
The Frozen Destiny

In the realm of Everglade, Princess Ava Sullivan, the 7th princess and the cherished child of King Leo Sullivan, faces a challenging existence. Despite lacking magical powers and not knowing her true mother, her father's love remains unwavering. However, her life takes a somber twist as an unprecedented Winter season descends upon the kingdom, freezing everything in its wake, causing death and devastation. Since the age of 14, Ava has wrestled with the burden of proving herself through aptitude tests, only to face disappointment each time, leading others to ridicule her abilities. Though the people of the capital refrain from openly bullying her due to King Leo's protection, Ava's life is suddenly upended when the Winter's wrath engulfs the kingdom, resulting in a surge of fatalities. Desperate to save his realm, King Leo is faced with a harrowing choice: to appease the God of winter, Glaciara, and end the merciless cold, he must sacrifice his beloved child, Ava, in accordance with ancient tradition. Therefore, the King personally sends Ava to the treacherous wilderness in the name of the ritual. Despite the seemingly impossible odds, the people of Everglade pray fervently for Glaciara to accept this sacrifice and spare them from the endless winter's grip. Remarkably, their prayers are answered, and within a few days, the relentless winter begins to relent. However, a surprising turn of events occurs, contradicting everyone's expectations. After one month, to everyone's astonishment, Ava returns with a cub of the Lioxx—a race that is a combination of lion and fox, just like the name suggests. This cub, like Ava, lacks any magical abilities. The kingdom marvels at how Ava managed to survive but wholeheartedly welcomes her back. Embark on a captivating adventure as you follow Ava and the Lioxx cub on their enigmatic journey. Delve into the depths of this compelling tale to unearth the secrets and untold wonders that shaped Ava's life forever. ------------ Author's Note: Dear Readers, I am thrilled to present to you my very first novel. Embarking on this literary journey has been a deeply rewarding experience, filled with both excitement and challenges. As a new author, I've poured my heart and creativity into crafting a story that I hope will captivate your imagination and offer you moments of enjoyment. Creating this novel has been a labor of love, and I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have chosen to join me on this adventure. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to me, and I am eager to share this tale with you. I'm well aware that a first novel is a step into the vast realm of storytelling, and I'm grateful for your understanding and patience as I explore this new landscape. Your feedback and encouragement will be invaluable to me as I continue to grow as a writer. So, without further ado, I invite you to dive into the world I've created within these pages. May this novel transport you to new realms, evoke emotions, and leave you eagerly turning each page. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. Warmest regards, [Shanta]

Shanta_Tiwari · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Princess Ava Returns

"Look, it's Princess Ava! Can you believe it? She actually returned alive!" A voice rang out from the crowd.

"Oh yes, it's truly her, Princess Ava," another person exclaimed.

Bathed in the soft, golden glow of the winter sun's low-hanging rays, the capital of Everglade exuded an air of warmth and majesty. The grand gates stood tall, inviting both travelers and residents with their imposing presence. Within the bustling crowd, a figure emerged, radiating an undeniable grace and elegance that captured the attention of all who beheld her.

Princess Ava graced the scene, her presence illuminated by the gentle golden light. Her lustrous golden hair cascaded in waves down her back, shimmering as it caught the sun's rays, creating an ethereal halo around her. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of golden brown, seemed to hold a wisdom and determination beyond her years, reflecting the resilience that lay within her. Each step she took exuded an air of regal pride, a testament to her inner strength and unwavering spirit.

The winter sun's tender glow seemed to dance upon her skin, enhancing the rosy hue of her cheeks, while her warm smile radiated an aura of hope and triumph. Despite the trials and challenges she had faced, she carried herself with a newfound confidence, transformed into a symbol of courage and perseverance.

Princess Ava, donned in a once-pristine white robe now soiled by the wilderness, stepped forward, her face displaying both the marks of her arduous journey and an unwavering determination. In her arms, she cradled a small, furry cub.

