
The Genius Leader Of The Magical Country

Wagola, year 3025. A very happy family has three very handsome sons. Felix Walker and Emily's family, along with their three children, Edward, Edric, and Alan, live happily even in simplicity. They live their lives harmoniously on a farm owned by the family. They have everything because the land they own is vast. Felix and Emily manage a farm that is inherited from the Walker family, who was then bankrupt. The two of them had just gotten married when they came to the ranch, and they started to improve things little by little with their hard work, and of course, their efforts paid off. They both started to make money, and by the time their first son was born, they were in pretty good shape economically. Their happiness as a small family with a child and having a fairly good income made their first son, Edward, not lack nutrition and nutrition so that he grew up to be a very smart child. By the time he was in kindergarten, little Edward was already good at distinguishing colors and was also good at counting. His memory is quite strong, and he could read fluently before entering school. The happy family lived in peace until they had three sons who were very handsome and intelligent. The farms and plantations they manage are increasing, and the results are so abundant that they can then send their three sons, who are only two years apart each, to the city. All three are special children who have advantages in their respective fields of education. A few years later, all three have graduated from college, and Edward, the eldest son of the Felix Walker family, mysteriously disappears. Felix and Emily felt very sad and hopeless when they did not find their son's whereabouts. They can't even tell if their son's fate is alive or dead. Edward's two brothers, who then searched for the whereabouts of their eldest brother, also disappeared, and what happened to Edward was repeated. Now Emily and Felix live alone with very sad feelings until ten years later an event that they did not expect. The whole city of Wagola was shocked by the presence of a new country that was very sophisticated and modern. It all started with the appearance of magical items circulating among them. The whole city was in an uproar. Finally, the truth was revealed that there was a new country, a very magical country with various sophisticated and modern equipment and equipment. That country is led by a very genius young man. Felix and Emily, who heard the news, hoped that maybe his son was in that magical land. How did the two of them struggle to get to that magical land? Will the two of them meet their three sons? Who is the real leader of this magical land? What do they find in the land that many call a wonderland? There are many secrets and very mysterious events that occurred during those ten years, follow the full story in the book The Genius Leader Of The Magical Country by author Aveesa Huay

Aveesa_Huay · Khoa huyễn
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Declared Dead

Emily was very shocked by the sad news she received about the death of her son because the airline had given an official announcement to the entire family of passengers that all the passengers and crew of the ill-fated plane had all died and none of them survived.

The identification process is currently underway, so it was Felix and Edrick who went to the identification post near the south pole where the plane crashed. They were both asked to come for a DNA test and they had to leave immediately, while Emily was accompanied by Alan at home. They were both very sad and after the news spread, the school where Edward studied also came including Philip, the last person with Edward.

"Mrs. Emily, we are so sorry to hear about Edward's passing, we never expected something like this to happen and it is our fault for giving the wrong ticket to Edward."

Said Philips who immediately got a sharp glare from Mrs. Emily. What Philip said to Emily made no sense. How could the British destination be mistaken for buying a ticket to be the destination for America, it was clear that there was an element of intent, according to Emily.

"Mr. Philip, I absolutely cannot accept the guilt that caused my son's death. I will make the calculations with your school. Unless you tell the truth what do you mean by changing the destination of my son's flight."

Emily is very angry with Philip and related parties who she thinks are deliberately changing Edward's goals while it is not clear what their real purpose is in doing so. Philip himself didn't have an answer he could say to Emily so he immediately begged Emily to say goodbye. Philip himself didn't know why Edward's destination had changed because the school only said that someone in America would pick him up and take him to England because at that time the person who was supposed to pick up Edward was traveling to the United States.

"You guys are irresponsible!"

Emily cursed when Philip begged to say goodbye. Alan could only calm his mother and he also promised to thoroughly investigate the accident that caused his eldest brother to die in this incident.

"Mother, you should rest first and let Brother Edward go. Edrick and I will find out what happened when he comes back. The most important thing right now is that Mother must take care of your health for Edward's sake."

Alan loves his mother very much, he can't stand to see Emily sad like this. Alan escorted Emily into the room and waited for her mother to fall asleep, after which she immediately returned to meet guests and relatives, and neighbors who had come to offer their condolences for Edward's death.

Meanwhile somewhere, a beautiful girl was currently cleaning the wound on the head of a young man she had saved. The girl was on patrol because she was on duty that night. She accidentally found a man lying covered in wounds in the snow.

The girl then took her home and is currently cleaning and treating the wounds on the man's body. Luckily the girl knew a little about how to treat people. After she finished, she immediately turned on the heater and left the still unconscious man to resume her unfinished work.

"Floryn, where have you been? You just want to leave your job. Don't you know that your work isn't done yet?"

The head of the department where Floryn worked scolded the girl who turned out to be named Floryn. While Floryn just smiled vaguely because she was indeed guilty, Floryn also wouldn't say that she had just found a man who was currently seriously injured and was sleeping at her house.

"I'm sorry Mr. Andrew! I had a sudden stomach ache and I decided to go home because I had to go to the toilet."

Floryn reasoned. The girl did live in the area of ​​the farm where she worked. Earlier she was on patrol around the farm and when she found the injured man she immediately took him back to her home which is still in the same location as the farm where she works.

Actually, Floryn is a very beautiful and smart girl, but all that is not visible because she always dresses like a man while always wearing a mask on her face because she does take care of the cows on the farm for milking.

"Okay! I forgive you this time, but next time I will punish you if you make mistakes like this again!"

Mr. Andrew threatened Floryn who only answered him with a nod and a smile. The girl was a bit stubborn, she was not at all afraid of Andrew's threats, even though Andrew was very upset, but he also couldn't stop Floryn from working because she was very diligent and sincere.

Andrew immediately left the farm when it was time for Floryn to go back to her house, she only worked one hour in the morning, one hour in the afternoon, and one hour in the afternoon. Now Floryn is back at her house, but before that, she stopped by an automatic machine that sells daily necessities including vegetables and other necessities.