
The Gamer, Anime Edition

What would have happened if The Gamer happened in the Anime-verse? Shirogane Miyuki, the fortunate young lad, found his life turned into a video game. His whole reality turned into a quest for power, ladies, and grinding. Yeah, what kind of fool would refuse that kind of life? Not Miyuki, for damn sure! ... This is a crossover anime but with The Gamer as the power system and background. I got this inspiration from The Gamer, CHYOA Edition. If you don’t get it, it’s The Gamer from the porn site, not the webtoon. You will find it on Google if you’re curious and want the details.

Fourth_Reich · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Date an Idol

It's been two days since my life started changing drastically. In the past, I was just a muggle, mongrel, and poor mediocre. Now, I've changed for the better with The Gamer power bestowed upon me by whoever it is. I don't know; I guess I need to find out for myself. As I kept listening to the class, I was in deep philosophical musing about life.

"Miyuki..." The teacher patted my shoulder, waking me from my dark musings. I looked at her with a questioning gaze.

"Is there anything I can help with, teacher?" I asked calmly.

"Nothing... Just don't be hard on yourself." She spoke softly before she moved to another desk to observe the class as we wrote what she noted on the whiteboard.

Her name is Mafuyu Kurisu. I never thought that beneath that cold, strict exterior was a caring woman. It's rare to find a good teacher in this messed-up country, where most only care about their self-interest, status, and money.

That's why I hate the government, doctors, and teachers in modern times. They mostly ignore and turn a blind eye to bullying. Even if we have good grades, if we're just poor, we would be written off with downgrades instead of our rightful top grades. This made me hate this world. If not for my father threatening the school at that time, I would have been unfairly suppressed while many rich kids with no merit and no brains enjoyed the privileges of top grades with their average scores.

Yeah, this is blatant corruption and bribery, and it's very common in this messed-up country. Mostly, they do it in kindergarten, elementary school and junior school. For high school? I don't know. When I enrolled in this school, their treatment of students regarding grades was fair. But one school doesn't mean another school will implement fair treatment too. Probably, it has to do with the elitist mindset of this school, which values strength above all else, making them fair in judging people as long as they have strength.

After all, what can I expect from a country that bullies the weak and fears the strong?

In the past, Japan was the overlords of Asia, and their treatment of their vassals was downright cruel, showing a bully mentality. But when they were bombarded by America with nuclear bombs, they became what they are now, showing a mentality of fearing the strong. So, expecting the education system of my own country not to be corrupt and fair was impossible because that's how Japan is: they bully the weak and fear the strong. When they encounter the strong, they will show naked hypocrisy and submission to please the strong, contrary to how they treat the weak so cruelly that they gleefully laugh at their own sadism.

For now, my hatred toward the unfair treatment of the education system in this country has subsided because Suuchin Academy has never wronged me, except for some of their students who are jerks and racists. But it's not enough for me to take it too personally. Despite my mild hatred toward one, it doesn't mean I don't hate others. Yeah, I hate doctors in the modern world, and I have solid reasons for it. They ignore patients in the middle of the night just because it's their rest time or holiday. Who cares whether we're sick or not? They only care about their own self-interest. In the past, when my eyes were bloody red and I experienced burning pain in the middle of the night, I tried to go to the hospital but was utterly rejected because their eye doctor only opened during the day and on weekdays. If you go there on the weekend or at midnight, you're unlucky; they will blatantly refuse you unless your money is enough to hire a private doctor in the middle of the night to treat your eyes. I guess that's how it is.

The professions of education and saving people are filled with selfish jerks. Who wouldn't hate this world?

Mafuyu Kurisu is undoubtedly a rare good teacher among selfish jerks. Honestly, I hope there would be more teachers like her who truly care about their students.

I sighed as I kept writing, then put my book on the teacher's desk and returned to my seat until the bell rang.

Looking around at my classmates who were so happy and filled with the smiles of youth and the power of friendship, with hidden rivalry and intrigue beneath it, I envied that they hadn't lost their hearts at a young age, unlike me, who is filled with emptiness and has no purpose or goal. My goal and purpose are only to study, study, and study—probably to finish the quests in the game to strengthen myself? Yeah, I just want to stay on top. My goal sounds mundane and superficial, but it makes me feel alive and gives me purpose, although deep inside, it's not what I want. I don't even know what I want. I just keep searching until I find it.

