
Chapter : 1 the dark side of code

Izuku midoriya was coming back from school when he hear a loud boom he looks a round and see nothing out of the ordinary intel he heard the sound of the cop cars speeding by he rushes home to see his house is ablaze in a black flame he try's to push pass the onlookers as he moves to the front a firefighter stops the boy "stop boy you cant go there it is safe" the firefighter said "b-b-b-but my mom she still in there you have to help her please" izuku said with pain in his voice the firefighter looks at the boy with sadness " I'm sorry son but there isn't any we could've done to safe her "the fire fight walk a way from the boy as he see a body bag he cries out and tries to get to the bag but is stop by a tall man in a suit wearing a mask " I'm sorry izuku midoriya I couldn't get here in time to save the Don's only daughter but there hope I need you to come with me the boss with protect his only living heir to his empire" the man looked at the boy " w-w-w- who are you and were are you going to take me?" izuku said shaking as he turns a way from the once house now just a pile of ash the man brushes some ash off the boy "come with me the don will want to know of this as soon as possible" the masked man said as he holds out his for the boy to take the bot slowly reaches for his hand as he tries not to cry "w-w-w-who is the don is he my uncle or something?" izuku said as the walk to a black out SUV the masked man opens the back door for the boy the child climbs in the car and the man walks a round to the driver side and climbs in and starts the car up " the don is your grandfather I cant not say much more then that izuku midoriya he will have explained everything to you when we get to the family grounds for now rest I will take you to him do not worry I will protect you intel my last breath" the boy looked out the window as the man starts the car and drives away from the house izuku slowly dose off as the boy falls into a dreamless sleep the masked man pulls out his phone and dials his master cellphone "sir sorry to have bothered you in the middle of a important meeting with the other heads of the family but it looks like we were to late" the call can be hear sighing "what happened your job was to bring my daughter and her son to me what did you not understand a bout your orders?" the mask man looks at the boy as continues to drive watching for traffic as he talks slowly " sir anytime I showed up the house was engulf in black flames there was not way to safe your daughter sir but I have your grand son izuku midoriya right puffy green and black hair freckles on his face right" " yes you have him don't you" " yes sir I do I'm heading to the family compound we will be there soon" " good don't fail me again" "y-y-yes sir I won't fail you sir" " good" the don hangs up and the mask man let's out a breath he was holding on to as the day slowly turns into night when they pull in to the heavily armed home izuku wakes up seeing the armed guards walking the grounds " where are we?" The masked my jumps a little as he hear the boy spzdxeak "you are at the midoriya family compound welcome home

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