
Chapter 2

James was in the middle of the ocean with no clue whatsoever regarding where he was.

Despite this situation he was still somewhat calm, he looked around for his motorcycle but he couldn't find it.

James started swimming and after around 30 minutes of swimming he saw a big ship coming towards him.

'Looks like a pirate ship, since when were there pirates roaming the world.'

The more he swam the closer he got to the ship, he looked at their jolly roger and saw a skull with a big red nose and some black makeup.

James's eyes widened and he said. "That flag looks familiar."

As he was near the ship he heard circus music playing and the shouts of people.

James started climbing on the ship and he looked at the people present on the boat.

He saw a big lion with golden fur, and a guy that had a red nose with a hat on his head.

Those were the only people that caught his attention.


He stepped on the deck and no one really noticed him because of the loud song and people screaming.

"Excuse me, but can you guys tell me where we currently are?"

James spoke calmly but everyone on the ship heard him.

The music stopped and everyone looked at the foreign person who was on their ship.

The guy with a red nose and blue hair had a cold look on his face and he said. "Who're you?"

"James Lee, I don't think you guys heard about me though."

The clown's eyes furrowed and he said. "Capture him!"

A lot of guys started to surround him, most of them had ugly faces and weird makeup on their face.

James had a slight smile on his face and he said "Well, I guess trying to reason with pirates is no good."

One guy came very close to him with his weapon in his hand.


The man swung his weapon but before he could hit him, James attacked his chin with extreme speeds, making the man unable to see that attack.


The man's head recoiled backwards and he hit the floor.

To the normal eye it looked like James didn't even move his leg, because after hitting him he put his leg back to its original position.

The others were frozen in surprise and they looked at the guy who was on the floor.

His chin was not where it was supposed to be and blood was coming out of his nose and mouth.

'That guy was weaker than expected, looks like it was a wise decision to not go too hard at the start.'

He didn't even hit him with all of his strength and he was already on the ground from just one hit.

"What are you guys doing?! Go catch him!"

The guys snapped out of it and came after James at the same time.

*BAM* *BAM* *BAM* *BAM*....

None of the members could even put a scratch on him, he just avoided all of their attacks and knocked them out in one hit.

In a short amount of time every person that came after him was down to the ground with pretty serious damage.

His ability is referred to as the ability to fight unseen, from the victim's point of view you can't see where his attacks are coming from at all since he attacks your blind spots with such extreme speed that you can't even see his attacks coming.

Back in his world this was called a type of mastery, there were a lot of types of masteries but his was probably the most annoying and fast out of all of them.

Annoying because even if you were stronger than him you still wouldn't be able to land one hit on him.

But even if you could hit him, you would still have a hard time fighting against him since his body is considered perfect.

The clown and other guys who weren't down looked at James with wide eyes.

James Lee looked at them and said. "You guys should just give up. You're not a threat to me."


A knife came from the back of his head aiming to stab him but James swung his head down and punched the hand at the same time.

He looked upwards at the empty floating hand in the air and thought. 'There's no doubt about it.

This is the world of One Piece.

And the hand who tried to stab me belongs to that clown there, Buggy.'

He looked at Buggy and thought with a wild expression with a malicious grin punctuated by sharp teeth and said. "Now this is exciting!"


He looked like a different person when his expression shifted from his calm one to his wild one.


A guy on an unicycle came near him and swung his sword towards his face.


James kicked him in the temple sending him flying to the ground.


A guy on the big lion he saw earlier came from his back, the lion swung his claws towards his body.


James kicked his front legs and the lion started falling forwards.

*BAM* *BAM* *BAM*....

He sent a barrage of kicks to the lion and the guy on the lion at high speeds making them unable to even attack.


He finished off the lion with a punch to the eye and he said. "Even I would get hurt if a lion were to scratch me."

James looked back and saw Buggy come towards him with a lot of knives in both hands.

Well, it was weird since there were no legs and Buggy was flying but that was not a problem.

*BAM* *BAM* *BAM*...

James Lee attacked him relentlessly with both kicks and punches until he got bored.

He looked at Buggy who was on the floor and thought with his usual calm expression. 'These guys are probably the weakest pirates in the world, they would amount to nothing in the grand line.

And yet they are not weak, some of them actually have impressive physical feats.

And to think my life wouldn't get more exciting.'

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