
The Given || Alpha

Gabe felt out of place, being ignored by his only family. But that got even worse, and that took a hit on him. He lost everything even his reputation and his dignity that he never would've imagined he would loose. But after every door closing is a new chapter beginning, he left his family, only to be part of the ones he needed.

yander · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
17 Chs


I hated it. It had only dawned on me that I was more or less the only one getting punished. Not the students who just stood there videotaping my outburst and also tolerating bullying. Not Harry who probably had hurt more people than I ever did in my entire life because the professors were too scared to face him, what more when they would tell him off, they would be likely be pissing their pants.

I groaned. Not only was I cooped up in my house for the whole week, forbidden to go out. But I also have this uncontrollable urge in me to break away and escape. I know better not to, but why was the itch inside me begging for me to do things I wouldn't normally do?

That's when I decided, fuck it, I could do whatever I want. I didn't care if I will be punished for my entire life after doing this, it's just I needed this. I feel like I should not be constrained like this.

"You are to stay in this room until your suspension is over and I will not hear anything else from you!" My father's words rang in my head the moment I stepped outside the house in the middle of the night.

Something in me growled, like I despised those words. I could care less that they were practically starving me to death, what I can't be is bored to death. So I found myself retracing my steps to Reez' house.

It was stupid of me to not remember that their house had a massive gate that I had no access to. I already went this far to go back and return, I needed to figure out how to enter the house without being noticed. The fixed cameras all over the property is making this difficult for me. But I think I could do this.

I calculated the angle that the camera was taking and made a mental note on how much area they could view. I did this for every camera I saw from the gate, reserving in my mind the tiny spaces that the camera could not detect. With much effort, I did it. I think I did, I didn't hear an alarm or anything went off. I supposed there were no guards in this compound. Now to find, from memory, Reez' room and dodge the remaining cameras.

To my surprise, he wasn't in his bed. I managed to climb to outside his window, I don't know how I did it but I was now hanging on to whatever my hands could grab to prevent my fall. The windows were locked and I have no access to get in. I thought if I saw him in his bed, I would make subtle noise to wake him and let me in. But he wasn't in his bed, where-

I stopped looking around when I saw a door open, I realized it was his bathroom door as I see him abound from inside it wearing his pajamas while he dried his black hair. I stood there watching him freeze on his steps as soon as he made eye contact with me. He must have noticed it was me since he hurriedly went to his window and opened it. I dramatically entered and rolled on the floor. Only now have I noticed how numb my fingers felt from holding myself up.

"What happened? W-What are you doing here?" He sounded so concerned, it made me feel warm. Protected, even. Oh wait, no I'm not gay.

I groaned, not finding the energy in me yet to answer that question. I was still pondering over that speck of emotion I felt. Was I really turning gay? What is happening to me?

He didn't say anything when I didn't answer him, only lifting me up and guiding me to his bed.

"Hold on let me get you something to drink." He rambled, running outside the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts as I stared into his ceiling. I only noticed now that it was painted with the galaxy, maybe it didn't really seem special now because I have seen it before. I've seen it in those eyes.

I shook my head. I was getting THOSE thoughts again. I presumed I could sort out my thoughts without him in the room but apparently, it only made it worse.

I hear the door open again and see him with the same tray he had the first time I was here. I thought he was only getting me something to drink but I saw a full meal on top of it.

"I assumed you haven't eaten anything yet so I brought you this." He told me. It amazes me how he didn't sound like my bully. He was far from that.

"Thank you." I choked out, not wanting to keep this awkward atmosphere that I know only I can feel.

"Tell me what happened." He asked one more time as I began digging in the food.

"I was suspended and now I'm grounded." I told him curtly, stating the obvious.

"Then why are you here?"

"I didn't like feeling imprisoned in my own room." I answered. He must have understood as silence followed us.

"H-How did you get in?" He asked after some time. His eyes were wide, looking at me in disbelief.

"I snuck in. Why?"

"Impossible. I hope no one saw you." He was tense, at some point he was about to tremble.

"With this grand size of a house, I'm sure no one did." I laughed. He chuckled with me, too, but I could tell it was forced.

"Is that why you were called to the counselor's office this morning?" He asked. At first I didn't understand, but then I realized he was talking about my suspension.

"Uh yeah." I scratched the back of my head, finishing my food and downing the glass of water. "Thank you."

"No problem." He told me as he grabbed the tray away from me, setting it on the table beside his bed. I just realized that everytime I was here he was always offering me food in bed.

"So I'm assuming you haven't met Harry yet? Since, you know, you're still alive and well." He grinned.

"Actually, I did." He gasped dramatically and I could laugh at his face if I didn't find it cute. Wait. I shook my head.

"Really? Then he didn't kill you?" Amused, he questioned.

"Not yet. He did tell me he will get me soon though." I said it like I wasn't afraid of it. Was I really showing off to him? Oh dear.

"Man. Tough luck." He uttered. He was still sitting beside me, legs hanging from the mattress while I was in the center, looking like I owned this place.

He was very nice. He was hospitable and very accommodating. That makes me wonder more why he felt the need to put up a front and act like an asshole in front of everyone at school.

"Here. You left this." He handed me my glasses. My face contorted. Have I really been living the past day without my glasses on? I didn't even notice.

"Uh. T-thank you." I stuttered. I began feeling nervous why this suddenly happened. Did my eyes get perfect vision just like magic?

"Is something wrong?" He must have sensed my distraught as he asked that.

"Nothing. Umm. Can I stay the night here?" I pleaded, but I already knew the answer. It was just to make things formal.

"Of course. You told me you'd come back." I wasn't expecting that but it made me feel good. I thanked him as I moved off the bed.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to sleep on the floor." I stated. I didn't really mind sleeping on the floor, besides it was still comfortable. And I really didn't want to bother him more so I positioned myself on the floor on the foot of his bed.

"NO!" He groaned. "Come up here." He peaked his head from the bed and looked down at me. Cute. Again.

"I'm okay here, really." I protested. But he was persistent to make me sleep in the same bed with him.

"Come on. It's not like it's gonna be your first time." Warning: Dirty thoughts. I groaned. This was the nth time my thoughts have gone somewhere they shouldn't be.

"Fine." I get up from the floor and went beside him. It was warmer and I fell asleep in no time.
