
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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341 Chs

Obssesion - Hero Complex - Third Party Conflict - Intervention - Fated Moment - Curse Invocation

At the same time as Sunstone and Akayuki crash landed on the ground beneath the Core Academy and Philip being dragged deeper in the Spirit Mines by Cedric

Two individuals arrived beside the hole on the ground at the center of the Core Academy that Akayuki and Sunstone made

"Are the poor students inside here, Chloe?" Von asked with worry

"Yes, they are all there..." Chloe said with trembling voice. Von noticed her trembling voice and asked her

"What else do you see?"

"I-I see... Everyone's fate lines..." Chloe said with furrowed eyebrows

"What does it tell?"

"All of the fate lines are not pointing at the sky anymore... It all points and converges into one point and a thicker fate line points to the sky from the covergence point..." Chloe said while trembling

"The thick fate line is so bright and gold in color... The space shakes just from it existing... The big star that I saw back then... Shines brighter than ever... It's as if it's about to explode..." Chloe said like she was feeling pain

"I see..." Von closed his eyes. "We need to save the students immediately!!"

Von then immediately jumped down the hole, followed by Chloe. Chloe's eyes are realeasing tears as they fall through the hole

A few seconds later, a new majestic place filled their view. A giant tree with a large hole on its stem, and a large cave on the cliff side with faint blue stones. They could also see people right beneath them on the ground, fighting and a dew people running towards the giant tree

"The students are at that cliff side. Four of them have the glowing fate lines, along with one adult..." Chloe mentioned to Von as they are falling

"Really? Then we must go quick!" Von reached Chloe's body and hugged her

The angle of their free fall then changed as a sonic boom echoed in the sky. Von and Chloe shot towards the Genesis Class in an insane speed

Chihaya, Yuze, and Alex didn't miss the darting black blur that came from the hole in the sky with their eyes that is going straight at them

Chihaya's eyes widened as an unknown variable has entered the fray. Alex immediately absorbed the Pure Mana inside the True Spirit Stone that Yuze and Lyre gave him. Nana noticed Alex's actions and also absorbed the True Spirit Stone. They began to undergo through their power ups

Yuze, however, immediately made her stance as she pointed her left palm at the black blur with two of her fingers opened

Lyre was confused at what Yuze was doing when suddenly, Sonar alerted her

[Lyre, quick! Enemies are coming here!]

Lyre was alarmed by Sonar's warning, she looked around only to see nothing. Until, a loud crashing sound was heard and dust and smoke filled their views

Chihaya looked around after she heard loud thumping sounds around her, when a louder thump echoed from behind her and she felt someone pass her side

The smoke and dust dissipated after Nana used an aura that stimulates the air around her. Wind swept through everyone like a morning breeze, it was different for Chloe and Von, who just returned from Chloe's side after his right arm was smoking from an impact

As the dust and smoke dissipated, Nana and Alex's power up was revealed

Nana's tied blonde hair was undone and it levitated in the air. Her eyes were glowing red as a black glint shines on her pupils. There was a visible thick film of blue energy that envelopes her body as red aura emanates behind her back

Alex's muscles bulged and grew larger as his height increased by half. His brown hair is fluttering from the wind as his brown eyes were deep and piercing. His left fist was smoking from him punching something

Clearly, from looking at his fist and Von's arm, he hit Von in the smoke. It was unclear why Von was next to Alex at that moment

After they looked around, their question was answered as they saw every one of their classmates on the ground behind them. Except for Yashida, who is like a dead fish as he is plopped down against a wall with eyes opened, Yuze, and Lyre

"These poor students... They were being taken advantage of by the academy... It was fortunate that I have knocked most of them before they suffer!" Von loudly said as tears flowed from his eyes. Chloe was looking down with fear and sad eyes, not from the students' situation, but from the four students and the aduly in front of them

These five individuals has a thick fate line that connects to each other and towards the biggest star deep in the Spirit Mines that respectively connects to the thickest fate linr that points towards the sky

