

When the gods could no longer cope with their boredom they decided to do something for the first time, 12 beautiful and strong angels were selected to entertain the gods, the way to do it was in a game that the gods had thought of, 12 chosen ones from the world would play the game with the help of the angels. Reky Zutomi a 15 year old boy saved a girl from unintentionally killing herself only to find out later that he is a chosen one to play the game of the gods, now he will have to play in order not to die.

Rexh_Sama · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


In the slums of the city of Rifgurt in the year 4021, a young girl was disturbing a citizen.

- So what he wants to tell me is that the most influential person in the slums is a crazy guy who murders people who don't work for him?

- Yes, miss, I'd better not look him up or I might get in trouble.

"You see, I thought the most influential man in the barrios bájos might be useful, so I'd better get out of here.

- Thank you very much for the information sir.

The girl turned around and immediately started to walk away from a small trading post, but when the girl was only a few meters away from the post, the man spoke to her.

- Miss, could you tell me your name? It is a tradition to ask the customers who visit this shop!

Hearing the gentleman, the young girl turned around and made a small smile in the distance.

- My name, it's Zusu!

After shouting her name she shook her arms to say goodbye and started running through the slums of the city.

"I have to find someone who is capable enough to win this game, so I can fulfill my dream.

It has been 16 hours since the archangels left for the earth, Jinku is not inside the room, on the other hand Ghurt and Huky are...

- O-hey why don't you get up?.

- ssh... Calm down... Huky I...

- Ojump! What are you doing?!?

Ghurt jumped off the bus and stood up, leaving an embarrassed Huky lying on her back in shame.

- Ji-Jinku, buddy, didn't you tell us you'd be here tomorrow?

- Yes, but the formalities took less time than expected .... I didn't tell you that you will be informed of the current situation of the land after the year 2024, why did we stop observing you after that year?

- Yes, why?

The young God returning to the white room popped a vein in his forehead looking straight into Ghurt's eyes.

- So, ...., what is Huky doing lying on the floor, of all things...why the hell were you on top of her?

- eh,...W-w-well you see I was cleaning the floor when I slipped and tried not to fall, then I put my foot back, but Huky was there so we both slipped and ended up on the floor.

Huky got up shaking off his clothes to stand in front of Ghurt to defend him.

- Ghurt is telling the truth, the two of us slipped together, he tried to avoid it but he couldn't.

..... Okay, if you say so, it must be true.

"If I get involved too much it would cost me too much to get away from the problems I was having, I must get as far away from these situations as I can to fulfill our dreams.

- Well, now Ghurt and Huky, what is the current situation of the field at the moment, and also tell me what happened after we stopped observing?

In the center of the city of Nifgurt, where the largest population of Esther's country lives, in the largest building there is a large perfume advertisement with a young boy posing, Zusu was observing it.

- I think that's what it looks like. .... Yes, it is an advertisement, but what is it advertising?

- This ad is to advertise an important person with an important product.

A man from all over the world who was hiding his face with a hood had approached him.

- You mean to say that the person there is important?

- Yes, Miss.

"Maybe the guy you're posing with is a good candidate, you should find out from the document.

- See the document and tell me if this boy is the right one to be a participant in the _game of the Gods_.

She pointed to the announcement with the document, and even came closer to find out if he could be her chosen one.


- Aah... I guess he's not worthy, then I'll keep looking for someone.

"This is harder than I thought, you must give me prison or... I won't be able to do it.

- Sir, I don't know if there's anyone-

When Zusu was about to put the document away, it began to tremble, until it began to glow.

- This is...

"Someone, but who?.

She looked at all of them, until she remembered having read something about this in the document.

- I remember, there is a compass in this box, ~Activate Compass~.

As he finished saying that phrase, an arrow appeared in the middle of the leaf, pointing straight ahead.

- It can't be... I think it's the boy from the advertisement.

At the same moment the document wrote a sentence at the end of the leaf ' Extension of the final plan, 48 H.+. For the sighting of object and in agreement with criterion'.

- I knew it is him, now it only remains to convince him to play.

- Excuse me sir, where can I find the boy of the advertisement.

- Haha, at your age and playing with toys. You can find him in the big house with the old technology.

"Anti-Gua technology? Never mind, it's probably the house that fits the least in this town.

- Thank you very much sir, goodbye.

- Don't mention it, girl, take care of yourself.

- Yes, I will.

