
The Forsaken Luna

Kara had always wanted to be Alpha Olive's Luna. And just like a dream come true her wish was granted when it turned out that she would be betrothed to him. She has always fantasized about that day and when it finally came. Not only did her to be betrothed didn't show up, he went to keep another shewolf company. Kara was so broken when she heard it making her form an alliance with the known heartless Alpha whom everyone believes he's a devil. And now he could only help her on one condition. What do you think the condition would be?? And who is the shewolf Alpha Oliver was with??

Loveme_More · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Number 11

" Beta Ryan!!." Kara called out as she searched around the house, there was no sight of him.

" Beta Ryan!." She called out again as she peeped into the kitchen to see if he was there or if there was any food available for her. Those she saw were raw and uncooked and her stomach worms needed something to feed on so badly. Back at her place, she always had something to eat at midnight, that was just an habit of hers but here there was no such thing.

" Beta....."

" I sent him on an errand." Came the reply. She turned around to see Wilhelm sitting on the sofa comfortably. From where she stood she could see that he was reading a newspaper.

News? Yuck?.

She hated them.

" To where?." She asked angry that he had to send the only servant out despite knowing there were none available.

" Main city.' He replied and turned around to look at her, bringing down his newspaper a bit. ' Why?." He added. He didn't understand why she would need his Beta.

" Cause I'm hungry and there is no food in the kitchen." She replied weakly, the hunger getting too much.


Her stomach rumbled as the worms fed on it.

He raised a brow and squeezed out a laugh, mocking her. She felt embarrassed but not too much.

He was to be blamed for starving her after all. He caused it.

She thought.

" Then fix yourself something." He responded and turned back to his newspaper. He was on the politics page, it was his favorite part of the newspaper, maybe sport fell in to.

" Me? How? You expect me to enter the kitchen and fix something for myself." She screamed in shock. She found it hard to believe her ears, hard to believe that he would suggest something of such to her.

" Not for you but for us." He said calmly.

" Us?." She replied baffled.

" Yes, you said it yourself that there is no use of the letter I anymore, you prefer us right." He scorned, laughing under his breath.

" But..."

" Don't tell me you can't cook." He said and twisted his neck to see her more visibly.

" Of.....Of course I can." She lied, stammering. The lie had escaped her lips before she could stop it.

Nice one Kara, now you have to starve to death.

She scolded herself.

" You sure you can cause you don't look like it." He mocked softly then chuckled.

" I can." She yelled angrily and stormed into the kitchen. His chuckle had annoyed her, he had dared her and now she would prove him wrong, very wrong.

Maybe he wasn't wrong, she couldn't cook after all. She doesn't even know how to boil a kettle of water.

Where was she supposed to start from?.

She thought as she stared at the different stuffs with different names on them laying on the table. There was more in the cabinet just above her and they all looked strange to her.

" What do I put first?." She murmured and sighted a clean pot on the sink, she went for it and placed it on the gas.

Time to turn on the gas.

She thought and twisted a button she had saw. After many attempts and choking on inhaling some gas, she finally got it right.


She smiled to herself.

First she needed something to cook but what?. She hummed and she searched through the strange looking nylons. Suddenly she sighted one that looked familiar, she read the writing on it that said ' Macaroni'. She could remember seeing a nylon like that in the waste bin after their meal that morning and she could still remember what the meal looked like.

" Perfect." She muttered and tore the nylon at the upper tip, pouring the content into the dry pot.


She needed to add something else.

An idea struck her head as she rushed near the tap to pour some water into a bowl, pouring the content into the pot. She smiled at herself and put the lid back on it.

Now all she had to do was sit back, relax and wait for the food to get done.

She settled in the chair in the room, humming some tune to herself. She was finally going to prove him wrong. She would prove to him that she had it in her and that cooking wasn't as hard as they made it look like.

She stared at the wristwatch on her, she had no idea on how many minutes or hours the food would wait for. Maybe she would wait till the water dries.

Few minutes later she perceived an odd smell like something was burning with some ta ta ta sound.

She rushed towards the pot and lifted the lid off.


She yelled as it burnt her, making Wilhelm rush into the kitchen.

" What happened?." He asked as he rushed in, choking on the smoke in the atmosphere. He quickly turned the gas off, putting the food off the fire.

" I burnt my fingers." She said in pains as she blew some breeze on it.

" Let me see it." He said and took in her outstretched hand. He examined it to see the brownish mark on her second finger of her right hand.

" It's not much, wait right here." He ordered and quickly rushed up to his room to get a tube. He returned few minutes later with it in his hand.

" Your finger." He said and she stretched it towards him. He rolled the cover off and squeezed some onto his finger before rubbing it on the affected place.

" Ouch!." She wailed, bitting her lips to endure the pain it brought.

" Just let it be, it will go with time.' He said and sent her a smile. ' Sit over there, I will fix something for us." He added pointing towards the chair she had gotten up from.

" Hmm hmm." She hummed silently. She felt so embarrassed that she had messed it all up. She wondered what he could be thinking about her in his head.

What if he was mocking her silently? What if he was only waiting to the opportunity to mock her openly?.

She thought.

He lifted the lid off the pot to stare at what she had made. He laughed silently in seeing the brownish gummy substance in front of him.

" Can I ask you what you were cooking?." He said trying to be polite and trying to hold himself from laughing in her face.

" Macaroni." She replied barely audible.

" Ohh! That is what it is.' He exclaimed and chuckled softly on seeing her raise her brow angrily. ' Sorry I laughed." He added. It was funny to see that she was a very bad cook despite telling him she could cook.

" What do you mean by that?." She asked.

Was he mocking her? What guys he had? First he made her go through so much as his wife now he laughed at her for his incompetence.

" I just thought it was some marshes brownie.' He teased and laughed hard. ' This should be added to list of food. I believe it taste so good too." He added and dipped his fingers in to take some piece out. He placed it in his mouth and chewed on it.

" Yuck! Did you not add salt and seasoning?." He asked as he spat it out into the sink.

" What's salt and seasoning?." She asked innocently.

" Don't tell me you expected the Macaroni to come with its own taste." He said and laughed again.

" You know what I'm just going to leave here if you have to mock me." She said angrily and proceeded to get up from the chair.

" But I'm about to fix us something." He said soberly. He had only be teasing her and had no idea that she would take it so personal. He was the type that played a lot when necessary and he wanted his wife to see that side of him.

" I lost my appetite." She replied and sent him a frown.


Her stomach rumbled exposing her little secret,

" Guess your stomach kicked against that.' He said and smiled. 'Sit I will fix us something simple." He added.

" Okay." She replied not having a choice.