The group curled their eyebrows from confusion after hearing Von's words

"What are you talking about?!" Chihaya asked in confusion

"You have no right to talk to me after what you did with these students... They just wanted to live a peaceful life yet your academy took them away from their homes only to perform experiments and tests on their abilities..." Von said as he covered his face from the flowing tears

"They deserve to be free and have a will of their own!!!" Von said with fervor

"Huh???!" All five of them exclaimed after hearing the man in front of them

"What are you on about? We chose to stay here after learning about our abilities!" Alex exclaimed

"That's right! It was true that we were taken away, but it was the better!" Nana exclaimed in annoyance

"We would have lost control of our abilities and cause chaos if we haven't learned about it and stayed in public!" Lyre said after she learned to control her abilities from the Mystical Test with the help of Philip and Sonar. She also reminisced about the past when she first discovered her abilities and caused disorder from her aunt's home

{𝘈 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵 𝘶𝘱𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥!}

"The academy was built for the sole purpose of helping the new ability users to control their newfound powers and teach them to use it for good!" Yuze voiced out

"The world would be at war of the government and the public knew that magic and ability users has appeared around the world!" Chihaya interjected


There was a moment of silence between the two parties as explosions, roars of flames, and sounds of metal scraping each other echoed in the far distance behind Von and Chloe

"Oh no!!!" Von held his mouth with both of his hands as more tears flowed out of his eyes

"You poor students have been brainwashed by the academy!!!" Von kneeled down as he bawled out of control

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I was too late!!" Von apologized to the four, particularly Yuze, Lure, Alex, and Nana

The five people looked at the man with pity and disgust. How could this man misunderstand the situation?

The answer is, he is obsessed at saving people the moment he deemed that they are in need of rescue. He becomes deaf to anyone that tries to clear up the misunderstanding or talk him out of it

The other reason is that he has a hero complex and anything that he deemed as an evil act, he would absolutely try to destroy them and cease their operation or end their lives

"Since I couldn't save you anymore and the academy might have brainwashed you to refuse any rescues... I must end your suffering right here, right now!" Von gritted his teeth and grinded it due to anger to himself and stood up. He has no choice but to end them when the academy already brainwashed them. He clenched his fists until and bled and powered up

The five of them looked at Von with knitted eyebrows and disgusted eyes. There's nothing they can say to stop this obsessed and one-way headed person

Chloe, however, has her mind straight and upon hearing the five's words, she understood the true purpose of the Mystical Academy and it was for the good of the society and better of the world

She immediately ran away and went around everyone towards the Spirit Mines. The five ignored her because they didn't feel any hostility coming from her. In addition to that, they noticed that she was afraid of something

They just thought that she found an opportunity to run away and misunderstood that she was a fugitive of this man

"Chloe? Chloe! No!!! Have they brainwashed you also just by their words?!!!" Von began to cry once again after Chloe ran away

"You damn little sh*ts! You even brainwashed Chloe! I will never forgive you! Until I have liberated you all from your suffering!" Von powered up even further

As Chloe ran towards the entrance of the cave, she tripped and fell down, blood dripped from her head as her eyes glowed brighter

She looked straight forward and she was terrified and confused from what she saw

Von started to walk forward and approached the five. Lyre subconsciously stepped back and Chihaya prepared herself as the rim of her pupils glowed with intense white

Alex stepped forwards and approached Von himself while Nana stayed behind as she began to float in the air as she emanated a black aura that surrounded the lower half of her body

Yuze flicked her left hand and pointed her two fingers at Von and tried to stop his advance

Von stopped momentarily only to advance once again, albeit slower

Yuze was surprised when Von started to move after she applied her Shift ability on him. Even with her full transformation and the Pure Mana that she absorbed from the True Spirit Stones

Von slowly raised his left arm and circled in front of him, as if he was twisting a rope around his arm. He then gripped the air and pulled it

Yuze then suddenly went forward despite her maintaining her stance. Everyone oresent was surprised as they began to analyze Von's ability

Just then, Von moved normally, except for his left arm, and moved forward and tried to grab Yuze

At this moment, Alex ran and instantly arrived in front of Von. He then punched Von's face and he was blown back

