
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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341 Chs

Mortal Damage - Escape - Objective Complete - Revealed Motive - A Separate World

A few seconds ago, Emily and Philip has been communicating to each other in their head

「 Philip... If you don't hold back on what you're about to do... You will destroy the entire Proto-Solar System 」

'Then, let's move places...'

「 I suggest opening a portal to another galaxy to make sure no effects in Milky Way will be made in the process 」

'Mana Actualization: Galactic Portal'

「 This ability of yours is truly amazing 」

Philip pulled his right arm backwards and pointed his two fingers at the True God of Worlds. A singularity formed at the tip of his two fingers after the energy throughout his body was preserved and transported into a single point by utilizing ⟨⟨ Null of Magnificence ⟩⟩


The True God of Worlds shouted as he panicked when he got closer to the portal. He also became concerned after Philip just easily slipped away from his grip. He was sure that Philip wasn't able to escape, but he easily slipped his arm away and a singularity formed at the tip of his two fingers

'Null of Magnificence...'

「 Now that the True Recoiless Technique is being perfected as you assumed its form... How will you name it now? 」

"Perfect Recoiless Technique..."

『 Recoiless Technique has been perfected! You have unlocked special condition requirements! 』

「 A martial arts technique that can decimate the True Gods has been mastered 」

『 You gained the qualifications to learn the next level of Martial Arts Concept 』


「 Focus! This is the moment for you! 」

Philip and the True God of Worlds passed the galactic portal and they entered a Supervoid, a patch in the universe that is clouded by darkness. The light from the stars, planets, and galaxies were being blocked a by a mysterious matter

But this didn't block both of their lights as flashing and rotating red and white light originated from Philip and dark blue light blazed from the True God of Worlds


Although, the light didn't last long as a higher level of darkness engulfed everything. Space-time continuum warped and twisted drastically and created a super massive black hole from the tip of Philip's two fingers and expanded over several thousands of light years

The super massive black hole was created by the combination of ⟨⟨ Null of Magnificence ⟩⟩ and ⟨⟨ Perfect Recoiless Technique ⟩⟩. Since the Recoiless Technique focuses all the energy in one point of attack without actually spending energy in the body, applying ⟨⟨ Null of Magnificence ⟩⟩ to that makes it so that the energy is fully condensed to the point of singularity

But the Recoiless Technique has been perfected with ⟨⟨ Form of Godliness ⟩⟩ and it didn't only affect the surrounding energy, but also space, gravity, and time, thus creating the super massive black hole

A power that has almost reached Ā̷̠͊̀̋͋́̋̀̾̀̐b̷̛̗͕͈̲̦̟͓̮͐̀̚s̶̡̙͚̝̩̃͒́̈́͐̏̀̐o̷̯̺͕̒̃͘ͅļ̴͎͇̰̟̦̭̅͋̕͝u̸̝̒́t̶̨̡͕̰͍͚̣͎̰̂̾ḯ̵̻͔̅̽̽̾͝o̸̯̠̽̆̐̑̓ņ̷͇̰͖̭̳̳͚̯̭̃́̅̈́̂̚

"Twin Blades Concept..."

Even if they are at the very origin, the blood swords and blood spears continued to revolve behind Philip and assume a circular formation. The blades darkened and trembled in space. The tips of the swords and spears aimed at the True God of Worlds

"Advent of Destruction!"

(Null of Magnificence: Perfect Recoiless Technique: Twin Blades Concept: Advent of Destruction)

As soon as Philip declared his skill, the True God of Worlds was hopeless to move or counteract. He let Philip move his right arm and strike the diamond on his chest with his two fingers imbued with one of the most powerful skill in the universe

The blood swords and blood spears immediately shot through one by one to deal damage on the True God of Worlds with Twin Blades Concept. The super massive black hole shrunk down to a singular point on his chest and a powerful explosion occured

An explosion more powerful than a supernova, a hypernova, or a decay of a singularity. It obliterated and eradicated the hidden stars, planets, planetary systems, galaxies, and alien civilizations in the Supervoid, making it an actual empty patch in space

Every strike of the sword and spear created these explosions that also caused ripples in space-time continuum, also known as gravitational waves


The True God of Worlds screamed from intense pain but no sound was coming out from his mouth. His body was being obliterated

But even so, he won't perish from a mortal's power, drived by power that belonged to higher existences such as the True Gods and higher. This is because they are the peak of existences who governs a certain aspect and concept of the universe

At best, Philip has dealt mortal damage to the True God of Worlds that will affect every concepts that qualify as a world in existence throughout time

If Philip has to eliminate the True God of Worlds, he would have to destroy every traces of any worlds in existence and across time, which is impossible because he has Earthenmana

「 Do it now! 」

At this moment, Philip closed his eyes and snapped his fingers to forcefully pull himself out from the past and cancel Origin Seeker. He successfully escaped and he could see the kaleidoscopic hyperspace in his vision

「 Quick! Sever the connecting line of your tracks from the past, present, and future on this trace of origin! 」

"Twin Blades Concept: Origin Severer!"

