
The Gamer, Anime Edition

What would have happened if The Gamer happened in the Anime-verse? Shirogane Miyuki, the fortunate young lad, found his life turned into a video game. His whole reality turned into a quest for power, ladies, and grinding. Yeah, what kind of fool would refuse that kind of life? Not Miyuki, for damn sure! ... This is a crossover anime but with The Gamer as the power system and background. I got this inspiration from The Gamer, CHYOA Edition. If you don’t get it, it’s The Gamer from the porn site, not the webtoon. You will find it on Google if you’re curious and want the details.

Fourth_Reich · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

The School, The Vampire, The Gamer

"I'm disappointed with you, President; you're influenced by your own emotion," Sakayanagi Arisu sighed in disappointment.

Kaguya has left, now only the two of us are in the Student Council Room.

"No, it's you who is influenced by your own emotion, Sakayanagi-san," I reclined in my seat comfortably and said. "You stepped over the line and almost ruined my relationship with Kaguya with your stupid joke, and if this is not influenced by emotion, what is it called? You wanted nothing more than to satisfy your inner sadism. I just did what any rational man would do: speak for myself, defend my relationship, and come out on top from it, that's it."

"Tell me, Sakayanagi-san, who is influenced by emotion now?"

"If you're getting personal from it, it means my argument is valid. I guess you hate my guts because of it, don't you?"

"Yeah, I'm the one who remembers the grudge, President. I'm not at the level of hating you yet, not yet... However, our contract is finished. You're right, I'm getting affected by my own emotion and quitting because I can't stand the idea of you humiliating me in front of Shinomiya-san for your own gain." Sakayanagi Arisu glared.

She stood up from her seat and said, "Farewell, President, I'm quitting. I hope you can get a better member next time. And my grudge price is not cheap."

I sipped the black tea in my hand and sighed.

The one who defends all defends nothing. I knew this result would be inevitable when I sided with Kaguya and disregarded Arisu. There are no options for neutrality; it's either one side is happy and the other side is hurt when an argument and conflict start. The winner is happy, the loser is hurt. Not everyone welcomes defeat with open arms.

I know for sure, this incident has already garnered me solid allies and enemies who hold grudges against me at the same time. I can only prepare as best as possible to counter Arisu's revenge next time, I guess.


Shinomiya Kaguya POV

"He spoke the truth, Hayasaka, don't you see it?" I smirked victoriously as I glanced at the huge LCD screen before me, which showed the conversation between the President and the Principal's daughter.

He didn't lie about the fact that the relationship between him and Sakayanagi is fake. I deliberately moved away from the Council Room to eavesdrop on their conversation. As the daughter of one of the school's shareholders, I have the right and authority to monitor the school with a little bit of bribery. I let Hayasaka handle this problem like she usually did, and she delivered.

"So, what would you do about it, Miss Kaguya?" Hayasaka Ai asked tactfully.

"Of course, conquer him!" I declared.

Instead of being as high-spirited as I was, Hayasaka Ai gazed at me with a weird and compassionate look on her face, as if she were caring for a mentally ill patient, which offended me.

"What do you mean by that, Hayasaka?" I asked in annoyance.

"Nothing, Miss. Let's continue with your plan, shall we? Since you want to conquer the President, what would you do next?" she asked.

I was very pleased that Ai was very supportive of my plan. She has always been the best for me and supportive of everything I did, which made her more like a sister than a maid.

"For now, gather all the people on the list in the Council Room and bring the President along with them. Let's help the President recruit them. He should be grateful and worship me for it, fufufu…" I laughed haughtily, then handed over the recruitment list in my hand to Ai.

"Okay, Miss…" Hayasaka Ai accepted the list from me and left gracefully.

As expected from Hayasaka, she has always been very fast and efficient in her tasks. She is the best maid indeed. I smiled in satisfaction as the day seemed to be getting better and better.


Shirogane Miyuki POV

Achievement Unlocked: The Alpha Male

You have proven yourself to be an alpha male by showing that you can stay composed and in control even under pressure and come out on top from it.

Rewards: Scroll of Ninjutsu (20)

Achievement Unlocked: Your ex-girlfriend is Loligaki

Even though your relationship was short, it's still worth bragging about. Congrats, boy!

Rewards: +5 CHARISMA

Achievement Unlocked: First Mission Failure

Failure is not the end; it's just the beginning of something great. Cheer up and take this candy!

Rewards: Bubble Gum (20)

I picked up the bubble gum from the inventory and took it from my pocket as I swallowed it. I chewed it over and over again, spat it in the trash can, and left. After the incident, I had no mood to stay in this miserable place any longer and left, wandering aimlessly through the school halls. I had no goal, no purpose, or destination as I randomly walked around the school just for the sake of it, waiting for the bell to ring.

When I thought so, the blonde-haired gyaru girl approached me and said, "Miss Kaguya wants to speak with you, Shirogane-san. Follow me."

She didn't waste any unnecessary words and got straight to the point, telling me her purpose for talking with me and then turning back as I followed her lead.

As expected from the young lady from the Zaibatsu, who holds the lifeblood of Japan's economy, even their own servant was a popular gyaru in the Academy.

What was her name? Yeah, Hayasaka Ai.

I followed her calmly while my focus was on her swaying butt. Fortunately, I was known for my stoic demeanor and could keep my calm and gaze straight despite the distraction. I kept going as I followed her lead to the Council Room.

She didn't suspect anything, nor was I that intense in my staring. I'm just like any other cultured individual; I just appreciate her beauty, that's all.

"I have already brought him, Miss. Now, excuse me." Hayasaka Ai bowed and left, closing the door of the Council as I left with Kaguya and the candidate for the Student Council Union that she had apparently gathered neatly in one room.

