
The Given || Alpha

Gabe felt out of place, being ignored by his only family. But that got even worse, and that took a hit on him. He lost everything even his reputation and his dignity that he never would've imagined he would loose. But after every door closing is a new chapter beginning, he left his family, only to be part of the ones he needed.

yander · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs


"Thank you, Reez. But I really think that I should probably show my face at home first." I denied his invitation of making me stay at his house.

At first it was just a casual nudge, telling me that I can stay here for as long as I'd like. I said no, and he looked dejected. It fueled my supposition that something was going on in their family and it physically affected Reez.

He convinced me again, this time with a sad hint to his face that I doubt he notices. That made me second thought. However, I knew that if I stayed here longer, I wouldn't have a home to attend to. And whoever Reez was scared of, I'm sure I will be afraid to, so I decided to deny him again.

He looked down, I could tell he was lonely at this house. And going out of his room, I could see why. His house was half the size of our school. I don't know if he even see his parents in this big building but I was sure if he didn't have company, he would be lonely by himself. I wanted to ask him why his house was so big but I reserved that for another day.

And by another day, I meant tomorrow as I'd promised him. "I'll be back." I couldn't resist telling him that because he looked so in need of a friend. He probably has tons in school but the Good Samaritan in me wanted to participate, too.

"Don't be gone too long." He waved at me as he stopped by their gates, letting me leave on my own. I smiled. There was something so soft and sentimental about his words that made me feel valuable.

My mother also used to tell me that when I was young and I begged her to play outdoors. She always told me to come back early because of the bugs and insects outside that would come to bite me.

Then, I remembered that dream. It didn't bother me now as much as it did before because I grew and came to terms with it. I know that dwelling over something that happened in my past was unhealthy. I already let it change me, I was not going to let it hinder me anymore.

After discovering the next day what happened to my mother, I didn't quite understand it before so I didn't cry a lot over it, but now I regret that I didn't. I should've cried. I should've held onto her casket when they tried to lower her to the ground. Yet I didn't.

I shook away my thoughts, my mother's death happened almost 10 years ago and I have found the strength to move on. Not as fast as my father did, as he already came to marry another woman two years after that event, but I got over it. Accepted the fate that I had. And I will continue accepting that knowing I had a big change coming in my direction.

Speaking of which, all that thinking to my self led me home safely. I might have crossed the roads dangerously but at least I got home in one piece.

"Gabe Serim Haxel. Sit in front of me now!" Greeted my father as soon as I stepped in the house. I saw my stepmother beside him too looking at the way she always do, with distaste.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" He asked exasperatedly. I could tell he was more annoyed at me than every other days. "I thought I heard you say last night that it wouldn't happen again? Then what is this?" He continued, letting her wife shove the phone to my face that played that scandalous video of mine.

"I don't know what happened!" I tried to excuse. I knew they wouldn't believe me but at least I know to myself that I was telling the truth.

"And now you're drinking and going to parties without our permission? You know damn well why I don't let you go out on your own." Now they were sharing the same look on their faces, disbelief and disgust. But I didn't know. I was never given an explanation why I needed to prison myself in this house where nothing is ever considered for me.

I don't know what took over me, but whatever it was was beyond my control. Never had I talked back to my parents, excluding my step mom, before in my life. Ever. So when I yelled "I AM NOT A KID ANYMORE, OKAY?" I knew, I was screwed.

My father stood up and I was sure I was gonna get hit. But again, involuntarily, my body decided to stand, as well, and stand up to him as if I was taunting him more.

I wanted it to stop. Why am I doing this? I don't want to be in more trouble than I already am.

"Darling." His wife held him back when she saw a fight was about to go down between us.

"Fix yourself and get to school! The professors are looking for you!" He yelled at me, pointing with his shaking hand to my room. He was probably too angry that it shocked him. I mean, I was shocked, too.

Finally, not making matters worse, I obeyed and trudged to my room, pacing directly to my bathroom without taking any clothing articles off for a cold shower that I severely needed. I was still slightly hot headed, as if I'm going through puberty and being an angsty teenager over and over again.

I made it out of the house after 30 minutes without making any contact with the two of them. Luckily, the twins were already at school because I might just encourage them to talk back to our parents like that if they even watched me do it. Hey, they were stupid but they had a heart.