Von was taller than Alex, even after Alex's height increased by half his original height, and he just punched Von away

The five of them was alarmed and they subconsciously assumed their roles in this fight

Alex and Yuze followed the trajectory of Von, Chihaya followed behind them and stood by as she prepared herself to intercept, Lyre stood beside Chihaya and began to use her ability, and Nana hovered above them as she generated different kinds of aura

Red, yellow, orange, and green aura flowed out from Nana's body and aimed for the advancing Yuze and Alex

These are buffs that covered the both of them with the Aura of Strength, Enduring Aura, Haste Aura, and Revitalizing Aura respectively

A Conducting Baton manifested from Lyre's right hand as she lifted her right arm in front of her. She opened her mouth as musical notes particles generated around her. The transparent Sonar that is hovering behind her followed her movement and a different kind of voice came out of Lyre's mouth

Yuze used Shift on herself on flew up as she shifted the air around her and formed condensed balls of shredding winds

Alex also ran and approached the standing Von and pulled his fist behind him and collected momentum to hit Von

Von quickly noticed the incoming Alex and intercepted him as he also pulled his fist backwards and striked as Alex punched

Yuze also threw the balls shredding winds at Von as she darted towards him

Lyre disturbed Von's thinking ability with her voice and calmed her allies while Nana tried to induce negative aura towards Von to slow him down


"I see that your woman has been stolen by another man?"

"Who are you?!!" Cedric exclaimed

"It doesn't matter who I am, the only thing that matters now is that I can help you get your woman back"

"Really? How?"

"It's quite simple... I'll give you this item and you just use it"

"What do I do with this?!"

"Well... If you use that on the person that stole your woman, he would certainly die and his soul will be put in eternal suffering"

"Hm... What's the catch?"

"The catch is... You must beat him to a pulp until he has no more will to live"

"What's in it for you?"

"Nothing much... It's just an opportunity where we can get rid of a certain threat. Besides! You will also get your woman back! It's a win-win situation!"


"Don't worry! After you also use that, any woman will fall for you, no question asked!"


"Yeah! You could get your woman fall for you completely!"


"Anyways! I need to go! You need to get out of this place before night because this place will become a battlefield"



Cedric looked forward with deep eyes as he dragged Philip's convulsing body with his hair. He crudely dragged his body to provide more damage and pain to him as his body is being grated by the ragged floors of the tunnel

He also looked at the item that the red haired man gave him earlier

The item was fist sized and octagon in shape. It resembles a white diamond with black casing around its joints

He doesn't know how to use this, but according to typical story plots, the item should activate if he placed the item against Philip's chest

The only thing left to do is remove his will to live and use the item on him

The question is, is Philip's will to live has gone?

He looked behind him where he's dragging his body. All he could see was his body shaking and convulsing violently, probably due to the accumulated pain

He admitted that he didn't hold back when hitting Philip. He told to himself that it was worth it

A few seconds later, Cedric arrived on a ledge. He strained his eyes and looked ahead of the pitch black cave, only to see nothing

He peered past the ledge to look down, only to get swept by a nauseating and painful wave of intense Mana that he couldn't handle


He subconsciously screamed from the pain that he felt and he fell down on his butt beside Philip. He huffed so hard and caught his breath after being in its influence for just a second

He stood up and decided to remove Philip's will to live by placing him in the influence of the pressure of this chasm

He could throw Philip down the chasm and let him suffer, but making Philip's soul suffer eternally and making any woman fall for him is a more inviting offer

He grabbed Philip's neck and lifted his body. The body was violently shaking and be placed it just a few inches from the wave of intense Mana from the chasm

"You know... You could have lived peacefully in this place if you haven't met my woman... Now, you're going to die and suffer eternally"

Cedric moved forward and placed the convulsing body above the chasm


At the ground near the giant tree with the Divine Star in the middle of its stem, Sunstone and Akayuki were exchanging blows

Flames bursted, swords slashed, explosions occured, screams and shouts echoed from their mouths

Tanzanite then came running towards the both of them


Sunstone heard Tanzanite and looked at her with a furious demeanor from fighting Akayuki

Akayuki already has her one red horn on her forehead glow with bright light. Two small red horns started to grow beside her one horn

Muramasame also started to lose control as its Demonic Aura leaked without control and covered Akayuki. Her aura also became extremely cold

"Let's do it now!!!" Sunstone shouted at Tanzanite

"Solar Prominence!"

