
Chapter 12: Sparring [1]

"Welcome and congratulations to everyone for managing to not only get accepted in this institute but to achieve the highest ranking within the first years!" 

'She sure knows how to yap a lot.' 

I thought to myself, feeling a little grumpy. My mood had been ruined by todays events, and I wasn't in the mood for classes or introductions.

"While some of you might not think highly of me.."

She paused, her gaze landing directly on me, causing the entire class to turn their heads in my direction.

'She heard that?'

I quickly straightened my posture and sat up with a rigid back.

"but I assure you, I am more than qualified to handle everyone here." 

Pausing for a little, she introduced herself..

"I am Bell Flora, your new teacher for this semester. It is a pleasure to meet all of you."

"B-Bell Flora?" 

"No way, that's her?" 

"I heard a lot about her from my family..." 

There were mummers in the class as she introduced herself as Bell Flora.

'whatever I couldn't care less.'

I thought to myself as I took in her appearance, she was... breathtaking.. 

She has striking green eyes and long, flowing blonde hair that cascades down her back.

She looked to be in her mid-twenties and has a youthful and energetic appearance.

Our teacher, Bell Flora continued,

"Some of you may have heard of my background as a mage for the royal family. While that may be true, I am here today not to dwell on the past, but to focus on the future—your future."

'Sure, whatever miss..' 

"I believe in discipline and hard work, but I also believe in understanding and support. My goal as your teacher is to help each and every one of you reach your full potential, both as mages and as individuals or any path you desire to follow."

She paced back and forth at the front of the room, her eyes never leaving the students.

"I expect nothing but the best from each of you. You are here at M.I.C to learn, to grow, and to become the best mages you can be. I will push you to excel, but I will also be here to guide you every step of the way."

A sense of determination filled the classroom as Bell Flora concluded her introduction.

"Class A, we have a challenging semester ahead of us, but I have no doubt that together, we will rise to meet it. Now, let us begin."

One glance around the room, I could tell everyone was excited and nervous. 

"Alright," Bell Flora began, her voice commanding attention.

"I have something special to share with you today."

Curiosity rippled through the room as she produced a sleek box and a stack of files.

"This," she announced, holding up the box,

"is a smart watch. But not just any smart watch—it's a tool specifically designed for M.I.C cadets."

A murmur of interest rose among us as she explained its functions.

"With this, you can track your test results, monitor your progress, and even store Leus for use within the Institute."

Eager whispers filled the air as she passed out the devices, each of us eyeing the sleek technology with anticipation.

["T-there it is! I have been waiting for that."] 

["It looks so cool.. we didn't even need ID cards if we were given one of those.." ]

"Now," she continued, gesturing to the files in her hand, "let's talk attendance."

She explained the significance of maintaining our overall rank, emphasizing the standards expected of Class A.

"Remember, your rank reflects your dedication and skill. Anything above 250th standing and below E rank is simply not acceptable."

'Mother fuc-' 

I cursed inwardly, as I was shifting uncomfortably in my chair.

I prayed that the attendance is not rank based or anything like that...

This earned me a quick glance from Bell Flora, she looked at me a little confused, but didn't say anything as she continued to take attendance. 

"Rank 1, Arthur Ash."

She called out as she swept her eyes through the cadets, but none of them were Arthur, so they remained quiet.

"Arthur Ash, rank 1?"

She repeated, but still no one answered.

"I guess absent... Well, let's continue."


Just when she was about to call out another student, suddenly someone burst through the door.

"Huff.. Hufff.."


When I adjusted my glasses and looked at who entered, I couldn't believe my eyes.


With deep greenish-blue eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of ancient forests and ginger hair that glowed like flames in the sunlight, he was the spitting image of Arthur.

As I took in his appearance, I felt something get stuck in my throat, and my heart quickened.


I was trembling slightly as I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"What's wrong with me?"

I muttered to myself as I wiped a tear away from the corner of my eyes.

Seeing his figure, I felt a sense of peacefulness wash over me, and I felt strangely very calm.

I looked at him as he was going back and forth with Bell Flora, I felt..

I myself was surprised to see him, even though he was the 'main character' of this world...but it's nice...

'nice that you are at least alive in this world Arthur..' 

I also felt a deep sense of anguish and sadness creeping up on me as I forced myself to pay attention to Bell Flora as she continued to take her attendance.