A conjured blood sword and blood spear flew across the kaleidoscopic hyperspace and cut the entire vision into a cross. The vision shattered like glass and it was replaced by fractals that were being thrown around randomly

This overwhelmed Philip and made his head hurt


「 Endure it a little more! 」

It will only take a second for Philip to return to the present, but he felt like a minute has already past. Fortunately, he has severed the connection that the Origin Seeker has made because True Gods would definitely be able to locate that string and follow the trace to the present, especially when the True God of Worlds mentioned the True Goddess of Certainty

But the most important objective, why Philip used Origin Seeker in the first place, was achieved


Philip opened his eyes and he tumbled backwards, trying to regain his balance, until he sat on the chair. He almost fell backwards

Terra was looking at him with angry and confused eyes. His vein on his forehead was popping and Philip could feel that his divine aura was rising

"What did you do?!"

"I have changed your fate! I liberated you from your fate of eternally being a slave to the True God of Worlds!"

Terra's eyes widened

"I didn't ask for this!!!"

"You are required to do so..."

Terra then clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth under his mouth

"Now, you're free... You can do whatever you want. You have no purpose, but I can give you purpose that you won't be able to deny and choose it over anything else. I ask again... Do you accept the condition that I have set for you? I will protect Earthenmana in your stead"

"I need time to think..."

"Very well, I'll tell you what you'll have to do when you accept my conditions..."


"First, I will be protecting Earthenmana. All earthly problems will be dealt by me alone, that includes divine intervention, alien invasion, and dawn of apocalypse. The fate of Earthenmana is within my hands... That's also suitable since I'm the Fate Controller!"


"Second... Since I will be protecting Earthenmana, I want you to protect the Terra Mansion alone. If the range of your protection has been condensed, your power will exponentially increase by folds. Your power will also be increased when you're around me"


"I am in search of the end... To achieve that, I need power, more power! A lot of power more than you can imagine. You are a part of that. The mansion is going to be our safe space and you will be managing that"

"You think I will blindly follow to that selfish desire of yours?! You changed! Or this is how you've been all this time? My eyes and judgement have deceived me"

"You have no choice?"

Philip shrugged his shoulders

"And no... As time goes by, everything changes. That includes me... The longer this goes on, my eyes are being opened more widely and clearly. You will also learn of these things at the right time"


Terra's eyes quivered. A part of him is denying Philip because he was scared and another part of him liked his proposal of only protecting the mansion. His urge and principle to that is a requirement to protect the Earth has been erased since Philip already controlled his fate from his origin. It was only at this moment that it's starting to take effect

"Are you certain that you will be able to protect Earth?"

"As long as you can protect the mansion... Because if anyone got hurt, I will do anything to search and destroy whoever hurt someone in the mansion. Nothing can stop me"


Terra became hesitant once again after Philip put a pressure on him. But that didn't last very long because he knows for a fact that if he only protected the mansion, his power would be amplified and increased exponentially by folds. Not to mention, Philip mentioned that he will grow as long as he's with him

Terra then made a decision

"I accept your conditions..."

At that moment, the role of the protector of Earth has been transferred to Philip. Terra's range of power immediately condensed and surrounded only the mansion. The higher beings around Earthenmana, except for the ones inside the mansion, felt that Terra's presence disappeared. They immediately scrambled to find out why

Terra still remained as Earth's World God, but it's a different case for Philip

『 You have earned the title of « Protector of Earthenmana » 』

『 You are now qualified to become Earthemana's World God 』


Philip decided to ignore the displays for now and focus on the matter at hand


Just like that, Philip could change someone's decisions, motive, behavior, destiny, and fate with just a snap of his fingers

Are there actually no repercussions? Or he's just that omnipotent?

"Very well"

Philip lowered his head and smirked

『 A secret condition requirement has been unlocked! 』

「 Since you have made Terra agree with your conditions in his own volition... A special arrangement is now possible! This... This is incredible Philip! 」

"I'm just going to protect the mansion, right?"