An arch of molten lava and fire came out Sunstone's body. The arch melted the ground that it touched

Akayuki couldn't help but rely on her instincts, despite her losing control of her body due to Akaoni, and jump back in a far distance

Tanzanite jumped in Sunstone's chest and hugged him. Sunstone also hugged her back. Tanzanite burrowed her face on Sunstone's chest as Sunstone glared at Akayuki

"Gem Fusion!!"

Sunstone and Tanzanite's body then glowed with each other's colors. Their colors converged with each other and combined

The figure of two humanoid bodies became one and taller. The tall figure emanated a glow of black color

From the chest of the black figure, a white shine bursted forth as the glow dimmed

The figure revealed an entirely black body with polished cuts and grooves across it's body. On it's chest, is a blazing four pointed white star that shines across its neck, right shoulder, right hips, and left ribs

The figure opened its eyes and it revealed a glowing white eyes with a burning black flame in the center

Akayuki stared at the figure while gritting her teeth. Her demonic instincts are telling her that this figure is extremely dangerous. All of her Japanese swords were coated with Demonic Aura that came from Muramasame and the sword itself became longer and sharper the longer Akayuki is on Akaoni transformation


The black figure muttered as a strong wave of pressures wept the entire field and reached the giant tree and the Spirit Mines

Then, instantly, the black figure appeared in front of Akayuki with its fist burrowed on her stomach with the Japanese swords being shattered beside her. Muramasame was held by the black figure's left hand

"Remeber my name. I am Black Star Diopside"

Black Star Diopside said as Akayuki lost consciousness as her Akaoni transformation has been undone. Her three red horns shrunk and went back inside her forehead. Her red eyes returned to being deep blue. The Bushi Seishin behind her also disappeared

Akayuki plopped down on the ground as she lost consciousness

Black Star Diopside looked towards the Spirit Mines and saw a battle occuring in there. He looked furthet and saw the big light that Tanzanite saw earlier. It also saw a familiar individual and it was smiling upon confirming his identity

The Sunstone side of it grinned and became proud as the other troublesome threat has been taken care of. As long as the White Diamond of Severance has been used on the threat

He was grinning because how foolish that man is. He was an ignorant, self-centered man that gets what he want as long as it was achievable. He lied to the man that any woman will fall for her when he used it as a side effect. It was fortunate that the man immediately believed him

Black Star Diopside then looked at the giant tree, particularly at the large gaping hole at the middle of its trunk. The Divine Star resides in the middle of the hole, floating without strings attached. The Divine Star sucks Mana around this place and sends it to the Mystical Academy

It then walked towards the giant tree as it was surrounded by the disciples. It climbed up the trunk and reached the Divine Star

Just from it's touch, the Divine Star would be instantly sent to the headquarters as Tanzanite's temporary ability that was lent to her


As Black Star Diopside has used Over-Ignition, the wave of pressure reached Von and the others

They were distracted and they were swept away

After a few blows, Alex was weakening after Von caught his fists in a consecutive rows. Yuze's Shift ability also has no effect against Von. She could only throw objects at him in terminal velocity

Lyre's voice also began to have no effect on Von, as well as Nana's aura induction

As everyone was distracted by the wave of of presusre from afar, Chihaya immediately stood up front and confronted Von herself. She was tiny compared to Von but she steeled herself to fight him off as the students provide support

This is also because of her Willpower ability

She also used her Piercing Glare and tried to hurt Von whenever he looked into her eyes

Chihaya and Von locked hands as they pushed each other with their strength. Chihaya has the advantage as her Willpower is increasing by the second

Yuze and Alex provided support while Nana buffed the three of them

Meanwhile, Lyre became distracted after Sonar told her that she heard a bizarre sound and felt a wave of energy coming from the Spirit Mines

Lyre turned her head around only to see Chloe screaming and holding her head like she was about to rip her hair apart

Lyre's heart dropped for some reason and she unconsciously turned back around to call out for Yuze

"Yuze!!!" Lyre screamed. She doesn't know why she did it but it was against her will and she subconsciously did it for some reason

"Philip's in trouble!!!" Why did Lyre say that? How did Lyre know that he was in trouble? Did Sonar tell her? Or did her heart knew already?

