
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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341 Chs

Raw Power - Taken Aback - Completion - Comfort - Return


Amatsuka was shocked that Tenshi suddenly released a powerful surge of energy


As soon as she turned her head towards Tenshi, she was surprised to see Philip behind her, as well as the Eight Magic Eyes and Tenshi's new transformation





The others were also shaken to the point that they halted their battle and observed Tenshi

『 You have passed the third test! 』

『 You have received Power Jewel! 』

『 You will receive considerable power boost beyond your imagination! 』

『 You will always be more powerful than your alter egos and you will have complete control over them, with the exception of Amatsuka 』

『 The Bounded Ring of Totality of Fate has imprinted Power 』

『 Tenshi Hikaru has obtained the Power Catalyst 』

Tenshi pulled her arms downwards and tucked it next to her while still clenching her hands


A transparent shockwave exploded from her, but it didn't affect anything or anyone. She's still currently glowing with bright white light, like she's burning in white fire

『 You have temporarily achieved State of Totality 』

『 It is a state achieved by becoming everything and anything to the point that is further than singularity 』

『 You are now currently everything and anything 』

Tenshi's arms blurred and ended up in a cross in front of her as she swiped her arms upwards diagonally







Everyone exclaimed a sound of pain, except for Amatsuka. Her white eyes enlarged from shock

Zenchi instantly fell unconscious, all of Ketsuki's Pureblood abilities were undone and cancelled, Jikan's time lines inside her crystalline body was cut, and Nashi and Usu disappeared completely

The only person that was left was Suzu as she barely deflected Tenshi's attempt to incapacitate her using pure imagination


Amatsuka immediately dashed and went next to Tenshi, but her power is slightly overwhelming her, so she shifted around behind Philip which she felt warmth


Ketsuki tried to conjure Pureblood abilities again, but Tenshi prevented her to do so with just her aura

Tenshi hovered forward and pulled her right fist backwards as she slightly twisted her body. She extended her left hand towards Suzu in a stance where she will strike a right punch with the weight of her body


Before anyone knew it, Tenshi disappeared from her place without making any sounds or disruption in the surroundings. It's as if she used shadow step

『 Maximum strength is being used! 』

『 The Realm of Nothingness is trembling! 』

A streak of flaming white light drew across the transparent world and aimed towards Suzu


Suzu wasn't fazed, but she still has fear from the lingering emotions of her humanity, from Tenshi

She raised her left hand and aimed for the incoming streak of flaming white light. She planned to intercept Tenshi with pure imagination

But before she could do anything, Tenshi just appeared in front of her in a blink of an eye


Suzu was stunned and confused. The streak of light was still quite a distance away from her, but Tenshi is already in front of her

Suzu subconsciously lowere her body as Tenshi's looking down on her with her overwhelming aura washing over her. Her almost void eyes was staring into his being and brings her deep fear and anxiety

After almost one second, a wave of powerful energy washed over Suzu that originated behind Tenshi

This was the streak of flaming white light that was late to arrive

Suzu lifted her arms and covered half of her body while Tenshi is covering most of her. The streak that could be called as an energy blast, split apart when it came into contact with Tenshi. It's as if the aura behind Tenshi was screaming at Suzu

After a few second, the energy blast dissipated and calmness returned


Tenshi spoke one word and Suzu lowered her head. She understood the difference between the Imagination Angel Suzu and State of Totality Tenshi

"I concede..."


All six powerful transformations were rendered to dust without Tenshi doing anything too extreme

Tenshi then turned around towards Philip as Amatsuka is hiding behind him. Philip opened his eyes and gis eyesight immediately landed on Tenshi

The [Shades of Logicity] was already unequipped and his bright golden eyes could almost light up the entire transparent world


Philip gave a warm smile, to which Tenshi showed a reaction. She hovered towards him slowly

Philip raised his right hand to reach for Tenshi and she reached for his hand with her left hand

Philip gently held her left hand with his fingers and pulled her into an embrace

「 Soul Link has been established! 」


Tenshi broke into tears as her [State of Totality] is being undone

『 Touch of Vitality has expired! 』

『 Tenshi Hikaru's State of Totality has been undone 』

Tenshi burrowed her head into Philip's chest and she hugged him tightly. Philip caressed her head and patted her back to comfort her


There was no need for an exchange of words as their hearts are already talking to each other. Not to mention, they are connected through Soul Link and all of their thoughts are being fed into each other

Philip saw what happened this entire time, when she was forgotten and came into the ⟨⟨ Realm of Nothingness ⟩⟩. This made him embrace Tenshi tighter, as if telling her that he will never let go of her again

This was happening as Amatsuka only watched them in silence. She hovered still as her white eyes pulsates slightly

『 You have passed the first test! 』

『 Tenshi Hikaru has received Remembrance Jewel! 』

『 Both of you will remember each other from now on, even if one of you disappears from existence, except by Unknown 』


『 The Bounded Ring of Totality of Fate has imprinted Remembrance 』

『 Tenshi Hikaru has obtained the Remembrance Catalyst 』

After several seconds, Tenshi pushed herself away from Philip and he looked down on her eyes

She's still bright and lively, despite the deepest parts of her eyes becoming dark and dead. It seems that the second test was too much for her

It could've also amplified her feeling of abandonment and despair because she already witnessed Philip's despair. Fortunately, she was strong enough to fight for her love and life

Philip then turned his head to the right and spotted Amatsuka



They stared at each other's eyes and Amatsuka's body shook


Philip gave her a warm smile and also reached his right hand towards her


Amatsuka was reluctant, but as soon as she saw Tenshi's warm smile directed at her, she subconsciously took a step forward and hovered

She also reached her left hand and they touched each other. Philip pulled her and wrapped her around his arm

"Thank you for thinking about Tenshi and trying to reclaim her"

"I-It's no problem..."

