
the game of death

Goddess Galatea struggling with love stories and facing many obstacles for her to be with the one she loves. Between Elijah, the human who risked anything to be ith her, and Rick her first real love who is also her cousin and childhood best friend which one willshe choose?

Rafca_Raad · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Alive again

The most important think to do when we take a wrong decision, is to admit that we had it all wrong.

And then, apologise to the ones we hurted.

Apologies don't fix a thing, but we apologise to the person who are important to us, to let them know how much we are sorry that we hurted them.

And even if it doesn't fix the damage, but the ones who truly love us, will accept it and pretend as nothing happened.

I had to apologise, but I thought that it wasn't the good time, and that I needed to give my parents space so they could calm down before talking to them.

And I rushed to the abandoned house, where Nephustus told me my parents was!

I couldn't wait any longer to meet them and tell them that I was their daughter, and get to know them a little more.

Deep down, I hoped that what I have heard about them will turn out to be a lie. And that we will live happy together and try to make up for lost time!

I was standing outside the house with Elijah by my side, I was nervous and excited at the same time.

Elijah noticed my confusion, he then lifted his right hand and put it on my shoulder as a sign that he was with me no matter what.

What encouraged me, and pushed me to open the door of the house, and that's when I saw them, laying down unconscious.

I ran up to wake them, first I went toward Angela, who opened her blue eyes with fear and surprise. She stared at me like she knew who I was, but she didn't say a word and neither did I.

Then she took a look around her and started touching her body parts to see if she could feel them, I assumed that she didn't believe that she was alive again.

I left her to go and wake John, as soon as I brushed his hand he opened his eyes wide. He looked around before noticing me but when he did, he started crying. He got on his knees and hugged me hard.

I hugged him back and cried too. He was my biological father after all, of course he loves me!

" It was you who brought us back to life wasn't you?" He asked me

I shook my head to say no and told him that I demanded and the gods helped me.

Then he said:" I missed eating, let's go get something to eat."

I proposed to them to come to Elijah's place, and there we could eat all together. And for sure they accepted.

After we ate, I showed them to their room and they fall asleep immediately.

I was doing the dishes and Elijah helped me with the table, once we finished and before getting to our room I went to check on them.

And for my surprise, they weren't sleeping but talking, and when I heard their saying I was chocked as John was planning on robing some rich man so they could get back to their previous lives, where they were rich, and could afford alcohol and drugs.

My heart stopped for seconds, I couldn't believe my ears, so all that Nephustus told me about them was true!

And I had broke my parents hearts for two people who aren't worth it.

Remorse ate me from the inside, and the feeling of guilt filled me.

I didn't know what to do, so I ran toward Elijah to tell him that I brought two criminals back to life.

I was devastated by what I heard and couldn't get it out of my head, but I needed to wait till tomorrow so I could go back to Limphea and apologise to Nephustus and Alfea. Them I would ask them for help!

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