
Hello Again

"Hey there, lil' thug. Looks like I won't be buying you strawberries anymore," Ziggy grinned as he approached Xhemin in the heart of the strawberry field.


Huzey, bent over a vine heavy with plump strawberry fruits, chimed in, "This is fantastic news, Xhemin. Look at these healthy fruits sprouting everywhere."


"Little Miss, I can already see this news spreading like wildfire from local headlines to the national spotlight!" Ang's excitement was palpable. "You've achieved the impossible – growing strawberries in this country!"


Xhemin's eyes widened, her joy mingling with apprehension. "Oh no, that might not be the best idea. Remember, our house rules dictate that anything from the ranch remains a secret," she cautioned Ang.


Her heart raced with the thrill of this achievement, but the events of the past couple of weeks had taught her the value of discretion. Keeping a low profile seemed wise, for now.


"But this news is worthy of national attention Little Miss, it is a breakthrough in our agricultural industry" Ang mumbled with a crumpled face. His joy earlier was now replaced with dismay.


"I know but I am not done with my experiments yet" Xhemin reasoned. "Besides, with all that has happened. It's a must that we keep eyes away from the ranch and from any of us,"


"I understand," Ang acknowledged, though a hint of disappointment lingered. He had envisioned their success being celebrated far and wide but the little Miss was right, keeping a low profile is a need these days.


"Let's savor this victory privately, at least for a while," Xhemin added softly, her gaze meeting Ang's understandingly. "We need to be careful."


A silent agreement settled between them – a pact to protect their newfound success from premature exposure and their family from potential threats.


"Ziggy, eyes twinkling with mischief, interjected, "Well, Xhem, you've managed to accomplish what seemed impossible. Strawberries in Hampshire."


Huzey nodded in agreement, a grin playing on his lips. "I never doubted it for a second. You've outdone yourself."


Blushing with a mix of pride and shyness, Xhemin playfully retorted, "Señorito, your faith in me is heartwarming." She leaned in, planting a kiss on Huzey's cheek before turning to Ziggy and repeating the affectionate gesture.


Laughter danced amidst the strawberry vines as the trio reveled in their achievement. Their camaraderie was a bond that had only grown stronger through shared efforts and dreams. They were still in the middle of celebrating when, Ellie, the Montreal estate's butler, appeared in the scene.


"Good day, Youngest Sire, Señorito, Little Miss," Ellie greeted with a polite bow, his presence as unobtrusive as ever.


Ziggy, ever the curious one, spoke up, "Ellie, what brings you all the way out here?"


"You of course!" Xhemin said with a thin laugh "Who else would Ellie check on here?"


A subtle smile played on Ellie's lips as he answered, "Youngest Sire, a matter requires your attention."


"Ellie, I repeat for the thousandth time that I am fine here in the ranch. Don't force me again to stay in the villa," Ziggy tried to brush Ellie away without hearing the butler first. He was so done with his family's appeal to make him stay in the Montreal's Villa following the recent incident. "Can't they leave me alone? I want to stay here, not at the villa."


"That is not what I am here for Youngest Sire" Ellie answered.


"What is it then?" Ziggy asked again, more curious.


"Considering the recent threat to your safety, your father has decided that a bodyguard is necessary," Ellie said casually as if the news he just laid down was nothing serious. With years of training and experience as a butler, Ellie had cultivated a neutral tone that made it seem as though everything he uttered was simply a directive from higher authorities, shielding his personal involvement.


"What?" Ziggy exclaimed, caught off guard. His eyes widened as his hands aggressively raked through his hair in frustration. "A bodyguard? Ellie, you're aware that I despise the idea of someone constantly shadowing me. And, a bodyguard? It's like painting a target on my back for everyone to see. What will people think? That I, the youngest Montreal, can't even safeguard my own life?"


Ellie maintained his composed demeanor, unperturbed by Ziggy's reaction. "Youngest Sire, I understand your discomfort with having employees hovering around you. However, the person your father has suggested is not just a bodyguard. He's more like a companion or a friend who can keep you company. I assure you, he won't be recognized as a bodyguard,"


Ziggy's frustration slowly ebbed as Ellie's words sank in. He shot a skeptical glance at the butler. "A companion? You expect me to believe that?"