"This is your reward..."


Amatsuka was surprised as she felt a warm touch on her forehead. This was the first time she felt something warm, different from the coldness of void

Philip kissed her forehead

"How about--"

"Of course you'll have yours also"

Philip kissed Tenshi on her forehead before she could teasingly complain and pout

They then laughed all together, but Amatsuka's body could only shake to show the signs of her laughing. Eventually, they all engaged in a group hug and they were very happy

"That was a difficult journey, huh?"

Philip asked, as if he could only imagine

"It is..."

"I tried my best..."

Tenshi and Amatsuka tried to hold back their emotions. Amatsuka is slowly becoming human as she witnesses Tenshi and Philip's interactions, as well as experience them

"Don't worry, that won't happen again... I'll be more careful in bringing you to a place that's too extreme, just in case you absorb that catalyst and cause problems. At the very least, I'll ask you in prior notice so that you could prepare"

"Yes, thank you..."


"But don't be too afraid... I will overcome whatever test that I might encounter when I absorb an extreme catalyst... I want to be helpful as much as possible"

"I understand"

"I will also help Tenshi when push comes to shove, so don't worry too much! I'll protect her the best the I can!"

"Thank you! Don't overexert yourself"

Philip caressed Amatsuka's head

"So, should we return?"

"Yes... Are we going to tell the announcement to everyone?"

"What announcement?"


Tenshi lifted her left hand and Philip saw the [Bounded Ring of Totality of Fate]

"Ah! Yes, we should... Though, I'm concerned about the others..."

"Oh, don't worry about that!"

"What do you mean?"

"I've already talked to everyone that has feelings for you~"


"You'll know soon enough hehe~"


Philip curled his eyebrows in concern. He began to be worried since he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings

Though, a part of him is also telling him that whatever might happen is advantageous or a good news, just from intuition

So, like always, he'll let everything happen first and deal with it later. As the saying goes, "we'll cross the bridge when we get there"

"So, how do we return?"

Tenshi asked

"Hm... This is the Realm of Nothingness and it's almost the same as Philip's World of Imagination and World of Absolute Nothingness"

Amatsuka spoke, as if to give Tenshi a hint

"It's a realm... So, is there a different way to return other than just closing your eyes?"

Tenshi asked Philip

"Don't look at me? As far as I know, this Realm of Nothingness is yours and yours only"



"Ah! Sorry, I didn't mention this earlier, but the eyes behind you are mesmerizing... You're like a peacock!"

"Oh, yeah! These are apparently magic eyes from when I seek Rue's origin"

"Oh, you have to tell me about that"

"Of course! Let's return first"

"Yup! So, this Realm of Nothingness is my own? How would I return..."

"Maybe do as I do? Close your eyes and see yourself back in the Dining Hall?"

"Let me try..."


Tenshi closed her eyes and imagined herself back in the Dining Hall, eating with everybody



Tenshi focused hard and urged herself further


But nothing has changed and nothing was happening. If she would've returned, she would hear bustling chatter and the sounds of utensils hitting the plate. Unless everyone was silent and they are just waiting for her


She decided to open her eyes and when she did so, she heard loud noises and saw that everyone is in high alert, like an enemy has invaded and everyone is ready to attack

But her worry was suddenly dissipated after everyone seemed to calm down without undoing their transformations or power, energy, and aura


"I'm back guys!"

Tenshi declared with a smile

"What the hell happened?!"

"That was strange!"

"That was so bizarre!"

The gods exclaimed in utter confusion as Ken undid his sword finger and Chibi Sai's glowing body began to dim down


On the other hand, Beatrice was smiling with tears coming down her eyes. She began to fade away as Bea's slowly coming back

Bea returned and sat back down on her seat, as if nothing happened

The unconscious maids and butlers were helped by their fellow workers that just came out of the kitchen


Alucard was silent as he tried to figure out what happened, but couldn't see anything, even with his degraded [Blood Eyes of Truth]


Meanwhile, Camille knew everything that happened since she's the Witch of Second Coming, except for what happened inside the ⟨⟨ Realm of Nothingness ⟩⟩. She only knows that Tenshi was suddenly forgotten by everyone and Bea, who transformed into Beatrice, shouted at Philip. In no time, Tenshi returned like nothing happened

She is slightly interested as to the details of what truly happened, but she's more interested at Beatrice and her words that's full of wisdom

The others also seemed to have forgotten that Bea transformed into Beatrice, like they ignored her completely, even the gods themselves, except Philip and Camille. Tenshi didn't know that Beatrice showed herself, but she has a clue after seeing Philip's memories and thoughts

Sheena became not drowsy anymore, but Satou and Rue was incredibly confused. Rue was confused because her Magic Red Eyes were activated and Satou's eyes are bleeding

The others became worried and concerned as the maids quickly went to Satou to wipe the blood off. Rue immediately deactivated her magic eyes to not cause any ruin in the mansion

Braudain took a deep breath after feeling crushed or suffocated. He knows that something happened with Philip, but refused to ask about it

After a while of thinking, everyone turned their heads at Philip with him smiling softly while looking into emptiness



Philip was startled and his focus came back

"What just happened?"

"Hm... Let's just say that Tenshi underwent an empowerment"
