
The Fusion of Sin

A black widow is sentenced to death and wakes up in a white space with a beautiful woman. What could go wrong?

kilomachia · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs


"Mrs. Cross, do you have any last words?" The warden asked a raven-haired woman, whose head was down. Her uncanny crimson eyes scanned the room and the crowd watching her before she spotted the daughter of one of the many men she killed. "I want to say that I regret nothing, and I hope my next life is as fun as this one was!" She said it with a wide smile before the lethal injection took her life.

While her body lay lifeless, a large black orb came out of her chest and flew straight down. It flew down until it was no longer on Earth but in a fiery wasteland, the orb had traveled straight to Hell. The orb traveled deeper and deeper into Hell and just before she could reach her level of Hell, another black orb similar in size collided with her.

The orbs fused and Angela Cross woke up in an all-white space with black, decaying flowers on the ground, and a river of blood flowing down the middle. Angela heard shuffling and once she got onto her feet, she saw another woman.

This woman was beautiful and rivaled Angela in beauty with her long purple hair and amethyst-colored eyes. It also doesn't help that they were both naked...

"Who might you be?" The woman asked and her sultry voice would make any man fall to their knees. Angela smiled, "I was gonna ask you the same question. So how about we introduce each other."

"I would love to, but unfortunately, I don't enjoy playing with food I don't find interesting..." The woman lunged at Angela who simply sidestepped and dodge it, "I don't what you mean by food, or what you were expecting with that lunge, but I don't take kindly to people attacking me."

The woman got up and dusted herself off. She stood for a moment but then a wave of confusion splashed across her face and she sighed. She put her fists up and Angela did the same.

"Before we fight, I would like to know your name. I want to always remember the name of the bitch who died pathetically by my hand," Angela said and the woman laughed hysterically, "My name is Rize, spelled R-I-Z-E. I don't usually eat women and I definitely don't ask what their names are, but you'll be my first, so tell me yours."

Angela feigned a bow, "My name is Angela Mirella Cross, the woman who will be ending your life." After saying that Angela leaps forward with her fist cocked back. She throws a strong right hook which Rize sidesteps and with Angela's left side completely unguarded, Rize delivers a ruthless palm to Angela's gut.

"GUH!" The force of the palm caused Angela to cough up some blood and sent her rolling through the field of dead flowers. Angela quickly gets up and wipes the blood off her lips. She put her arms up as to block Rize's heavy barrage of punches.

'Damn, she's strong as fuck! My arms can't handle anymore of this!' Angela looked for an opening in Rize's barrage and found one. Angela broke her guard and slipped under Rize. Angela went down to Rize's pelvis and came up with her fist balled and her incredible uppercut made contact with Rize's jaw. Angela's uppercut made Rize rise into the air a bit and Angela took to opportunity to kick Rize in her gut, sending her away.

Rize stayed on the ground for a moment in her thoughts, 'Her attacks actually hurt? I don't see a quinque on her, so how is it possible for a regular human to injure me? I also don't feel my kakuho sacs nor do I feel my regeneration kicking in. What the hell is going on?'

Rize slowly stood up and Angela watched her do so. Neither of them got into a fighting stance and stood staring at each other for a while until Angela spoke up, "Not going to fight back?"

Rize shook her head, "Not really. I don't enjoy long-drawn-out fights and I don't have the means to end your life as quickly as I would like," Rize said with a shrug which made Angela laugh, "The means to end my life? I'm intrigued, what do you mean by that?"

Rize looked a bit confused, "You mean you don't know?" Angela also looked confused and shook her head, "Know what?"

"That I'm a Ghoul?" Rize pointed at herself which made Angela scratch her head in confusion, "Uhh, you don't look like a zombie-thingy. You're actually very pretty," Rize thanked Angela for her compliment but was still very much confused, "Zombie-thingy? Do you not know what a ghoul is?"

Angela rolled her eyes, "Of course, I know what a ghoul is. They're flesh-eating monsters who look like zombies. You most certainly don't look like a zombie Ms. Rize."

"Well you got one part right, I eat flesh but zombie? Anyways, I'm guessing you don't know what a kagune is either huh?" Rize asked Angela who shook her head, "I think both of us got off on the wrong foot, which is mostly my fault. So let's reintroduce ourselves okay?" Rize asked and Angela obliged.

"Okay. My name is Rize Kamishiro, a Ghoul who is also known as the Binge Eater. A dumb name if you ask me but, alas." Rize introduced herself with a curt bow and Angela smiled a little bit.

"My name is Angela Mirella Cross, I'm what is known as a black widow. I've "eaten" or killed around two dozen men, all of whom deserved in my humble opinion. I was executed via lethal injection, which confuses me because if I'm dead how am I here?" Angela sparked a serious question which also made Rize think.

"Now that you say that, I was crushed by some steel beams, but I was sure I was going to survive. So if you were executed and I was crushed, that obviously means we're both dead...but how are we talking to each other?"


As they asked themselves the serious questions, the black orbs, or their souls tumbled through and out of Hell and into a vast emptiness. The two black souls slowly began to fuse and their fusion released small sparks of crimson energy.

The more their souls fused, the more they knew about each other, stuff they shouldn't have knowledge of. Angela began to learn about Rize's past and vice versa. At the halfway point of the soul fusion, they began to relive each other's memories. The decaying garden they resided in, slowly turned into a field of spider lilies and roses. At the 75% mark, they began to share features with each other. Angela's raven hair had purple streaks and Rize's amethyst eyes had hints of crimson. Finally, at the 99% mark, they began to feel each other's emotions.


"Rize, I thought about it before, but I think we're becoming something or someone else," Angela said as she felt Rize's emotions for the first time. Behind all of the sultriness, gluttony, and murder, Rize was just a girl who wanted to feel free and despite her efforts, she never achieved that freedom.

"No, I think we're becoming one." Rize looked at her hand which was slowly fading away. She looked at Angela and was surprised to feel that she was happy about their merging, "Why're you happy? Shouldn't you be upset or sad at the very least?"

"I could ask the same of you Rize. It's clear we're both happy at the thought of becoming one. I don't know how long we've been here, but after literally reliving your life and getting to know the person you are now, I can safely say that If I wanted to become one with anyone, it'll be you," Angela said as she gave Rize a long hug before both of them turned into white particles.

With the fusion of their souls complete, a vast explosion of energy shot all across the void, creating a beautiful crimson cloud. The formally black souls became one singular crimson soul with a small black dot in the middle.

Inside of the garden stood a tall fair-skinned woman. She had long flowing midnight purple hair, beautiful crimson-colored eyes, an hourglass figure, and a beautiful smile.

"I am, Mirella Kamishiro."