In this poignant moment, the people of Everglade beheld not merely a princess, but a heroic figure who had courageously embraced her destiny for the sake of their kingdom. As the environment transformed and life regained its rhythm, they began to reminisce about the once-disregarded seventh princess, Ava – always gentle and kind. Despite enduring mockery from others, she harbored no desire for vengeance and never used her status to wield power over anyone.

When she learned of the sacrificial custom, where the beloved child of the king was offered to appease the God of Winter, Glaciara, she did not falter. Now that the princess had returned unharmed, a sense of relief and peace filled their hearts naturally.

The crowd whispered in wonder and awe, admiring the transformation of their once-dismissed princess into a symbol of bravery and hope. The soft golden glow of the winter sun enveloped her, casting an almost magical aura around the princess and her newfound companion, forever etching this extraordinary sight in the hearts of the people.

As Princess Ava made her way through the capital's gates, both guards and crowd alike couldn't help but be in awe of her courageous return. Whispers of admiration and gratitude permeated the air, intertwining with the bustling sounds of the streets.

The second guard nodded in agreement, "Indeed! She faced the Winter God, Glaciara, head-on, all for the sake of our kingdom. And now, here she stands before us, a testament to her strength."

These sentiments were not limited to the guards alone; the crowd too echoed their thoughts.

"What a brave soul she is! I never thought she would possess such courage. I used to believe her kindness was merely a disguise for her supposed incompetence," someone from the crowd remarked.

"She's proven everyone wrong, hasn't she? Who would have thought the good-for-nothing princess would become a symbol of hope?" another voice chimed in.

"I'm telling you, from today onward, she will be my favorite princess," someone declared, admiration evident in their voice.

"To think we mocked her all these years... I'm ashamed. She's the one who's shown us what it means to be selfless."

"She's a true princess, through and through. I'll never doubt her again."

Continuing her steady walk, Princess Ava absorbed every voice and whisper, appearing indifferent to everything around her. The crowd spontaneously formed a path, their admiration growing with every step she took.

"Hail Princess Ava!"

"Long live the brave princess!"

The resounding cheers and heartfelt praise followed her all the way to the palace, marking her triumphant return and her transformation from a misunderstood princess to a revered symbol of hope and courage in the kingdom of Everglade.

The city resounded with chants of praise and respect, their echoes reaching the palace walls, and news of Princess Ava's return reached the attentive ear of King Leo.

"What did you say? She is back? How?"

Unable to contain his astonishment, King Leo's frustration and fear spilled out as he clenched his fist, inadvertently crumbling the writing desk before him with a single punch. Fortunately, only his trusted side shadow master, Ethan Brightwood, stood witness to this rare display of vulnerability. Otherwise, the king's carefully crafted image of a loving father would have shattered.

To the public and the palace, King Leo appeared to be in seclusion, deeply immersed in sorrow over the loss of his beloved daughter. However, only he and Shadow Master Ethan knew that the king was not experiencing any sorrow at all. In truth, he was actually immersed in happiness due to the gain he had received from that mysterious person because of his sacrificial act.

"My liege, I understand your emotions, but you cannot let anyone know about your true feelings. Princess Ava has returned, and the people rejoice at her courageous feat. This is an opportunity to strengthen your image as a just and caring ruler and a father."

Ethan's voice remained as calm as water, a reassuring presence to the distraught king. He, too, was surprised by Ava's return, but he maintained composure, not letting the surprise cloud his judgment.

King Leo's voice remained uncalm, infused with anger as he questioned, "I understand, Ethan. But how is this possible? How could she have survived? Can you enlighten me on this matter?"

In response, Ethan maintained his composed and calm tone, replying, "My liege, as of now, I am unaware of the specifics. However, I assure you that this enigma will be unraveled in due time. Let us exercise patience and observe how events unfold."