"Ahem... Shirogane-san, sorry to interrupt you, but Mafuyu-sensei wants to talk with you." I then turned my attention to the purple-haired girl with starry eyes in front of me who interrupted my deep musing and frowned.

Hoshino Ai

Level 5 Idol


Relationship: 15

Is she a muggle or someone from the other side of the world? Why is her level five when I was just one before the game started?

Most muggles have level 1 according to my analysis, so she probably has some strength and recently learned about the other side of the world like me.

"Uhm... Shirogane-san, are you still there?" Hoshino Ai asked with a hint of concern in her voice, snapping me out of my deep thought.

"Sorry, Hoshino-san, I'm just preoccupied with something." I answered sheepishly.

"Men are more handsome when they are serious, Shirogane-san. Don't worry." Hoshino Ai encouraged with a bright smile on her face. I guess she is a girl filled with positivity. However, there is a profound lesson I've learned through my life that everything is not always as it seems. I may seem calm, composed, and reliable on the outside, but beneath it?

Yeah, I'm cynical and probably a little bit misanthropic.

Well, I shouldn't judge others as I judge myself. Perhaps, she really is a cheerful girl.

[Quest: Date an Idol (1/3)]

[Detail: Okay, kiddo, it seems you have extreme talent in dating girls and getting their hearts at the same time. Why don't you date her and save her from her tragic future? Especially from the scumbag named Hikaru? Tonight it would be your time to shine. Go to the bar and expose the scumbag's scheme to drug Hoshino Ai to sleep and take advantage of her vulnerability.]

[Reward: +20,000 EXP, Dark Bible (1)]

Okay, I'm not only going to expose him but also beat the shit out of him. However, the game didn't show me the name of the bar or the location. I guess I need to find out myself.

"Ugh... Shirogane-san... Is there any problem in real life that you need to talk about? You seem to doze off a lot lately." Hoshino Ai became more concerned when she saw me doze off once again.

"Honestly, I wanted to ask for your contact information, Hoshino-san, but I don't know how to put it into words. You know, we don't know each other that well. Moreover, it's inappropriate for a boy to ask a girl for personal information in their first meeting." I scratched my head in embarrassment, but for the sake of saving her, I could only put my pride aside. I don't know what will happen to her in the future, but the game says it will be tragic. If I can save her, then I will, especially since I have the capabilities.

Especially since she seems like a nice person. If the one who needed saving was an ungrateful person, it would be a different story. I'm willing to save or show kindness to others, but only if they are nice too, that's it.

There is a way for me to track her location through her phone number. I have a hacker friend who will help me with this.

"No problem, Shirogane-san. Lend me your phone." Hoshino Ai didn't get offended or feel repulsed when I said that. I don't know whether it is genuine or just a show, but the affection rising from 15 to 20 means she genuinely wants to connect with me as a friend. Nonetheless, my goal has been achieved as I handed over my phone to her, but not before I unlocked my password and checked my porn to make sure it was locked. After making sure it was locked and that Hoshino Ai wouldn't have access to it, I handed my phone to her confidently.

She typed her number quickly and returned it to me without even bothering to check my apps or acting curious like most people, which improved my impression of her. After all, I don't like it when other people invade my privacy, even if they are family or friends.

Achievement Unlocked: You got the idol's number!

Fuck... Many weebs would likely want to be in your shoes. The idol's contact number is not cheap, my brotha!

Rewards: +5 CHARISMA

"Thank you, Hoshino-san," I said.

"You are welcome, Shirogane-san," Hoshino Ai grinned.

"I will take my leave first. Goodbye, Hoshino-san." I packed up my bag and bid my farewell to her.

"Yeah, goodbye, Shirogane-san."

Thus, that's how I spent my second day at school.

Now, it's time to meet the teacher and Fuka Kiryuin.


Name: Shirogane Miyuki

Race: Human

Alignment: Lawful Good

Profession: The Gamer, Council President

Guild: None Skill: Gamer Mind (10), Gamer Body (Max), Power of King (Geass) (1)

Level 5

EXP: 3000/5000

HP: 1500/1500

MP: 4000/4000

Personal Attributes:

Strength: 19

Agility: 18

Constitution: 15

Spirit: 40

Charisma: 36

Stat Points: 0