
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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341 Chs

Infinite Library - Bea's True Power - Bea's Suffering - Catalyst

Bea's body flew over the center of the room while her arms are up and her body's glowing with white and silver light

All the books from the shelves suddenlt flew off and flew around the library while everything flipped their paged rapidly. The Book of Perfect Blood just hovered above the table as it slowly acknowledged Bea

All the shelves of every shape and sizes then levitated in the air and also flew around the library. All the walls were then knocked away and the roof was blown away

A vast emptiness of white light and clouds was revealed

At this point, a giant and bigger library rose from the clouds. The shelves lined up as far as the eye could see towards the horizon and towards outer space. There were thousands and millions of floating cubic bookshelves in the air that goes beyond

Philip admired everything around him and he is in awe by the sheer amount of books and knowledge that surrounds him

"Philip Ibasco. Fate Controller. Sixth God of Darkness. 103rd Pureblood Inheritor. First Soulblood Inheritor. Draconic Disastrous Hero. Possessor of Weapon Duality Mastery. Time Traveller..."

A voice of a teenage girl echoes within the realm of billions of books. Philip turned around and saw an older version of Bea

Instead of wearing a dress, she was wearing a white skin tight outfit that looked like bandages or paper wrapped around her chest, torso, waist, thighs, legs, shoudlers, and arms until her wrist. She was very flat as a cutting board and a red diamond shaped gem is attached on the socket of her outfit on her chest

Smaller gems lined across her collar bone, to her shoulders and wrapped around her arms until her elbows. Gems also appeared along her waist that lines up down on her bladder towards her inner thigh and wrapped across her under knee and on her calves

Gold metallic rings or linings hover next to her waist, upper arm, around her neck, next to her thighs and legs, and around her wrists. Gold rectangular plates hover behind her that lined against each other to look like the pipes of a grand organ or the strings of a harp

White feather wings grew from the center of her back and spread downwards. It looked like her wings was coming out from her waist

Her blonde hair is tied into a bun on top of her head. The gold comb inserted itself on the tie of the hair and two adorned gold hair sticks also inserted itself

The yellow crown is still attached on the top if her head but it's not towering enough that it blocks her bun. Two wavy semi halos hover above her head

Her eyes are now white and silver and it exudes extreme interest, curiosity, intrigue, skepticism, suspicions, and thirst all the same time, even if nothing was happening yet. Even if her eyes show those emotions, her face is still blank and devoid of emotions

Seems like Bea could only show her emotions through her eyes

"Human ID Number..."


After Bea was reffering to Philip with all of his titles that she shouldn't have known of, she abruptly stopped when she tried to ID him in what order of human born in the world


Bea's eyes were filled with extreme confusion as she adjust her vision to look at Philip

"Hello, Philip. My name is Bea Arai, the guardian of the Infinite Library. How did you know that I exist within Bea? Are you human? Why can't I see you human ID?"

As usual, Bea kept asking questions to quench her thirst for knowledge

"As for your first question, the Old Man collected various kinds of individuals to adopt them into the mansion. Each of them has a unique power or condition and the maids and butlers are no exception. There's no way you, Bea, is an ordinary librarian or a child who has thirst for knowledge. You are silent, hard to read, and unapproachable by people and that's because you know how to do all of that like a flick of a finger. There's no way a child would know about that. By logic, you possess unimaginable amout of data or knowledge within your brain, but an ordinary human like Bea couldn't handle that amount, so a proxy is needed to handle all those information and that's you"

Philip pointed at Bea

"For your second question, I honestly don't know, which also answers your third question. I think I'm human? But I'm also not. I'm the God of Darkness, but still human... I don't know!"

Philip didn't mind answering Bea's questions because it will be beneficial to the both of them. Bea needs knowledge more than anyone

"Fascinating! Bea didn't made the wrong choice to allow me to meet you!"

