
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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341 Chs

True Goddess of Technology - The Destruction of Peaceforce - True Soul of Godliness

「 When the balance of the universe is impending to tip over and the Genesis War is still continuing, no one will be able to restore balance to the universe, not even the most powerful, legendary, and mythical heroes that can be found in various worlds. All of the highest beings, cosmic beings, and many more are also fighting or playing the defensive position. They are unaware of the movement of the Peaceforce to the center of the universe since the Cosmic Law and Celestial Order didn't have the chance to relay their loss 」


「 When no one was aware of the impending destruction of the universe, the observers witnessed the events unfold in the universe. They had to take action to restore the balance of the universe 」

"The True Gods and the Ancient Ones..."

「 That's right... Though, all the Lovecraftian deities such as the Ancient Ones, Primordial Ones, Great One, Outer Gods, and Elder Gods didn't take action for now as the True Gods are the one who decided to move 」

『 Special condition requirements has been met! 』

"Lovecraftian deities... Didn't expect that they actually existed and that they are in the Field of the Multiverse..."

「 Yeah, you'll learn more about them one day, but not now 」


「 So, with that in mind, the True Gods can't just easily intervene and send anyone into the universe. A specific True God have to enter and fix it. Just like when the True God of Worlds came down on Primordial Earth to create Terra, any True Gods that enter the universe will have their power dwindled, but they are still powerful nonetheless 」

"The True Goddess of Technology was the one who was tasked to confront the Peaceforce and eradicate them "

「 Yes. This is the start of the Record of the Extinction of the Peaceforce 」


「 Since the Peaceforce are machines created by Mobiüs that harness godly levels technological potential, the True Goddess of Technology was the one who entered. Considering that the Peaceforce also deal with time and space, there was nothing that could be done because Father Time and Mother Space was separated and imprisoned. Since there are also no gods that govern time and space, the True Gods had no choice but to send the True Goddess of Technology to which she agreed for the sake of the balance of this universe 」


The True Goddess of Technology immediately went towards the Peaceforce, after passing through the Wall of the Universe, past the hyper massive black holes that eat the void of the Field of the Multiverse to expand, with the the help of mana or Dark Energy

By passing through space, she ended a few battles, destroyed advanced technological civilizations, and birthed new technological civilizations in the process. Her power was only cut to half because of the permission and agreement by most of the beings living in the Field of the Multiverse, unlike the True God of Worlds where his power was arguably cut to a hundredth

In no time at all, despite the large distance of space from the edge of the universe to the center of the universe, the True Goddess of Technology arrived at the ever growing army of the Peaceforce

The P.E.A.C.E. grew ten times its size and it's the brightest object that could be seen in all corner of the universe. The space was filled by an uncountable number of Peacemakers and Peacekeepers, as the Peacewatchers were looming from afar, next to P.E.A.C.E.

She was immediately swarmed by the Peacemakers and the vast cosmic ocean of Mobiüs Trinities to liberate her. Since she is the True Goddess of Technology, the Peaceforce decided to take her entire being and use it for themselves and harness her power for the sake of peace

Of course, as the True Goddess of Technology with half of her power, he mostly elimated the Peace Enforcers, Peacemakers and Peacekeepers, even if they were supported by the Peacesustainers, Peacemenders, and Peaceboosters. She had the hardest time dealing with the Mobiüs Trinities as they were able to affect spacetime continuum

So, he used a good chunk of her power to banish the Mobiüs Trinities and turn them into the objects that is rejected by the Will of Universe itself and the Natural Grand Order of Things

The Mobiüs Trinities were immediately rejected and transfered to a plane that different from the universe. The location is unknown and it's unreachable, like the Mobiüs Realm

Because of this, the Peacewatchers began to take action and they almost eliminated the True Goddess of Technology. The Peacewatchers were colossal guardians that can wrestle black holes and destroy planets with a single strike after all

