

This story takes place in the future before and after the turn of the 32nd century.

Mankind had to evolve to survive the world's new harsh climates. Earth had been sent into a frenzy of despair after the start of World War VIII. The world's many different nations used nuclear weapons on each other and resulted in tremendous loss of life around the world. There seemed to be no safe place to hide or to shelter. This caused the earth to move off course of its orbit around the sun and changed the seasons permanently. Summer was now winter, and fall was now spring. There was nearly a global extinction of life, due to the season rotation.

90% of plant life was destroyed alongside 75% of aquatic/marine plant life. The animals and fish were nearly wiped out. There were 5-10 safe zones on each continent. In these safe zones people came and gathered as many animals as they could and started building colonies. Each safe zone would have anywhere from 12,000 – 25,000 people and 100- 1000 animals of each kind that could be brought there and saved from extinction. Though they were safe zones from the nuclear fallout, they weren't yet suitable to survive at for long term. So, many humans and animals alike died from starvation.

The ones that survived, had to adapt quickly, or die themselves. Humans began to develop animal like habits and organs. They began farming the land and raising the animals back up to a good population count. This was extremely difficult at first due to the change of the seasons. They had to learn from scratch the basics of horticulture and farming.

Humans started evolving into more wolf like characteristic beings with heightened senses of smell, taste, and hearing. With this evolution, reproduction changed among humans. There was no longer a need of just a male and a female to breed. Humans developed second genders. They developed different groups, these groups consisted of the Alpha's, the Beta's, and the Omega's.

Alphas could be with whomever they wanted to be with. Alphas can reproduce with anyone they chose if they were of the opposite sex. Except when it comes to Omegas. Since Omegas have a second gender alphas can reproduce with either male or female omegas. Alphas come from the strongest of the species. They are also the best looking of the groups. They are natural leaders. They are the Presidents, CEOs of all global corporations.

Betas were the individuals of the species that were slightly average, average, or slightly under average of the species. They aren't leaders but they aren't necessarily followers either. They are the managers of corporations and the complete composure of the governmental system. Only alphas can oversee the countries as presidents. They maintain the balance between the groups. Betas can only reproduce with people of the opposite sex. They are the good-looking group in their society.

Omegas are the bottom of the class list of their society. They are the laborers and farmers of the world. Most are mediocre at best in looks and are nowhere near wealthy like their higher-class counter parts of their society. Omegas are the only members of the species that developed a second gender. They can only reproduce with Alphas. However, getting the attention of an alpha or getting an alpha interested in them is the biggest challenge they face.

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