"Yes, but not only that!"


Terra frowned as if he was just scammed or something because there will be additional conditions after he just agreed to Philip's prior conditions

"The Terra Mansion will become a hub, a home, the center of the world..."

「 The Terra Mansion is now available to be consolidated into its own domain 」

"A pocket dimension... Separate from Earthenmana, the Terra Mansion will be a growing world!"

「 Once the Terra Mansion has generated its own dimension with Terra as its administrator. The separation of the Terra Mansion to Earthenmana will commence 」

"Depending on how powerful you'll be able to grow, the Terra Mansion will also grow and create its own world and terrain! Resources will be naturally generated, including minerals, water, flora, and fauna. Biomes will form and unknown lands will be created. In this way, we can also create our own civilization in that world and expand!"

「 The world that the Terra Mansion will be in will generated natural resources as it grows that is directly proportional to Terra's power and potential. The image of the world will reflect on Terra's imagination, as well as your own, since you're the Homeowner of Terra Mansion 」

Philip was ahead of Emily's explanation, as if he already knew what was going to happen and that he planned this from the start


Terra was quiet this entire time, shocked from Philip's revelation of his own motive of making him protect Terra Mansion

「 Only you and Terra can only enter this world wherever you both are. But due to some restrictions and locked conditions, the system has removed this ability. People can enter and exit this world according to Terra's permission, but they can only do so in the exact location of the Terra Mansion and not anywhere 」

"Do you understand why I did all of that to achieve this?"

Philip asked Terra


Terra was silent and Philip answered anyway

"Wherever I go to achieve my goal in search of power... I want a place to go back to after my expeditions. I also don't want to leave everyone that I knew behind and never see them again. In this way, I could also bring them in my expeditions and return them when it gets too dangerous. All of this, just to make sure everyone is safe"

「 ... 」


"Not only that... The fact that the world can grow and expand means that we can also expand to a village or a town... Because I know that I will be meeting people that I need for power during my expeditions. I ought to recruit them, just like how you recruited Jude, Alucard, and everyone else until me"

"I understand..."

"I'm glad..."

"A selfish desire for somehow who is afraid to be left alone and doesn't want to deal with the guilt of leaving someone and leaving them unattended from danger that surrounds you like flies"

"Sounds right..."

"You don't deny it... That means you're aware and you always face it, but decide to ignore it and keep beating you down... A true masochist..."


"But a valiant effort to make everyone happy just by living and not leaving anyone behind... You're suffering by yourself and you keep doing things that's making yourself suffer more. I took you to this mansion so that you can't suffer anymore, but I didn't know you were the Fate Controller and for every mystery that surfaces, you are curious enough to uncover the truth..."


"Curiosity killed the cat... But this time, your own curiosity killed everyone... In that case, I will go along with your plan and desire to my fullest extent and protect everyone along with you! I will watch everything that will happen and perhaps, I too will be able to see the truth that you are able to see..."

Terra then flicked his left index finger to move Philip using the ebony chair towards the door. He then pulled his right palm and the door opened, prompting Philip to leave the room

"Though, I have to admit... This idea of yours is outstanding! I can't wait to create this pocket dimension! We'll talk later!"

The door to Terra's room then shut close. Philip was staring at the wall, opposite to the door, with blank eyes. What Terra just said was all true and Philip already know that. He just didn't like it when it's being brought up and that Terra managed to read him

Nonetheless, he started to slowly walk through the hallways and down the floors towards his next destination, Alucard's room


Meanwhile, all the higher beings was about to scramble when Diagonnaer stopped them across Earthenmana with his vision

"Stop! The Old Man is fine! His power just shrunk down towards the mansion"

"How is that possible? Throughout history, the Old Man wasn't capable of doing that!"

A higher being asked

"I'm not sure myself either... Maybe it was caused by the invasion of the unknown being yesterday, or an intervention from Philip"

"The Fate Controller? What did he do this time?"

"Shush! Don't forget he saved the world once"

"I'm not trying to antagonize him! I'm just interested!"

"Well, that's none of our business"

"After that Fate Controller showed up, a lot has been happening to the world!"

"The Old Man must know everything"

The higher beings started arguing over their telepathic intercommunications. Some wiser higher beings kept quiet, while others just joined in on others conversations


Meanwhile, Diagonnaer was worried, yet somehow she's having a fluttering feeling around her chest when she was thinking about Philip