
The beginning

Saturday - 02/18/2023

In a city called Brumado, located in Bahia, I live, a boy named "Diogo Henrique". I am a smart boy and I have many friends.

I really like football, anime, games and making videos for Youtube. I am an editor and designer. I took a course at IFBA, 3 years of course ... Just remembering it makes me lazy.

I had just finished high school and didn't know which college to attend. I had in mind to go to engineering school.

My grandparents threatened to put me out if I didn't get a job and leave the house soon (this is making me suffer a lot).

I had just left my job that I worked to pay for my college. But ... Unfortunately it was 2 to 1, I paid for college or bought a house.

I no longer knew what to do, until a conversation in my group of best friends, Ruan gave me an idea.

All my friends went to college, and some wanted to live outside the house and the others were being thrown out just like me.

The idea was this: We got together, lived together, and the deal was for everyone to give a sum to pay for the house and so we would be able to pay for our college.

The group was composed of 17 people of different ways and personalities, in the next chapter I will show the personality and characteristics of everyone.

The story continues in the 3rd Chapter

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