The entire squadron of Peacewatchers of 12 were too much for the True Goddess of Technology as she underestimated them. Not to mention, the Peace Council, consisting of the Peace Creators, Peace Builders, and Peace Constructors kept creating technology that far surpasses the expectation of the True Goddess

The amount of Peacemakers and Peacekeepers are still too much as an uncountable amount of projectiles and attacks kept raining on her from all directions

This is not a True Goddess of Technology versus a planet nor a planetary system anymore. It is the True Goddess of Technology versus an entire galaxy of the Peaceforce

The beings outside of the universe saw this battle and saw that the True Goddess of Technology was struggling. So, they were granted the permission to unlock the full power of the True Goddess of Technology

The True Goddess of Technology was grateful for this and she immediately powered up to finish the job quickly. At this point, the beings outside of the universe left since they know that she will finish the job and no beings inside a universe can match the full might of a True Goddess

They were right, in almost an instant, she eradicted 90% of the Peaceforce, except for six creations; Blade Peacewatcher, Omni-Transformation Peacemaker, Total Repair Peacemender, Silent Warden Peacekeeper, State Perpetuation Peacesustainer, and Total Upgrade Peacebooster, as well as a few of the Peace Council and the P.E.A.C.E. that has a gaping hole created on its side making the planet like a crescent

They had the final battle against each other. State Perpetuation stuck with Omni-Transformation, Total Upgrade stuck with Silent Warden, and Total Repair stuck with Blade

Omni-Transformation dealt the most problem to the True Goddess of Technology while Silent Warden dealt the most damage, as Blade deals the final blow

Blade managed to cut a True Goddess's left arm and Silent Warden punched a hole on her right chest

Due to the pain, she couldn't help but activate her Realm of Subsistence

『 Secret special condition requirement has been met! 』

A Realm of Subsistence is a True Deity's version of a divine being's Plane of Existence

The True Goddess of Technology manifested her Realm of Subsistence: Echtylomachia. It is a state where she enter complete control over her concept and apply it to the same concept that she recognize

It's almost the same as Technology Concept to the degree of Technology Manipulation and Absolute Manipulation, but the difference is that she's just a True Goddess, not a True Concept

The entire Peaceforce stopped, including the manipulating spacetime continuum. She immediately destroyed the most powerful enemy out of everyone and it's Blade with Total Repair. Both of them immediately turned into scraps that they are beyond salvage and repair

She approached the damaged P.E.A.C.E. and immediately eradicated the Peace Council, along with all of their creations and the P.E.A.C.E. itself


"That's how the Peaceforce became extinct?"

「 Yes. All it took was the full power of the True Goddess of Technology and her Realm of Subsistence 」

"Tell me... If I were to fight the Peaceforce in their prime with the current me, who would win?"

「 Peaceforce, hands down... 」

"Hm... Then, who would be more powerful, the True God of Worlds or the True Goddess of Technology?"

「 According to the record and data... Definitely the True Goddess of Technology 」

"But if it's full powered True God of Worlds againet her?"

「 Data is not enough to measure. You fought the True God of Worlds that's a hundredth of his power after all... 」

"I see... So, what does the True Goddess of Technology have to do with Sheena's fate???"

「 Hm, after the True Goddess of Technology destroyed P.E.A.C.E., Omni-Transformation somehow managed to break free from her control and dealt mortal damage to her. In turn, she struck Omni-Transformation and it was immediately destroyed 」


「 But since it is an Omni-Transformation Peacemaker, it managed to preserve its soul and essence. This is the origin of the personality inside Mathilda's body 」


Philip widened his eyes in surprise and realization

「 The Peacemaker escaped and drifted through the universe until it found Mathilda and harbored a part of her personality 」

"I see... I have to see her origin later then..."