The Bea in this realm referred to Bea in the mortal realm. At this point, Philip has confirmed that both Beas are different beings. The Bea in front of him is only helping the original Bea

"I have a lot of questions to ask you like how did you have three lives? How were you able to travel through time? Why can't I see into the future anymore? Why can't I read the space-time continuum anymore? Why is the Divine Realm in such an undescribable state? What are these True Gods and the Ancient Ones? The questions are limitless and you know most of them... But unfortunately, our time is limited... So, what is your business in meeting me?"


Philip just gazed at Bea while having a little smirk. He was plenty impressed by her knowledge that she even found out that he resurrected two times, that's why three lives. She also found about the ripples in time and space as he continued to change several timelines. Even the existence of True Gods, that no one's supposed to have learned of yet

Philip also wanted to know how Bea was able to know these things and he has an idea for each of them

There were holes in Bea's knowledge, there were also holes in Philip's understanding

But Philip knows that there is one more crucial situation that he needs to attend to. Questions and discovery are for later

"I came to meet you to ask for you guidance and protection using you knowledge"

"Hm, why is that?"

Philip smirked once again. A being like Bea would surely refuse the moment he requested to use her knowledge for his own gain. But due to her intense curiosity, she keeps asking why, which puts him in an advantage

"I'm pretty sure you already know"

Philip didn't directly answer Bea and let her see why. She then closed her eyes and read through all the knowledge that she has learned and applied it to Philip

A few seconds has passed, Bea has her eyes still closed. The floating cubic bookshelves began to shift closer to each other and the expanse of infinite bookshelves began to curve as the horizon began to rise

Philip wasn't worried and patiently waited for Bea


A few minutes has passed, Bea finally opened her eyes and her eyes showed signs of alarm and fear

"I see..."

"So, are you willing to help me?"

"I would, but I could not..."

"I figured... But to be clear, it's because of Bea and you, right?"


Bea answered in a sad tone

The realm has already drastically changed as the horizon has almost reached both of their zeniths. Walls upon walls of bookshelves has surrounded both of them and it's giving Philip the feeling of intense vertigo

He feels like vomitting as he tries to comprehend the amount of books surrounding him

The cubic bookshelves has fused together and millions and billions and trillions of books were flying around as papers swirl around in the air

"Your power... It couldn't be handled by an ordinary human such as Bea"

"No, Bea couldn't handle her power and I only act as her failsafe and as you said, proxy"

"But you also have a power that helps with Bea, don't you?"

"Information Compression and Data Deliverance"

"But you power is not enough"

"That's right. Bea absorbs too much knowledge and information from an unknown source that even I couldn't know"

Philip's face became serious. The being in front of him had strange origins and peculiar abilities to support Bea's power. Granted that these two abilities greatly helps Bea's power, but it's still strange for a magical being like her

'Unless she is also a Peacemaker? This will be the third one... No... That should be impossible'

Peacemakers are creations that destroy in order to achieve peace. There's no way that Bea is a Peacemaker

"Do you know Bea's power?"

Philip asked Bea. He is not even sure if what he inferred of Bea's ability is true, but with the information and clues that he gathered, he's more convinced

"I have a clue, but I don't want to believe it"

"What do you think?"

"Unlimited Knowledge"

"Far, but close..."

"What is it then?"


At this point, the horizon has already closed and the ends of the realm has connected to each other. The Infinite Library began to shake and books began to fall

"Looks like our time is up..."

"No, it's not... I have a solution"


"A solution to fix Bea's suffering of possessing all these knowledge..."


Bea was surprised and hopeful. Her eyes shook with hope

"Yes... Her true power is more than a curse to her. It's almost as if it's a knife digging to her heart already, so I won't allow this as she's a potential asset to me, if all of these works"

"What's her true power?"


Philip chuckled

"Even you don't know it"

"I do not... That's why I always ask to gain knowledge. I can't read mind after all"

"I know..."

More books began to fall around them

"Bea's true power is Nigh-Omniscience"

Philip raised his finger towards Bea

"Nigh-Omniscience?! Impossible! There's no way an ordinary human possess that kind of power!"