"So, President, I have some questions. Was I hired to become an auditor for the Council?" Ishigami Yu raised his hand and asked.

"Yeah, you're hired. Every one of you is welcome to the Council," I explained with a smile.

"Yay…! You're the best, President." Fujiwara Chika threw herself at me like a tornado, catching me off guard as we slammed ourselves onto the sofa.

Her panties were brushing against my bulge as Chika looked at me with an embarrassed look.

Then she began to distance herself from me and snorted. "Humph! President is ecchi."

Fuck, she is the one at fault. Why am I taking the blame? This is ridiculous.

"President, care to tell me what she means?" Kaguya's gaze suddenly became scary as if she had noticed something, especially her gaze fixed on my bulging area.

Fortunately, the ring of the bell signaling the start of class saved my life.

"Ahem, everyone, let's end the meeting for now. Goodbye." I waved my hand and stormed off without hesitation, not waiting for them to react.

Achievement Unlocked: Your first forbidden fruit!

How does it feel having an ecchi moment with your to-be-lover best friend? Delicious, isn't it?

Rewards: +5 CHARISMA

Fuck you, game!

[Quest: Breaking Bad (1/5)]

[Detail: You have tasted forbidden fruit for the first time in your life, and you know you want it. You have seen how beautiful Hayasaka Ai is and how delightful it was when your cock brushed up against Chika's panties. Well, why don't you make it a reality? Get their first kiss and let yourself be liberated from this taboo feeling.]

[Reward: +30,000 EXP, Golden Apple (100), A.I. Jarvis]

I stopped in my tracks when the quest was presented before me. No matter how blunt and fucked-up the game was, the game was right. The taboo sensation of it still lingered in my mind. I never forgot this feeling. I shook my head and decided to calm myself in the ocean of books rather than indulge in this feeling. Considering my bulge had not yet calmed down, it seemed necessary to go to the bathroom first.

You know, it's not appropriate to go to class in this condition. With that determination, I strutted myself to the male toilet, and you know the rest.


Sakayanagi Arisu's POV

"So, it's failed?" My father sighed in disappointment as he sipped his coffee.

"Yes, Father, it's utterly failed," I reported truthfully.

"Well, I can't blame you. The idea itself was already ridiculous." He brushed it off as if it wasn't a big deal.

The idea of a fake girlfriend stemmed from me, not Father. He didn't care what method she used to approach the boy.

"Anyway, even if your mission failed, it doesn't mean we can't take back our observation and protection toward the boy. Let other classmates or whoever it is protect him, that's it. After all, he is just an ordinary human and bait. It would be bad if the Council President of the school died because of our negligence."

Yeah, he is the bait. That's the very reason why the school hired an ordinary boy like him to become President. Most of the student body in this place is too precious to be hurt. They are noble with high standing in society. Unlike Miyuki, only a commoner like him, smart but without power, was fit for this role, the role to be bait for all forces to take. They will do everything at their disposal to either win over the boy or kill him.

When he disappears or becomes a victim of other forces, no one will mourn for the boy or care about him, which makes it more convenient for him to take on the role of bait. Sure, Lady Kaguya has shown a tendency to care for the boy, but does it really matter? She is only a pitiful golden bird in a cage. Her fate was decided by her father's and brother's whims. She has no power to resist them. Even if the relationship between Shirogane and her worked, her family would never allow a commoner to approach her. They are pure elitists and people who see worth based on strength and background, and Miyuki has none of it. What a pitiful lad. He doesn't even know that he is being used as bait by us and thinks that what we did to him was out of generosity.

Our roles and duties were to observe any malicious forces that approached the school through the boy, and we would take immediate measures against them. We found The Hashashin among those who approached the boy. My task, given by Father, was to dismantle them silently without alerting anyone or risking revenge from The Hashashin.

"I will keep an eye on him and protect him, Father," I guaranteed.

"Good. I know you hold a grudge against the boy because of what he did to you, but do it moderately, Arisu. Don't break him or make too much noise about it," my father warned.

"Yes, Father." I bowed gracefully and left. Whether I truly listened to my father, let God decide the boy's fate.


Shirogane Miyuki's POV

After doing some exercise with my hand in the toilet, I sighed in relief when I saw my little bird had calmed down. However, this is not the end, as I suddenly slammed into someone outside the door.

When I saw who it was, I was shocked by her crimson eyes, which resembled a vampire's. I knew who she was—Fuuka Kiryuiin. Her eyes were supposed to be violet, not crimson. I stepped back and hurriedly closed the stall door of the toilet to avoid her, but her reaction was faster than mine. She slammed the stall door open with a bang and stared at me with her charming eyes.


"You seem very anxious. Why don't we find a quiet place to talk? I will tell you what most people in this school hide from you. Meet me in the rooftop after school." A gentle pat on my shoulder, then she was gone in a blur, leaving me bewildered. The fog of confusion thickened as Fuuka's swift exit sank in. I frowned at her powerful strength.

It seems I am no match for her if we fight, and I don't know how much stronger I am compared to most people. Perhaps she would be the perfect guide for me and could clear all my confusion about the other side of this world.

Let's meet her later. For now, I have class to attend.


Name: Shirogane Miyuki

Race: Human

Alignment: Lawful Good

Profession: The Gamer, Council President

Guild: None Skill: Gamer Mind (10), Gamer Body (Max), Power of King (Geass) (1)

Level 5

EXP: 3000/5000

HP: 1500/1500

MP: 4000/4000

Personal Attributes:

Strength: 19

Agility: 18

Constitution: 15

Spirit: 40

Charisma: 31

Stat Points: 0