

When I was a kid, I use to imagine that my parents were superheroes. My dad with super strength, My mom super endurance, My uncle had foresight, or was it future sight. I don't remember the best, back in those days my imagination was wild. I thought my sisters had powers as well, my eldest Fire, My twin sister gift of the gab, and my youngest sister super intelligence. I imagined I had the best of them all, Copycat but it never seemed to work as I start imagining that I could feel others feelings instead. Like I said a big imagination.

I got older my imagination didn't die. This time I had dreams that later came true. I didn't think anything of it, at that age I just felt like a superhero as well. Even though I couldn't change anything I saw, Just a sudden sense of Deja vu. Even though I felt I had changed something at some point, for it wasn't exactly what my dreams showed. This over active imagination also took my favorite T.V. shows at the time and id pretend to be those characters. I had so much fun doing so.

I age even more. I am now a teenager, with the same imagination. The same type of dreams, this time worse as they start becoming nightmares. Dreams of my sisters dying in a pile of dirt, after being pulled in. Dreams where sounds of Calvary start running, then I peek outside my door they start running by. Ghostly Calvary on horse back, yelling at top of there lungs. Then repeat till I wake up, a rabbit hole dream is what they call them. Dreams that made me wake up crying fearing the dark even more. I to this day cant shake that fear of falling asleep.

I hit high school a bit more mature, not sleeping the best still not shaking the nightmares. Starting to sense others thoughts and feelings, I thought I was just Sleep Deprived. Then I met her, I met a girl. She started this whole sequence of events that were about to unravel. A sequence of events that I could never imagine possible and couldn't make up even if I tried. Here is where the Story Begins.

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