Bea showed sudden minute changes on her expression, showing that she is perturbed about Bea's actual condition

"No wonder she's suffering this way! Her brain is not able to handle all these knowledge and information!"

"I know... That's why I'll fix it"

"Can you though? Are you going to control her fate?"

"No, I can't control her fate that way, even if I use Sacrificial Fate Control... In any case, we need a catalyst... A catalyst that will share her knowledge so that Bea won't overload and cease from existence. Think of it like an SD card for a phone or computer"

"I understand... But what catalyst are we going to use?"

"The most powerful catalyst in the universe"



「 Establishing Soul Link... 」

「 Soul Link with Tenshi has been accepted! 」

'Philip? Do you need me?'

Tenshi seemed to be ready for Philip's call as she was eager to be called by him

'Soul Connect!'

「 Executing Soul Connect! 」

「 Soul Connect for Tenshi has been successful! Transporting Tenshi! 」

A black singularity formed next to Philip and it suddenly popped, revealing Tenshi with her usual Holy Angel outfit

"What's the matter Philip, why did you call me? I wasn't doing anything at all!"

Tenshi seemed to be hiding something and that she's doing something behind his back, but Philip actively ignored her suspicious behavior since it's not his business to pry for whatever Tenshi was doing. He would prefer to wait for Tenshi to tell him

"Whoa! What is this place?"

Tenshi just then realized the place that she is in. More and more books fell around them and the light became dimmer


Tenshi erected her domain and gave light to the surroundings. It also shielded them from all the falling books and blasted them away

"Who is this???"

She then finally noticed Bea's presence as she was staring intently at Tenshi's existence. As a being who has the dame curiosity and interest level as Bea, she woul want to know more about the Totality Catalyst

"Long story short, that's Bea... Well, Bea who's not Bea... If you know what I mean"

"I understand"

Tenshi does understand

"In simplest terms, we are inside Bea's mind, the Infinite Library, and her power is Nigh-Omniscience..."

"Nigh-Omniscience... That's a problem..."

"I know, so we need to save Bea from her suffering"

"Yeah... I get the gist of it... Bea is suffering from knowing too much that her ordinary human brain couldn't handle. She needs a catalyst to add as a blocker to those flow of information and send it to that catalyst?"

"Pretty much... Can you do that?"


Bea was silent as she was impressed that Tenshi managed to infer with little information. It just shows how both Tenshi and Philip understands each other

"Yes, of course... This will also help us in the long run, right?"

"Yes, we need her knowledge to protect ourselves in the following future"

"I understand, I'll do it... But under one condition!"

"What is that?"

"You have to follow everything that I tell you when this is over"

"Uh... Yeah sure... What could go wrong! Also, I have five more places I need to go after this"

"Then after that, you'll follow everything I say"

"Yeah, sure"



Bea just watched Philip and Tenshi. They looked like a couple trying to do something together after work. Tenshi's condition also sounded really suspicious in Bea's ears and quite exciting in Philip's ears

Tenshi then stepped up and hovered in the air. She spread her arms and the chibi fluffy white wings spread on her back. She got out of the influence of her domain


Tenshi took deep breaths as she closed her eyes. She enhanced her receptors to greatly feel the essence of the Infinite Library

One second has passed, two seconds has passed, Tenshi's power began to converge and swirl around her body. Books began to fall down like rain and a lot of books kept hitting Tenshi

Philip watched her with worried eyes as he knows she was getting hurt by the books that's travelling in terminal velocity

"Is she going to be alright?"

Bea asked with concern

"I think she's going to be fine. She's strong and stubborn... She will try her best"

At this moment, Tenshi's body glowed and she instantly transformed into her Void Angel form, also known as the personification of Totality Catalyst. Her entire body is void and black with her eyes glowing entirely white and the outline of her body is white when looked in every direction


Philip was surprised. He didn't expect for Tenshi to transform or for the Totality Catalyst to show herself

He became even more confused and concerned when the system popped up in front of his vision and showed a strange prompt

『 Hm... 』