Zusu began to run through the streets until he found an alley so he could use his sacred locating magic.

- Take care girl, because no one else will be able to do it, hehe.

- That's-that's the girl who was asking for you Mr. *Kill*.

The man took off his hood revealing his face with a big scar in his eye, with an excited expression.

- Thank you very much viéjo, now I can have fun with a pretty girl.

- Y-yes, but tell me... will you give me what I asked for?

- Ho. That's right, here.

The man waved his hand in the air like pressing a button and immediately a screen appeared showing his personal information, as well as an object box, he took out a gun and handed it to the man.

- This is what you asked me for," he said, "200,000 bits of tecgrey.

- Yes Mr. Kill, thank you very much, with this my family will be happy.

- Ahgt.

A shining sword pierced through the eye of the man, he dropped the gun and leaned it against the man's body.

- Why are you doing...it's-aght!

- My sword must not be soiled with the blood of a filthy Wefs.

The son fell dead on the ground after the shiny sword was pulled out, the man picked up the gun and put it back in the same place he took it from.

- Stupid Viéjo thought I would give you so many bits of tecgrey for this, the information you gave me would get to me sooner or later. That's why I hated the Wefs.

The people around didn't pay attention to what happened there, they couldn't intervene even if they wanted to because their rank didn't allow them to do so.

- A white car parked in front of the house with anti-crane technology, the boy got out of the car and went to the entrance of the house.

- Tarala-la-rala_

- Wow.

- haa!

She's a beautiful girl, -she scared me because she's sitting on the back of my door hugging her knees, she looks like a lost puppy.

- Excuse me girl, could you tell me what are you doing here?

- ahhh,...I'm here for you Utou Kitowa.

"This girl...how come she knows my name, if my modeling identity is different.

- That's your name, isn't it?

She approached my gate......-She leaned on me to stand up, then stepped back and bent down, staring at my hand.

- U-tou, Utou, did I say it right.


I looked down at my hand to realize that she had read my name on my keychain. I covered my face to start laughing.

-Ha! Hahahaha!

- A-are you okay Utou?

"I can't believe a high school girl would pull a stunt like this on me, even worse that I didn't notice it.

- Ha, well could you tell me what you meant when you said you came for me, I mean I don't think you've fallen in love with me, right?

- If you're right, I didn't explain it very well, that's why I propose that we go into your house.

"It seems that this girl is cunning, she wants me to let her into my house so she can tell me why she is looking for me ... truth, before I would have thrown her out of here, but now ......-she is very beautiful, maybe if you treated her well...Hehe.

- Okay, let's go inside so you can tell me the details, okay.

- Yes, let's do it.

She formed a huge smile as she opened the door, she looked happy, she asked me if this is the beginning of my romantic comedy.

When we entered my house she went straight to sit on the couch, I sat at her side, ... she created.

- mm, this...could you tell me about it now.

She nodded her head, she couldn't seem to get the words out of her mouth, I looked sideways at her muscles swallowing saliva, -even though they were small I also looked up at her eyelids.

- Here...ahm, read this document so you know why I came here, also why I said it was for you, start from the tenth paragraph.

"Mm, almost the end..._Tálves is an-Ah? {Juggestion inscription}......

- ehh!!!.

I clenched the document and turned to look at the beautiful girl with a confused face, .... She looked at me with a smile.

- Keep reading.

She put her hand on my shoulder trying to encourage me to continue reading,...ahh.... I turned to the document to continue my reading.

You were selected as a participant in the -GAME OF THE GODS-. The choice was made by the present Archangel and the system established in the registration document. Do you want to say that you are an archangel, besides wanting me to participate in a game?

- Yes exactly, ... - You see, I'm betting everything on trying to recruit you... because if you don't accept I could...

I didn't continue what I wanted to say but it wasn't necessary because I could understand what I wanted to say .... that she would die if I didn't accept. I looked at the document again, by chance I found the rules in this game.

- 48 hours when you choose the candidate, 2 hours if he rejects, ... but if the time reaches zero...

She lowered her head and clenched her hands tightly, she was angry and depressed at the same time, but I didn't want to participate because I have no reason to do it, if only she...

......-Eh, it says here that if I win I can become a demigod, but a demigod is something, isn't it?

- In fact, I think the reward the winner receives is too good to be true.

She seemed surprised by my comment, she even checked to see if I had no faith,...-she put her small hand on my forehead ...... It's very soft.

- Pardon me, but I don't know much about dioceses, so....

