

It was the famous blood betrayal by Generals that bought the War of Karterina and destroyed the Old Empire of Sun and the Moon. All the Royals were killed in this bloody war but an heir of true blood remains hidden in dark lands of Mirk wood , Safe and secure from the world of court and men. But Fate and Destiny are cunning in their work and have set work in motion, Sun and Moon both sing in harmony and send message to their messiah but is he ready? Will he be able to get past deception and betrayals of the past to the throne which calls him since day he was born ?

sarthak_gajbhiye · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
3 Chs



Blood rivers and dead lay all around like mischief of fate in a orderly manner that the dead like. A stench of iron rust and decomposing bodies filled all around ,with marching generals of capital city of Katerina were heard in distant place as they taken the Royal officials and loyalists as hostages , slaying all the king's kin to nill.

Roads of March's and death followed behind like sticky choclate that immersed in bitter coffee. The marches were thorough and filled with blood all around.

The ministers fled to neighbouring nation while a series of attacks on unstable Kingdom were made for conqueroring more political power and richness.

Many parts were already in hold of all four neighbours of Kingdom , also the neighbours were fighting eachother in all ears of small and large front and ambition were all around the people left and ran in woods , getting looted by bandits , prisons were left unattended so all the inhabitants had broken out and fled the place with their family , theives looted the left houses for scraps and made escaps.

Chaos reined in all four directions, Everywhere people fled , fires were set to enemy tents and cannons with fire bullets were launched , forests were also set to fire.

Many paid homages to old gods of the classical Age but their prayers were unheard as if god's had gone silent, well they had after the great sacrifice of all magic users by the king of Ulthoron the sixth, who also banned magic in kingdoms while other kongdoms also followed the suit afraid of angering the king of madness as he had been called all through the ages.


Steps and heavy breathing like almost out of air and life was heard in depths of woods known for its unpredictable creatures that live in their depths , away from men and their power struggles.

The cries along with steps of a flurring skirt was heard as if in pain or discomfort, the silence gave more amplification to the cries as if born from depths of hell.

Misery and pain mixed in tears were echoed throughout the woods with steps which were getting lighter yet breathing was getting stronger from time to time , with gulps of air being taken in between the fluttering of leaves.

Then suddenly the breaths stop and cries with the forest remained.