Yuze trusted Lyre and she suddenly felt the wave of concentrated energy coming from the Spirit Mines. It was the same concentrated energy that she felt whenever Philip releases it. But this time, the energy had a hint of fear, longing, sadness, and farewell within it

Yuze shivered from overthinking and the tips of her dandelion yellow hair turned into blood red, as well as the tips of her cat ears hair

She instantly disappeared and a yellow and red crackle of lightning was left out from where she was. The streak of yellow and red light went inside the Spirit Mines and deeper within it

Chloe was screaming due to what he was seeing right now. All of the fate lines disappeared as it converged to one point. The thickest fate line also disappeared as it shot through the sky. The largest star then dimmed and was extinguished. Then, all of the stars that he could see disappeared

Suddenly, her eyes bled and her lifeless body fell unto the ground

Alex jumped forward and launched a flying roundhouse kick at Von while Chihaya is holding him in place

At this moment, Von lifted Chihaya and smashed her on the ground and grabbed Alex's leg. He snapped Alex's leg and smashed him down on Chihaya which caused for concussion on Chihaya and damage on both of them

"Alex!!!" Nana screamed as different kinds of aura swirled above her palm like a storm and grew above her

Alex almost lost consciousness and coughed up blood. Chihaya also coughed up blood but she didn't lose her consciousness. Her Willpower kept her awake and ready to fight

She set Alex aside and stood up to strike Von, only to be stopped by Von's hand as he gripped the entirety of her head

Nana's Extreme Aura grew larger and she compressed it to the point that it was enough to cover Von. She then threw the cloud of aura at Von and covered him with Chihaya's head on his palm

Lyre watched as her friends and Chihaya get beat down by Von. She was in pain as she can't do anything at the moment because her ability was rendered useless as of the moment

"Sonar! Can't you do anything???" Lyre asked in sorrow and tears on the corner of her eyes

[I'm sorry I can't! You still haven't unlocked my powers!] Sonar said with regret

A few seconds later, Von raised his arm in a chopping motion and the Extreme Aura was dissipated. Nana was shocked as she also coughed out blood and fell on the ground

Chihaya held Von's arm as she looked at his face in between Von's fingers

"Who are you and what's your ability?!!!" Chihaya asked in anger

"I'm Von, the savior of the poor! You're going to die anyways so I'll tell you my ability... My ability is Disentanglement and Super Strength"

Chihaya's eyes went wide and she began to get out of this person's grip as soon as possible

"You won't escape... You need to die right now!" Von cried as he prepared to use his ability

"Chihaya-sensei, nooooo!!!" Lyre could only shout and cry as she couldn't do anything. She wanted to go to Philip but she can't leave her friends and Chihaya here

Alex gritted his teeth as he couldn't stand anymore due to her leg being snapped broken while Nana could only watch as she is losing strength

"Goodbye..." Von said as Chihaya struggled to break free to the point that her fingers bled from trying to rip Von's arm apart


Inside the cave system of the Spirit Mines, Yuze shifted through the tunnels and cave openings

The streak of yellow and red light illuminated the dim lit caves as yellow and small red lightning crackled and crawled around the walls and the ground. Dust and rubble got thrown around from the speed and pressure of Yuze

A second later, she arrived at the large cave where Philip compressed the True Spirit Stones into the Mystical Crystal

She stopped momentarily as she hovered above the ground as yellow lighting crawled across the ground. It's as if the ground was conducting her and several arch of yellow lightning elongated