I walked to the school quickly, my footsteps faster than I have ever been because of the anger that still sizzled in me. However, as soon as school came to view and I could see the students entering and are already inside the campus, my steps slowed. It was as if I know this was gonna be the worst school day of my life.

When I entered the gates, I already got a few stares. I used to want attention, but now it was the thing I hated most. I feel eyes all over me and somehow, I find it disgusting, like an itch that I just want to get rid of.

"Yoo. Look who's here. It's Gabe the Brave." Marty, another bully in my class, started and everyone laughed with him.

Was it that bad? If this was on TV, a nerdy guy beating up the baddest bully, I would definitely become loved by everyone, treat me like a hero. But in reality, I became infamous, and I didn't know why. Or maybe I knew and they did, too. I was gonna die before this day ends, anyway, so there was no need to throw me a parade or something. If anything, I wanted to hide, be a shadow or be invisible just like I was before. But that seemed unlikely.

"Gabe Haxel. Calling the attention of Gabe Haxel, please proceed to the Counselor's office." The speakers, which I believed were all around the campus, boomed at everyone's ear. All eyes, again, in the classroom were focused on me and I tried hard not to sink myself further down my seat.

The rest of the mean students snickered at me, cheering and clapping and whistling like I was a jock participating in the biggest sport in school.

I exited the room, trying to shut down the voices and murmurs that I'm sure was about me. Those hurt more, honestly. It had more emotional impact because I would rather hear the insults, hear what they were calling me, that way I wouldn't have to force myself to do it on my own and overthink things.

It was hell. But at least I escaped it, for now. I was basically called to the counselor to be informed that I'm suspended for a week. That was painful. I love my studies. I love getting good grades, and me having no friend at all, can't keep that up if I were to miss 1 week of classes because I have no one to ask for notes at the end of the day.

To make everything worse, after walking only ten steps out of said office, I met the devil himself. Harry was standing in the middle of the empty hallway in between the lockers.

I gulped. Was this better? That no one else was around to witness my embarrassing fall? Or was it worse because I know no one could interfere with us at all? He only glared at me. Or was it that same look that he had all the time? I don't really care because right now, the wheel of fortune in his head only had my name in it and it was only a matter of time before it stopped spinning and would result to my death. That wasn't fun at all.

I see him walk closer to me and I feel my legs shaking, turning to jelly the more he steps forward. I wanted to run. But what was the point of delaying the inescapable? And also probably because my feet wouldn't move regardless of how strong I willed it to step somewhere.

Seconds later, I was facing Harry's neck. He was a lot taller than I was and I wanted to push him away for that, but what would that bring me?

"Huh. Seems like your taking the change very well." His voice was deep, and it sent shivers to my spine.

"Y-you mean from being invisible to being the center of attention all of a sudden? Yup." I don't know where I got the strength to even answer back.

"I'll wait for you." He leaned down and whispered in my ear, letting his chin graze the hurting side of my shoulder. I flinched a little and looked up at him.

Bad idea. I hit the side of his face and that made him back up a bit, putting his hand over it. I covered my mouth with my hand in disbelief, I am seriously digging my grave deeper than it already is.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I stuttered like crazy. I thought maybe that apology would make him rethink about killing me? I doubt it but one can hope.

"I'll get you, soon, Haxel." He growled, turned around, and walked away, making me confused.

I mean, he could have me now, I was literally ready for it. But why?

Oh no. Did he think he would leave me alone first to mentally torture me and drive me out of my mind, and then get me after? If that was it, then may the ground swallow me now.

But I was still lost, still stunned at what happened between us. I still have my limbs with me. No bruises, no black eyes, no broken ribs, and no blood.

Wait, just thinking about it now, I didn't see a single speck of purple or green or blue in his face. Did he really shield all my punches? I was sure after seeing the video that I landed at least a punch or two. Were my punches that weak? Then why was he lying on the ground?

I had so many more questions than that and I wasn't sure who to come to to ask and open up.

I didn't realize that I had been standing there for a full 45 minutes before I heard the bell ring and I watched students pour out of their rooms. Out of all the sea of people, I only saw Reez. He gave me a little smile before returning to his poker face. I understood that, he didn't want to be seen be nice to me if he wants to keep his status at school. Seeing him smile to me though gave me hope that we were still okay. And I'm also okay with that.