"Rank 2, Leon Astral?"


"Come here and take this," Miss Bell extended a smart watch towards Leon, who swiftly collected it and began to fiddle with it.

I could see a holographic screen popup as soon as he pressed a button on the smart watch.

I leaned back and waited for my name to be called, not only that but I have to spar against someone literally thousands of rank ahead of me...

'Whatever, I'll deal with it, regardless of the difference in strength, they are like kids to me anyways...' 

"Rank 5, Sylvia Lunari?" 


I closed my eyes as I began to recall information from the game, I than stole a quick glance at Arthur, who somehow noticed my glance, so I quickly turned my head away. 

I than waited for my name to be called, after what seems to be like an eternality for me, but in reality about a little more than 5 minutes or so passed..


Miss Bell Flora furrowed her brows as she quickly took out her glasses and wore them again. 

She glanced at the paper and than back at the cadets.. 

The students could easily tell something was wrong and was also wondering what was bothering miss Bell. 

"R-rank 2688..." 

Before she could even finish, the class erupted in shock and surprise...

["Rank a what now?!"] 

["Rank 2000 what? How?"]

["How come some one ranked in the thousands be in class A?"] 

["Relax guys, she's messing with us...Right?"]

["I thought the institute did not favor anyone?" What's this than?"]


Suddenly the class went quite, pin drop silence as a huge pressure bore down among us.


Was what miss Bell Flora said in a tone so cold, that surely made everyone sweat. 

"Rank 2688, Aren Blackstar?" 


I raised my hand without any hesitation because I saw this was coming from miles away. 

I than got up and put my hands in my pocket as I approached Bell Flora. There were glares and death stares directed towards me.. 

Well, I couldn't blame them now, can I? 

I a low rank some how got into class A with some shady means. 

This would specially piss off those who worked hard day and night diligently practicing to get into class A.

Honestly, I couldn't care less as I ignored everyone stares, It's not like I wanted to be here anyway and it wasn't me who pulled the strings for me to be in class A.

When I reached the first row, I saw Sylvia wore a smug on her face as she watched me come down the stairs and the rows. 

When I was standing face to face with miss Bell Flora, I extended my arms... 

She looked at me with a cold gaze, clearly not happy as it was obvious to everyone that I did not belong here. 

"Congratulations on making it to class A, Mr. Blackstar" 

She spoke in a cold tone, that send shivers down my spine. 

"Hm? Oh yeah, thank you, Miss, I worked really hard and diligently for it,"

I replied sarcastically, and heard clicking tongues and the sound of pencil snappings behind me.

'I wasn't lying though as the past week I had to absorb Glyndor as much as possible as well as practice combat to not get blown away just for today's sparring sessions and stand like an idiot pretending to understand Glyndor.' 

"Yes, Indeed, is that why you are ranked 2688?" 

I didn't reply and took the smartwatch from the box and wore it on my wrist. I than pressed the exact button I saw Leon Astral pressing earlier. 


Name : Aren Blackstar 

Age: 17 

ID: 909768

Written Test Results: C+ 

Physical Combat Test Results: E (passed)

Magic Combat Test results: D

Cadet rank: 2688/3026

Class: A


I then displayed the holographic screen to Bell Flora,

"Is there a problem, Miss Bell? According to this, I've been assigned to Class A."

"Miss Bell immediately adopted an expressionless face and cleared her throat. She looked as if there were no issues, but I could clearly see a vein pulsing on her forehead.

"Ah, yes, there seems to be a slight problem. Weren't you supposed to be in your second year by now, Mr. Blackstar? After all, you are 17 according to your ID,"

she said, coldly looking at me.

"Oh, that? I started a bit later because I didn't want to have an unfair advantage over the others,"

I replied, still smiling.

Miss Bell's glare bore into me for a brief moment, but the class behind me didn't take my words well

["This bastard!"]

["This guy..."]

["He clearly wants a knuckle sandwich."]

["I challenge you to a duel!"]

["Watch out, he might inhale you with a single breath, given his size. Everything probably orbits around him."]

As curses and insults were hurled my way, I couldn't help but sport a mischievous grin.

"Maybe I should of waited for two years or maybe even three.." 

The class fell silent, their faces flushed with anger as they grasped the implications of my words.

Summoning my most confident tone, I shrugged nonchalantly.

"There isn't a single person in this class who can face me head-on and not end up on the losing side."

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