Yuze looked around and tried to find Philip but to no avail. Then, she saw the purple cube, the Mystical Crystal, on the ground

Yuze instantly appeared above the cube in a blur and picked it up. She also saw blood tracks that went towards the tunnel in thr opposite side where she came from

Dread fell over Yuze after she immediately correlated the blood to Philip. The black glint on her red eyes intensified as she disappeared from her palce in an instant, without leaving any streaks of light or crackles of lightning


"I think this is enough to make you half-dead... You're also bleeding from your orifices." Cedric said as his right hand was trembling from the wave of pressure coming from the chasm

"Don't worry, you'll die now... You'll only get your soul tormented for eternity!" Cedric said excitedly as he held the white diamond on his left hand and placed it on Philip's chest

"So... Just place this on his chest?" Cedric asked to himself after he already placed the whtie diamond

A moment later, the white diamond shone brightly, but not enough to illuminate the chasm, and enveloped Philip

Philip's body stiffened and opened his mouth to scream, but there was no sound that came out. His body glowed white and shone


"This is what Fate wanted to happen, right?"

"This is what my Future Vision told me, right?"

"Then why am I in so much pain right now?"

"This hurts so much that my Pain Denial is not enough"

"Agh! I'm dying! What is this pressure?!"

"My body is disintegrating! I can't think too well!"

"Am I dying? So this is how it feels to die? It's different from when my heart was impaled"

"It's not too bad to die... Maybe I should just die... Then I'll get isekai'd..."

"I don't really care anything about this world, maybe except for magic and my Fate Control..."

"Yeah, let's use Fate Control so I could get transported to another world in swords and magic"

"Hm? Oh yeah... My left arm and fingers are destroyed and I can't snap my fingers"

"Because they're already snapped apart"

"Oh well, I'll just die then and see what Fate decides what to do with me"

"I wonder what this encased white diamond will do to me"

"I'll instead just use my forbidden ability that I locked away several years ago since I'll die anyways and take Cedric down with me..."

"Since Bipolar Body, Supreme Sense of Measurement, and Body Language Translator abilities has been uprooted... Surely this forbidden ability of mine works as well..."

"Here goes nothing..."


The bright illumination dimmed down as a white ethereal smoke went out of Philip's gaping mouth

Cedric stared in awe and deemed that the smoke was Philip's soul. He tried to grab it but it dissipated in the air as it was caught up by the pressure of the chasm

The White Diamond of Severance broke apart and the pieces fell to the chasm

"I guess it worked?" Cedric asked as the signs of Philip's soul being pulled out from him and the white diamond being broken

"So, you're now an empty shell? It's really unfortunate... Quite unfortunate... Then I should get rid of your body!" Cedric was about to throw Philip's body down the chasm, only for his arm to be grabbed ny Philip's right hand

Philip's palm glowed blackish as his body emanated a pressuring aura that almost countered the pressure of the chasm and covered him

The white smoke that dissipated above Philip appeared and went back inside of his mouth. He closed his mouth and raised his head to look down at Cedric as he held his arm

His eyes were whitewashed as it was a sign that he lost his consciousness already

[⟨"You were the first one to make me lose my consciousness despite me having the abilities to absolutely survive from the unknown. Just for that, your existence must suffer and your ability of Speed must be removed!!!!!"⟩]

{𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘶𝘱𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥... 𝘕𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘵 𝘪𝘵}

A triple voice came out of Philip's mouth amd this terrified Cedric to the extreme to the point that he felt shivers and subconsciously stepped back. Unfortunately, he couldn't move from his place because Philip was holding his arm. He won't budge no matter how hard he pulled

Philip also revealed Cedric's ability without him knowing beforehand. Whoever is in control of Philip right now, surely has something that it knows

Cedric felt intense goosebumps after seeing Philip's demeanor. It's as if he is facing a ghost or a devil

"What are you?!!" Cedric asked with difficult as he felt suffocated in front of Philip

Philip didn't answer him and continued talking. He talked in a strange language and it was almost gibberish, but his muttering seemed to make sense as it has a proper construction

