and the host will be gifted with the appropriate rewards upon completion. The host will be able to enter 2 goals, one main goal, and one sub goal. Of course, the main goal will take priority, but the sub goal will allow the host to complete sub missions, missions that aren't as important to what the host wants."

"That's a lot, but I assume there's more?"

"Host would be correct. The system utilizes an rpg type leveling system, in which the host will be given a level, and only by completing missions or doing things related to the host's goal can you gain experience. The system will assist the host where it deems fit. The system will also give the host credits, the host will receive credits daily. The host's level will decide how many credits the host will receive. Credits can be used in the system's store or used to upgrade skills. Of course the host could also level up skills by using them. The store sells anything the host can dream of, everything from scooters to the Imperial Death Star. The host can acquire anything, provided the host has the coin. The Host will also be able to see their stats. All they have to do is say, stats. Give it a try."

Lucus immediately said, "Stats." Instantly a semi-transparent interface appeared in front of him.

Lucus Wheaton

LVL: 1

EXP: 0/100

Title: None

Skills: None

Items: None

Credits: 0

Main Goal: N/A

Sub Goal: N/A

"System, can I tell you my goals now?" "Sure Host." Lucus jumped for joy, he was now determined to live life better this time. "System, first goal, find a place to stay."

Hey, this is my first novel, so please tell me where I went wrong and where I can improve. That's all, have a great day.

x_noofcreators' thoughts
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