
Meat banquet

Displaying Potter's "corpse" as a trophy, he tries to demoralize the defenders while boasting that he is the victor of the prophecy and blah blah blah...

Neville stands out to face him and ends up paralyzed with the Sorting Hat (a high-quality imitation made by McGonagall) on his head, before he sets it on fire.

At this point, Horace Slughorn together with the inhabitants of Hogsmeade and the defenders of the castle attack the Death Eaters again. While most of the defenses ran out of reserves, projectiles, or were simply non-functional, the golems continued to support until Bellatrix focused on breaking through them as she recognized them as a true threat.

Do you remember the brave scene of Neville cutting the snake with the sword of Gryffindor?

Well, he added the special effect of the blade being on fire and producing rainbow light when swung, resulting in a lion's roar with the creature's death courtesy of Soisen.

As for the species of the snake, he had no idea.

The battle resumes, but the surviving Death Eaters are vastly outnumbered from the original timeline and within a few blinks, only two remain: Bellatrix Lestrange who is fighting with Hermione, Luna, Silvia and Ginny and Voldemort himself, who fight with McGonagall, Shacklebolt and Slughorn.

Bellatrix almost kills Silvia and Ginny, but the Felix Felicis does her job and they narrowly avoid death. Just before Molly joins the furious fight, a burst of cosmic light falls from the sky onto Bellatrix, not even giving her time to scream before vanishing herself and anything within a ten-foot radius, leaving not so much as ash and only a cast stone contour at outermost point of contact.

Molly turns stiffly and sees Soisen's golden eyes alight, puffing hard enough to send steam out of her nostrils.

What she used was an advanced mode of illusion magic that can be used as lethal attack, light decay.

Voldemort doesn't know who cast this strange magic, but seeing Molly standing still, he prepares to kill her when a Shield Charm is cast and interrupts him, leaving him even more furious. He turns around to see who dares, but Voldemort can't believe his eyes.

Harry is alive?

As?! This was the second time the brat had survived the killing curse from him!

He's making his reputation as a dark lord a joke!

We come to the moment of the ball, I mean, the moment when Potter and Voldemort, being surrounded by all the combatants, begin to circle in the opposite direction of clockwise.

If it weren't for the prophecy, Soisen would have yelled that everyone shoot Voldemort right now to finish him off taking advantage of the fact that only he is left.

What followed was a fascinating explanation for many, but a boring monologue for Soisen where Potter explained Voldemort's mistakes point by point, until it was revealed that technically, he was the acknowledged true master of the Elder Wand.

Voldemort casts an Avada Kedavra at Potter, who counters with a loud Expelliarmus, determined to put an end to this once and for all.

The Killing Curse passes through the Disarming Charm like mist and strikes Potter in the chest, killing him instantly.

Soisen is speechless.

Why do you keep using disarmament against your destined enemy?!

Shit, now he would have to take the field!

Even Voldemort was stunned for a moment.

Did Harry try to overcome his powerful Killing Curse with a simple Disarming Charm?

He doesn't know the magical theory of Kapuloff Vitradan that they teach in the third year of DADA?

He could have moved away, intercepted the curse with a pebble, and a thousand other solutions.

More importantly, did it really work this time or is he faking it?

Under the transfixed gaze of the surrounding combatants, Voldemort cast the Killing Curse a few more times on Harry Potter's corpse, confirming that he was truly dead and he was the ultimate victor of the prophecy.

-My turn!

Voldemort had barely had time to sink into the bliss of final glory, feeling the Elder Wand suddenly work better in his hands, before he heard a voice and another person entered the circle.

"Those eyes... I didn't expect to meet in person, Heir Galegold." Voldemort naturally knew of the golden-eyed wizard before him. "You arrive at just the right time." I can't allow the castle to have an owner other than myself and I'm curious to know how well the wand works in my hand now that it has recognized me as its true master," he said as he finished enjoying the new level of connection with the castle. artifact of legends.

"Well, show me what the dark lord who killed Harry Potter is capable of." Soisen's eyes became more and more golden and magical as time passed and a line of blood began to fall from her nose, but I ignore her.

"It's like music to my ears." Voldemort immensely enjoyed hearing that statement and looking at Soisen as if she was going to become the icing on the cake of today's events, he pointed his wand at him with deliberate slowness.

"I'll take good care of the castle, I can promise you that," Voldemort assured as he waved farewell with his free hand. "Avada $% & Patronus!"

The field was silent.

What did he just say?

They all looked taken aback, but Soisen flashed a big smile that would have been charming if it weren't for the line of blood on her face.