「 Okay... Then, after the True Goddess of Technology destroyed Omni-Transformation, State Perpetuation managed to detach and her Realm of Subsistence was cancelled because of the mortal damage that she received from Omni-Transformation. The Silent Warden took this opportunity to finish the True Goddess, with Total Upgrade 」


「 It attacked her from behind and dealt a critical blow on her chest, gouging her first Godly Fragment on the Cardinal Command Godly Component of the Godly Superstructure, her heart 」


「 The True Goddess of Technology remained stationary until she reached for the State Perpetuation and held it by its head. As the True Goddess of Technology, she absorbed the essence of the State Perpetuation and preserved her state of being. She then reached from her behind and simply tapped the Silent Warden, obliterating it towards the crumbling P.E.A.C.E. 」


「 She then reached for the Total Upgrade and absorbed it also, trying to upgrade her being as she tried to live. If she got out of the universe in time, she will survive and the True Deities will help her 」


「 Little does she know, the Peaceforce had one last attack. She overlooked the existence of the P.E.A.C.E. Ark and as the P.E.A.C.E. itself crumbled into itself like a singularity, at the very center point of the universe, with the addition of the essence of a Peacekeeper, the Peaceforce collapsed into itself, forming a very impossible object that it can't even exist in the Field of the Multiverse... 」

"What is it?"

「 I... I don't know... Neither I nor the system could comprehend it 」

"What??? Interesting... Is there a reason why?"

「 ... 」

『 Condition requirements hasn't been met! 』

「 It is impossible for you to comprehend it 」

"Really? Like how I won't be able to comprehend the Field of the Multiverse too much for now?"

「 That's right 」

"Then, what happened to the True Goddess of Technology after? Is there a record of that?"

「 Yes. The True Goddess of Technology died with the essence of the State Perpetuation Peacesustainer and Total Upgrade Peacebooster attached to her... You know what the means 」

"Ah... Oh god..."

「 Sheena is the reborn True Goddess of Technology with the power of the most powerful Peacesustainer and Peacebooster 」


Philip clutched his head while flabbergasted and dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Sheena's true identity would be that kind

"I can't believe we have a True Goddess just near us..."

「 Well, she technically not the actual True Goddess of Technology. Remember when you killed the God of Darkness, he died, but his essence stayed in the form of the Divine Soul? 」

"Yeah? You don't mean..."

「 Yes, Sheena's still human, but it's different because it's a True Goddess we're talking about... 」


「 The souls of the True Deities are not called the Divine Soul, it is called the True Soul of Godliness. Surprisingly, this kind of soul is kinda friendly to all other types of souls. So, the True Soul of Godliness on Technology harbored Sheena's body and coexisted with her human soul. They were like in harmony 」

"I see... That's good then... So, her power and abilities, where does it come from?"

「 The essence of the Peacesustainer and Peacebooster that's being enhanced by the True Soul 」

"In the future, will Sheena be able to become the True Goddess of Technology?"

「 Yes and No 」


「 Technically, she should be considered as the True Goddess of Technology already... But she's ultimately a human and she won't be able to harness the power of a True Goddess. The essences of the Peacesustainer and Peacebooster are only acting as a medium, but it can only do so much 」

"I understand..."

「 Looks like you found what you're changing in Sheena's fate? 」


「 Alright, that's pretty much everything that's left... Do you have any concerns? 」

"I guess it's regarding to why the Primordial Particles were avoiding Mobiüs, as he mentioned, and why this record is in Amatsuka's fragmented memories??"

「 The reason why the Primordial Particles were avoiding Mobiüs is because of the Peaceforce. The Primordial Particles became a concept that the Peaceforce cannot control or harness. The reason for that is because it's literally the end of the universe since mana can almost do anything if it's in the wrong hands 」

"I see... Understandable..."

「 On the other hand... You have to unlock more of Amatsuka's memories to find that out since me nor the system has a record pertaining to that, only the Chronicles of the Peaceforce and the True Goddess of Technology 」

"Alright, I understand..."

「 Are you ready to return? 」

"Hmmm... Yes please"

「 ... 」

Philip closed his eyes and the kaleidoscopic hyperspace filled his vision. He opened his eyes and he didn't see himself inside Sheena's Japanese room, but in space filled with stars, planets, and metallic debris