After some thought, King Leo asked Ethan, "Now that she is back, do you think that person will make things difficult for me?"

Following the discussion, King Leo made preparations to welcome Princess Ava back to the kingdom, celebrating her successful return. The people of Everglade continued to cheer for their beloved princess, their excitement and joy filling the air as they welcomed her.

As Princess Ava approached the palace entrance, the grand gates stood wide open, a symbol of warm welcome as the people eagerly awaited her return.

At the forefront stood King Leo, surrounded by other members of the imperial family. His face showed a mix of emotions—anticipation, relief, and a deep longing to see his daughter again. The anger and frustration he had felt earlier had subsided, replaced by love and concern for Ava's well-being.

As she drew closer, Ava's steps remained steady, and her composure was evident. Yet, there was a hint of distance in her golden eyes, unlike the kind princess they had known before. Still, she maintained her demeanor, offering thanks to the cheering crowd.

"Long live Princess Ava!"

Amid the cheers, King Leo's voice wavered with emotion as he addressed his daughter. "Ava, my beloved daughter, you've returned. I... I can't express how relieved I am to see you safe and sound." He extended his arms, silently inviting her into an embrace.

Princess Ava paused for a moment, meeting her father's gaze with a touch of distance in her eyes. She offered a gentle smile and accepted the embrace, but her response was measured. "Thank you, Father. I'm glad to be back," she replied softly, not fully returning the embrace.

King Leo sensed the change in her and felt a pang of worry. "My dear, are you still unhappy with my decision?"

Ava's smile remained, though her reply was guarded. "I'm fine, Father. I understand that you made that decision for the kingdom's sake, and I don't hold any qualms about it."

The king nodded, deciding not to push further, understanding that she wasn't ready to share all the details of her journey. "I'm just grateful you've returned to us," he said, his voice still tinged with emotion. "The kingdom rejoices at your bravery, Ava."

Ava's eyes still held a hint of distance, but she humbly replied, "Thank you, Father."

Before anyone else could speak, a newfound magical aura emanated from Princess Ava, catching Ethan's attention. His voice filled with astonishment, he asked, "Princess Ava, may I inquire about something?" Though his demeanor remained composed, his thoughts were in turmoil as he sensed something extraordinary.

"Of course, Uncle Ethan," replied Ava, her tone calm and confident, but with a hint of distance, unlike her usual self. Her etiquette, however, remained impeccable.

"I sensed something remarkable about you just now—a magical presence, albeit faint. Have you awakened your magical powers?" Ethan inquired politely, his curiosity piqued.

Ava's heart skipped a beat, yet she quickly composed herself. Though she had concealed her magical abilities from her previous life, her current powers, such as healing and nurturing, were still detectable. However, she was confident that no one from the Everglade kingdom could sense them—except for Ethan, who seemed to possess an uncanny ability to perceive her hidden gifts.

Princess Ava had devoted herself to the study and comprehension of magical arts, determined to awaken her dormant abilities. With the merging of her souls, her intelligence and talent surged, forging a profound connection with magic. Confident in her vast knowledge, she was certain that no one from the Everglade kingdom could sense her magical powers. If that were not the case, she would have postponed her journey, not wanting to reveal her abilities prematurely.

"It appears he is not an ordinary person," Ava pondered silently, intrigued by Ethan's perceptive nature.

Dear Readers,

As I present my inaugural novel to you, I want to express my sincere gratitude for joining me on this journey. Writing this book has been a remarkable experience, and I am both excited and humbled to share it with you.

Your support is invaluable to me, especially as I navigate this new path of storytelling. I kindly ask for your encouragement and guidance as I strive to grow as an author. If you enjoy the story, please consider showing your appreciation by liking, commenting, and sharing. Your engagement will not only motivate me but also help spread the tale to others who might find joy within its pages.

Thank you for being a part of this significant moment in my writing career.

Warmest regards,

Shanta_Tiwaricreators' thoughts