"Youngest Sire..." Ellie's voice remained even, "...due to the threat to your life, your father insists that you should have this companion."


"No!" Ziggy's voice escalated sharply. How on earth had his father come up with such an absurd notion?


"He stated that if you reject this proposal, he'll have no option but to confine you to the capital until it's deemed safe," Ellie continued, undeterred by Ziggy's outburst.


"What?" Another piece of news ignited Ziggy's irritation. "And what about school?"


"I apologize, Youngest Sire, but your safety takes precedence over schooling," Ellie responded, maintaining his neutral tone. Yet, beneath his composed exterior, Ziggy's close friends discerned the hidden message: Director Montreal was essentially blackmailing his son. This revelation underscored the seriousness of the threat to Ziggy's life. His father's hands were tied, leading him to hire additional protection.


"Ziggy, just hear it out," Xhemin interjected, her voice laced with concern. She had already grasped the gravity of the situation. "Having a companion doesn't have to be a negative thing."


"Your father is genuinely concerned about your well-being," Huzey spoke, his voice gentle yet firm, aiding Xhemin in her attempt to convince the Youngest Sire. "Please, Ziggy, consider this for your safety."


After a moment of hesitation, Ziggy's resistance seemed to give way. "Fine, Ellie. Just make sure you find someone who won't raise suspicions as my bodyguard. I won't have people thinking I'm weak."


Ellie's expression relaxed, relieved that the Youngest Sire seemed open to the idea. "Of course, youngest sire. I've personally vetted the person I have in mind, and he can seamlessly blend in as your companion."


"Who is this person, then?" Ziggy's curiosity sparked, intrigued by the prospect of finding someone who could convincingly play the role of a friend within his own age group.


"It's me," a familiar voice responded, and a young boy stepped forward, offering a respectful greeting. "Hello again, Youngest Sire!"


Ziggy's eyes widened, his heart seeming to skip a beat. He couldn't believe the twist of fate before him. "You!" he exclaimed, disbelief and frustration ringing in his voice. "How can this be?"


The young boy, Samuelle, remained calm and composed, unaffected by Ziggy's outburst. "Hello, Señorito and Little Miss," he greeted Xhemin and Huzey politely, as if Ziggy's reaction had not even registered.


Xhemin recognized Samuelle as the boy who had come to Ziggy's aid during the accident. She extended her hand for a handshake, aiming to steer the conversation toward a more positive direction. "Hello, Samuelle. Feel free to call me Xhemin."

"Little Miss, you can simply call me Sam," he responded with a friendly smile, shaking her hand.


"Sam it is, then. Nice to meet you," Xhemin replied with genuine warmth.


Ziggy's frustration seemed to boil over anew, his voice rising with agitation. "Ellie, how could you do this to me? This person can't protect me! That person even molested me"




A stunned silence fell over the scene. Both Ellie and Samuelle were frozen in shock at Ziggy's accusation, exchanging bewildered glances as they tried to make sense of this unexpected revelation. What is the young sire talking about?


"Cough..cough..cough.." Coughing softly, Xhemin attempted to divert everyone's attention away from the tension.


In the midst of what seemed a very awkward moment, Huzey stepped in, swiftly grabbing Ziggy and firmly guiding him away from the strawberry field.


"Ellie let me speak to the youngest sire first," Huzey told as he dragged and locked Ziggy in his arms.


"Of course, Señorito," Ellie agreed, unsure of how to respond to this sudden turn of events.


"Let go of me Huzey! It's the truth! He molested me!" Ziggy tried to escape from Huzey's hands. However, no matter what squeezed and flipped he did, Huzey was just too strong for him. He was dragged on like a little kid without zero chance of escaping.


"I'm sorry, the Youngest Sire is not well enough yet" Xhemin reasoned out to Ellie and Sam, trying to hide away Ziggy's foolishness. She ran away embarrassed and followed to help Huzey drag the youngest sire away.

'God! Ziggy the gorilla outburst is just insane!' she screamed at her head.


Editor: AeAI, Grm, Ynel

Zijaycreators' thoughts
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