
1. the fluffy "infected"

long time ago... an apocalypse of strange monsters with gray fur and spiral eyes attacked all the cute little wolves in a small village. the surviving family migrated to a big city.

the attack was published in all newspapers and social networks, and why the surviving family was not accepted anywhere. this family was born with spiral eyes, and the only place they can live is a forest hidden from everyone. they go to town with sunglasses on so no one can see their eyes.

the family managed to buy a school for their only child, Fluffy. it's the same school that he's cousin study. and that's the day Fluffy goes to visit her 2nd school.

"nothing better than the first day of 2nd school! the last school was so bad..." (Fluffy)

"hope you like it. your cousin will be in the same room as you, ok? take care of each other! grab your lunch. don't arrange any fights!" (Fluffy's mom)

"ok, mom!"

in the shade of a tree, a boy with pink fur has his head down.

"Hey man, what's with you?" (Fluffy)

both are wearing sunglasses. they secretly take off their glasses and see their faces.

""cousin!" (both)

they hug, and quickly put on their glasses.

"hey idiots! you look like caps!" (school bully)

"hey!!! we don't want any fights!" (Fluffy's cousin)

"maybe I can lock you in the closet later!" (school bully)

"but... we didn't do anything for you!" (Fluffy)

"I know! I'm just bored." (school bully)

"One day, we'll--- (Fluffy)

*sound for class to start*

to be continued---

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