

Fifteen Years Ago, the Gate connecting the World with other Dimensions was opened, and various monsters appeared continuously, so Demon Hunters with different abilities also appeared called "Warriors".

To become a Warrior you would had to complete certain Trials. Even though anyone could become a Warrior, those who were registered as Warriors would be paid for their work. You had those who would be a Warrior for the sake of Peace and Prosperity.. But then you had those who only became a Warrior for Wealth, Fame or Power. The World is corrupted with Fake Warriors and Humans that even conspired against their own kind by joining these Monsters that roamed on the Earths.

Trial Class Ronin - Oda Ashikaga.

No matter where you go, this label was always with Oda.

Oda's overall strength is basically the same as that of an ordinary person. He's just a little bit stronger and heals a little faster from his wounds, but in other aspects, Oda is exactly the same as an ordinary person. Oda was born near a Mountain called Mount Zaō. From young age he lost his parents but was luckily adopted by a Family that lived on the Mountain. There was a small population in Mount Zaō. There lived mostly Blacksmiths who roamed Mount Zaō for only one important reason..

To find the Legendary Sword Of Mount Zaō!

The Legendary Shadow Sword is believed by many to be a Myth. According to the Legends of Mount Zaō, there was once a Man who was known as 'The Ghost Of Mount Zaō'.

According to the Legends, his name was Kushigama.

Five Hundred Years Ago a Thundering Raging Storm appeared fromout the Heavens and fromout the Grounds a Six Armed Devil appeared! The Civilians of Mount Zaō were filled with fear and despair as they thought they'd meet their end on Mount Zaō! Until a Man arrived.. Covered within Shadows and the Flesh of Slaughtered Demons and a Mask that brought even Terror to Devils! 

He had arisen from the Shadows and carried a Katana that frightened the Demons. It was a Full-Black Pitched Katana that was covered with Shadows. According to the Legends, this Katana was known as 'Onimaru Kunitsuna' . A Weapon that was able to Shapeshift into any form and that was able to cut through anything. It was the Most Powerful Weapon that could only be wielded by those Worthy. Anyone who would wield the Sword who was Unworthy would Perish in Flesh & Soul.

Onimaru Kunitsuna was wielded by Shinigami; The Legendary God Of Death. But after a fierceful fight, he was at last.. defeated. After The Ghost Of Mount Zaō passed away, he decided to hide the Weapon for those who would abuse its power. It was hidden inside of Mount Zaō, or so the Legends said. It was said that those who were Worthy of wielding Onimaru Kunitsuna.. Could rule over Earth & Hell.

Oda who was born in Mount Zaō, would always be obsessed with the Legendary Stories about The Ghost Of Mount Zaō. His dream was to find the Legendary Sword of Kushigama that he has hidden within the Mountain.. 

At the end of each mission, he was injured, and on several occasions he narrowly escaped death. Of course, Oda didn't like being a Warrior. He never truly had any desires to save Humanity. But he wanted to be strong so that he could protect his Family and Friends on Mount Zaō.

If it weren't for the Warrior Association or also known as the 'Ronin Sect' to provide Warriors with a certain amount of medical assistance, he would have thrown away his Trial Warrior License and resign long ago. He would always return Injured. He thought that if he'd fight Monsters and put himself in Danger, he would grow more powerful. But after all those attempts, he still failed to grow and to get a step closer on finding the Legendary Sword: Onimaru Kunitsuna.

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