

The Sun and the Moon dawned in perfect harmony and the time was approaching the King would be risking it all to protect not just his lineage but his entire Kingdom and the many others. The throne of the Frostine had been ruled by the crown family of Verglas for over two millennia and King Lucius would not be the one to fail his ancestors. He married his wife now Queen Amara and they had a daughter, Princess Aelia and Lucius loved his daughter so very much but she wasn't fit to rule. He needed to have a son and with his wife now unable to bear another child he had no choice but to turn to the Dark Arts and the works of magic. Magic is not feared, it is celebrated and is considered a blessing to receive the ability to possess this art. Lucius called in a servant boy with a summons for Zephyr Gallacate, a frost mage known to also possess access to Dark Magic. The King sent the servant boy off and began to pace; he had only 12 days to announce if he had an heir or he would need to court a mistress and commit an affair, but after 3 days Zephyr had arrived and the King felt a great consolation for not needing to court a mistress.

The King steps down his throne bringing himself to an equal height of Zephyr as a sign of respect for he was not here to be demanded to complete a task his services were being asked for. Zephyr bows to his King and then takes to his knee.

"My King, what can I so humbly do for you?"

"Stand Mage you do not need to keep with formalities at this time."

"My Lord, are you sure, I am just a mage, you're the King, I must say I am confused."

"Your confusion is understood but please call me Lucius as we are friends now."

"Of course My Lor-- I mean Lucius."

"Wonderful now if you will follow me then Zephyr."

Book releases 12/25/22