[⟨"Upi eokk for smf upi eokk diggrt, mp nsyyrt ejsy upi fp! Upit rcodyrmvr eokk vrsdr yp gimvyopm smf upit snokoyu eokk nr konrtsyrf smd yslrm gpt nudrkg. Diggrt gpt ryrtmoyu!!!"⟩]

Philip's forbidden ability is the Curse Invocation ability. He has the ability to curse someone or something negatively and invoke the curse to them with complete accuracy

He hid this ability several years ago because it brings him bad luck whenever after he uses it. Even with the confrontation of Fate Control

Since Philip was about to die, he decided to use nonetheless because he only uses this ability to peopke that he despised the most, since he doesn't care about anyone most of the time

But when a person got into his nerves, he would definitely use this ability with no questions asked

As Philip voiced out a chant in a strange language, Cedric's eyes burst into black blood and shot out like a fountain. His teeth fell off and bled profusely as blood also flowed out of his ears and nose

His muscles deteriorated and he lost his hearing and taste senses. He fell down on the ground as his bones on his pelvis shattered from the the impact as the skin on his legs and butt exploded into a fleshy mess

Yuze arrived and saw Cedric falling down as he screamed extremely loud that he gurgled the collected blood on his throat

Yuze then saw Philip falling down onto the chasm with his eyes closed and unconscious body

She immediately shifted through and tried to chase Philip down the chasm and save him

She kicked Cedrics face which made his skin tear off of his cheek and broke his neck. He plopped down on the floor and coughed out more blood as his skull broke from the impact on the ground. He didn't die from his neck being broken or skull being broken

He is still alive as he was feeling his whole body getting torn apart like a piece if paper. His body is weak like a wafer that breaks from the slightest pressure


Yuze shifted at the edge of the chasm and was about to shift down the pitch black chasm, only for time to stop

Time has stopped for everyone in the world


Abilities, Weapons, and Items description


Minimal Ignition

Rating: OR

> The ability that are exclusive to gemstone. The ability to ignite a minimal part of a gemstone's beauty and potential. It also boosts the power of exclusive abilities by 50%


Partial Ignition

Rating: MK

> The ability that are exclusive to gemstone. The ability to ignite a part of a gemstone's beauty and potential. It also boosts the power of exclusive abilities by 100%



Rating: GC

> The ability that are exclusive to gemstone. The ability to ignite half of a gemstone's beauty and potential. It also boosts the power of exclusive abilities by 200%


Full Ignition

Rating: BK

> The ability that are exclusive to gemstone. The ability to ignite a gemstone and harness the explosive power of the hidden meaning behind their names. It also boosts the power of exclusive abilities by 500%



Rating: S

> The ability that are exclusive to gemstone. The ability to over ignite a gemstone and release its origin and source as its raw and potential power. Using the ability has a chance to break and shatter the gemstone. It also boosts the power og exclusive abilities by 2000%



Quality: I

> The sword that has been forged by the Blacksmith of the Heavenfold. The sword was made of a magic metal that has a Basic Lightning Attributed Orb attached on its hilt. The sword has the power to call forth a lightning storm from the sky and harness the power of lightning


Solar Prominence (Sunstone)

Rating: D

> The exclusive ability of Sunstone. The ability to harness the power of the Sun and its Prominence to release it from within his body. The ability can melt almost anything that it touches and ionizes the air


Gem Fusion

Rating: A

> The ability exclusive only to gemstones. Every gemstones can fuse with another gemstone and make a different breed of gemstone. The result is a more powerful gemstone. The fusion is temporary and will be undone depending on the resulting gemstone or the power used


White Diamond of Severance

Quality: SS

> The item created by White Diamond to torture and liberate the souls of entities. It is used to remove the connection of the entity into the material world



Rating: SS

> The ability that is used to separate atoms, particles, and quarks from each other. Energy, waves, and forces are also disrupted from their flow upon being disentangled


Super Strength

Rating: F

> The ability that boosts the strength of an entity from normal by two to five times

Jsbr upi frvpfrf yjr ksmhishr???

Absolute_Authorcreators' thoughts