- uh...Sorry I forgot to introduce myself and tell you more about this topic hehe.

"She's pretty clueless for a supposed archangel.

- First I'll tell you my name, he called me Zusu.

"Zusu.......ahh what a beautiful name, it suits you perfectly.

- Now I will tell you about the benefits you get when you win. First the title of Demigod.... Humans believe it is an inferior title but if you become one, you could rise to a higher title.

We classify them in 5 celestial titles, *Semigods* The most inferior is true but it has the abilities of the use of magic, sacred technology and the key to the celestial world, also the right to move up in title if you manage to reach the limit of your magical power. God.

He has the same abilities as a Demigod but his right to rise in title is the right to rise in title by doing tasks entrusted by your family, by an exam, or you could also advance in the same way as a Demigod, ... but the most used is by recommendation.-You could even get the next title in a short time - since it normally takes 60,000 years for a god to get the next title.

Sacred God, is the highest title achieved so far, their abilities are: use of magic level 6, use of sacred technology, key to the celestial world and key to the human world ...-otherwise they are the ones who control this world.

The other two titles are *Heavenly God* and *#?‽!K*. They are the most powerful titles, but the ones I have never been able to reach.

- I'm sorry but could you repeat the last name.

- No, I didn't understand it either, but it's something that even the gods don't know what it means, so don't make a big deal out of it: "Besides, in this game we'll have to help the contestant we've chosen to win, I made a bet that could hurt my life in the future, but without this bet it would be the same: I want to win.

- Now I will explain to you how the abilities work, _Magic is the ability that represents any divine being,...'this is classified in the level that you can control - the Demigods can only control level 1 magic while a god can control level 3, but is surpassed by a Holy God who can control level 6.

In addition it has elements, a Demigod controls 2 of them, Fire and water_A God can be of the type Fire, water, earth and air. In the Sacred God you can have fire, water, earth, air, light and darkness, the level is crucial in magic because if you try to do magic of the light or dark type if you are a God, it can cost you your life.

The next two titles are not explained yet because they are not so important ..._ahóra the Sagrada technology, they are artifacts that were built by the help of the first Sagrada God, he created weapons capable of killing a Sagrada God easily, the problem is the users' skills...-i.e. you can't manipulate all the artifacts of the Sagrada technology if you don't have proper skills.

"You see, skills are also necessary in the world of the dioceses, so I thought I would try.

The key to the heavenly realm, I think it is understood just by saying its name hehe, allows you to enter the realm of the gods...I will explain later how the heavenly realm is. In the title of a God Sacred their right to the key of the human world, they control this world, but they cannot get involved with mankind.

...They can only if they fulfill certain conditions, the approval of 15 beings superior to a God, _Bloody Gods_.

- This would be all the information I can give you if you don't sign yet, _You can think about it and give me an answer.

"He doesn't seem to be lying, the best thing to do would be to believe in her to gain her trust, because I want this girl to be ... 'Be my wife' even if she is under age, since I fell in love with her just by looking at her.

- Before you think about it I have to give you the information of the GAME OF THE GODS, ... - the most unusual thing is that there is no concrete information of the game yet but there is information of the formation of this game.

What I want to say is that the information I have may not help much but I will tell you just in case hehe,...-We the twelve archangels with the help of the document we must find someone who participated in the game..._when we choose someone, we will help him to win, so we will be with him until the end of the game.

We will support it in a way in which we will not get involved in the game, we will give the abilities of an Archangel so that he can participate, as well as our artifact of Sacred technology that we will use. ... I have the >crazy damn thing<.

"It's a beautiful spoon, its silver-black color...- it has an evil aura - I wondered what will happen if I cut myself with it.

Like all artifacts this one has special effects because it was created by a Divine being - the effect of the curse of the Goddess Erise - the curse causes your body to begin to rot rapidly until the foot falls off, exposing the bones.

"I think I'd better forget to test the effects of that spoon.

-As you heard what I said, according to this information you have to decide.

- Tell me, do you agree to participate and help me to fulfill my objectives, if you do ......-I'll give you anything.

Her face looks very confident, she seems to have made up her mind so ... I will help her so that she will appreciate me.

- Yes.

When I said yes...Zusu's face filled with joy, -she jumped up to hug me... -I welcomed her with open arms to catch her. I spun her in the air until I tripped and we fell to the ground.

- hahaha!

"I think this is the beginning of my real romantic comedy.