
The Given || Alpha

Gabe felt out of place, being ignored by his only family. But that got even worse, and that took a hit on him. He lost everything even his reputation and his dignity that he never would've imagined he would loose. But after every door closing is a new chapter beginning, he left his family, only to be part of the ones he needed.

yander · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs


I've avoided Harry ever since. It was the weekend and all I did all week long was to make sure our interactions were short and concise.

I have also been debating and dealing with the fact that my probable partners are male. After a few denials, I reckoned it cannot be escaped anymore.

After the acceptance of my newfound interest in men, I thought about out of all the people in the world, it was these two men that used to hate me. I mean, I think Harry did but for sure Reez somehow did in the past.

I'm currently in my room, staring blankly at the ceiling while my thoughts come up with ideas on how to face both of them. After Heros outed Harry, I made sure I was cool with it and that it didn't bother me although deep inside I was begging to hide from them. Harry didn't deny it so I assumed it was correct. Having to meet Reez everyday was also a pain because I couldn't look at him the same way now. The fact that my wolf wanted Reez and would probably submit to him scared me as I didn't know how to deal with it — and what's to come.

We weren't awkward before but now that I know about Harry, how can I face him correctly while also making sure I'm not thinking about it.

Another thing, the pack currently began training and now they were enhancing their powers, making sure to master it. While I, the supposed Alpha, still has no idea about his powers.

I was getting close to giving up but all the others cheered for me. We even went through what they called a simulation to get me to develop my power. They put me in cold spaces, hot spaces, airless spaces, all the spaces you can think of because they said it might trigger my power. But, unfortunately, nothing. After everything, my powers still haven't bloomed.

So on the weekend, while they were outside, I mope all day in my room. I also wouldn't dare to go out because Harry would be working out to improve his super strength. And I think you know why I don't want to see that. I sound like a girl.

"Gabe?" I hear Lucy's voice beyond my door.

"Yeah?" I scream as loud as I can. I heard the lock click and the door open.

"The Elders are looking for you, I think they want you to visit the ocean."

"Is this another simulation?" I groaned.

"Yeah. Don't worry, I'll be there in case you drown." She affirmed with a smile.

Okay? At least as I was safe. But these simulations are tiring. It was okay at the beginning but everytime we do these, I expect to come out with a power and be stronger, yet I end up empty-handed and that frustrates me, so I think I'd rather not.

Lucy was very persistent to get me to come with them but I really am not feeling myself. I fought with her for a minute before giving up because I know the elders wouldn't take no for an answer even though I can make them.

"I'll be downstairs." I said to Lucy with a tired smile.

"Are you sure?" She questioned. I understand where the doubt came from.

"Yes. I will. Just give me five minutes." I replied. She gave me a reassuring smile that I've grown accustomed to for the past days.

She left the room without saying anything else and I forced myself to get out of my bed.

I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up, meditating to clear my head for the meantime. My thoughts still need sorting and I can't do that now.

I was walking down the stairs when I smelled something. Chills ran down my spine at the familiarity of it, like my nose had encountered this scent before, but I can't point my finger on where.

Slowing down my steps, my wolf told me to tiptoe and quiet down. It might have sensed danger. I was slowly walking in on the wolves on the living room - Onda, Lucy, Ivan, and the four elders were the only ones not training.

I walked up to them, my wolf instinctively going in front of them to somehow protect them. I hear protests from them but I ignored it.

"Heyo, Parsch. What's up." I hear the door smack open and the voice could be heard throughout the house. That familiar naturally angry voice now had a face and it was standing before me.

My heart was in my ear beating loudly. I seem to break into cold sweat and I stopped in my steps. I didn't know what to think. But the majority of my thoughts were 'How am I going to protect this pack while going against this man?' but the other that was loudly ringing in my mind was 'This was the voice of the man in Reez' house. The one he called father. Is Reez really a part of them?'

I didn't know what to do and I can't even turn my head back towards the people behind me because of the immense fear in my veins.

"Where's your Alpha, mate? I can smell a new wolf here." He said before moving his nose and sniffing loudly. I stood still.

"I-" I was about to say when Ivan interrupted me.

"We still don't have one. It's a new member of the pack." This time I gathered the courage to look at him. He was behind me to my left.

I see the Alpha look behind him and I also did the same. There stood a figure I have only seen now, standing between Onda and Elder Vix.

"Really? You expanded even though you still don't have an Alpha?" He narrowed his eyes at them.

I was confused. I looked at everyone else but no one was paying me attention. I see the glares in their eyes but fear inside them. What I didn't understand was that I was standing right there but he seemed to see right through me. Literally.

He walked around and I took that chance to run behind the wall leading to the kitchen without making any noise. My eyes kept staring at the man beside Onda. Who is he?

"Hmmm. I could just take you right now and you wouldn't even fight back." He said, situating himself at the couch on our living room. A low growl escaped my throat.

"But where's the fun in that?" He continued and immediately stood up. "I'll be coming back for you, Parsch. And if you still don't have an Alpha, don't think I'll pardon you." He warned. It took everything in me to not pounce at this man but I resisted.

He was now at the doorway and stopped, tilting his head back slightly and smirking mischievously. He was not only stubborn but he was also too full of himself.

We heard the car start and the tires squeaking off the road. I see Elder Patt rush to the window and turned to us saying, "They're gone."

As soon as we heard it the other wolves poured inside.

"What happened? We saw everything from outside but Harry told us not to come in." Savana rushed to the elders.

"Alpha, where are you?" Elder Faeris looked around and I went out.

They looked at me as I walked near them. They had worried looks, especially Harry, and something in me twitched at the sight of his sad and concerned face. However, the wolves inside were smiling at me.

"Alpha." Lucy smiled.

"What happened?" I asked confusedly.

"That's what we want to ask, too, Alpha. Why did you just suddenly disappear?" Elder Jone smiled.

"What? He disappeared?" Harry stepped forward.

"His power." Onda chimed.

"Invisibility?" Ivan asked the same question that ran through my head.

"I don't think it's just invisibility." Elder Faeris looked at me. "We need to train to make sure, but I think it's stealth."

"Stealth? That's kinda weak for an Alpha, don't you think? I mean I was expecting I can control the elements." I laughed.

"Your power is not weak, Alpha. It's one of the most powerful if you use it smartly." Looking at it now, it was indeed useful hiding from Rowan.

"What was Rowan doing here?" Harry asked.

"To check on our Alpha. Luckily, his fear triggered his power and he made himself invisible." Elder Faeris announced and everyone looked at me smiling.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered to myself. "Wait then who was that other-" I stopped in my tracks when I couldn't see the other man anywhere anymore.

"When you disappeared right in front of us, we knew we had to make a distraction. I then delivered that message to Onda using my power and he used hers. That was a hologram. She could make them realistic in appearance. We're lucky he didn't touch it because then his hands would run through air only." Elder Jone explained.

I seemed to process everything faster because I was more excited that I developed my power. I could become invisible. Well, no struggle in avoiding Reez or Harry when I could just make myself vanish. I chuckled at the thought.

"We need to continue training. Now that we know what's coming to us soon." Elder Faeris declared and everyone agreed.

I need to work hard for this pack, and I will do anything in my power to defend them.