"I won," she said as he wiped the blood from her face.

Voldemort did not understand what Soisen was referring to, until large dark worms began to come out of the Elder Wand and crawl up her arm. He tried to use another spell to eliminate them, but he felt that the wand was stuck to his hand and he couldn't cast anything as long as he kept expelling those worms that were devouring his body.

Somewhat frightened by the sudden turn of events, he attempted to use wandless magic, but all of his magic was being drained by the Elder Wand to produce more and more dark worms.

To the complete horror of all present, Voldemort was eaten alive by these worms until not a single drop of blood was left, at which point those worms went up in smoke, revealing a lone wand on the ground that suddenly burst into flames and was reduced to ashes carried by the wind.

-What did you just do? —Silvia was the first to come out from among the people to approach and offer her shoulder to Soisen so that she would hold on to her, because it seemed that she had taken all the strength to do whatever she did.

"I'll tell you in the Great Hall, I need to sit down and eat something or I'll pass out," Soisen replied, dizzy as never before. "I'm serious."

"I'll tell the elves in the kitchens," Hermione said before leaving.

Ron and others looked sadly and inconsolably at Potter's body on the floor and without saying a word, they carried him inside with the rest.

It didn't take Soisen long to answer his questions, she just needed to drink some water and fill her stomach with a couple of French toasts to keep her consciousness awake long enough.

-How did you do it? Minerva asked, unable to contain herself any longer.

"I used an illusion strong enough to alter his perception of spells," he explained, feeling a little better with something in his stomach to replenish some energy. Patronus Charm and not the Killing Curse.

"I've never seen you get a nosebleed when using an illusion," Hermione muttered.

"That's because in just a few seconds I used up all my magic reserves, the consumption and output of magic was so overwhelming that my body needed to rest for a few weeks to recover.

"What were those worms?" Luna asked with a slightly disgusted expression, something really rare to see in her.

—It was the consequences of daring to cast the Patronus charm when his heart succumbed to black magic —Flitwick stepped forward to stand out and explain what happened to those who didn't know — Voldemort suffered the same fate as the dark wizard Raczidian.

"Raczidian?" Ron felt like he'd heard that name somewhere.

"As I was saying before Mr. Weasley interrupted me," Flitwick said, glaring at Ron, who flinched, "A Patronus can only be used by the pure of heart. When a competent but unworthy witch or wizard, such as a dark wizard uses the charm, maggots will sprout from the wand and devour the daring caster.

"So what you did is force V-Voldemort to commit suicide?" Molly asked surprised once she understood the events.

"Well, Voldemort has always presumed to know a lot of black magic and since a matchup with him would be extremely difficult, I thought I'd use his strength against him using what I do best," Soisen explained as he struggled to stay awake. It got even more complicated when the Elder Wand recognized him as its master, so I decided to use that extra power in an unorthodox way.

"In fact, the worms that came out of the wand were not similar to those recorded in the books, they seemed more ferocious, larger and darker," Flitwick agreed as he reflected. "That means that the legendary wand not only magnifies its master's magic, but also also the secondary or negative effects of the magic used. Well, it did.

"Why was the Elder Wand destroyed after his death?" Pomona still wasn't comfortable saying his name even if he was dead.

Soisen was half asleep and it was only when Silvia kissed him on the cheek that he straightened up and woke up enough to answer that question.

—The wand changes its master when the previous one dies or when someone defeats its master in a confrontation, that is its pattern when transferring —he said with a voice full of sleep— But, what happens if his current master is not killed or defeated, but commits suicide using his own wand?

"That you don't have anyone to transfer to?" Ginny deduced.

—Also, but the point is that despite his ease in changing masters, he is completely loyal to him as long as he is recognized. Killing his master is "treason" and since he had no one else to call master either, he concluded that his existence was unnecessary.

Molly wanted to ask something else, but Soisen held up her hand.

"I'm sorry, but any remaining questions will be answered in the interview that will take place… when I wake up." If you need anything else from me, ask my secretary, Miss Granger." Soisen turned to give Silvia one last look with a smile. "Honey, I trust you. Good night all.

And before anyone had time to stop him, Soisen collapsed on the table headfirst and fell asleep.

Everyone watched as the one they considered the savior of the magical world, he left a dent in the mahogany table as his forehead suddenly turned dark and metallic.

They exchanged glances and sighed.

Well, it's not the weirdest thing he's ever done.

What do you think of the "loophole" I found for the Elder Wand?

Cadenadeaventurascreators' thoughts
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