
Old Tiger

Before Jack stood a magnificent creature with a skin as white as snow, adorned with bold black stripes. In the dimly lit cave, the tigers fang glistened ominously. It's powerful limb, bulging with muscle capable of easily crushing a boulder or maybe more than that, emphasized its sheer size, comparable to that of a house. 

"A-a tiger?" Jack stammered, shocked filling his face as he involuntary took a step back. It was his first encounter with such colossal creatures, reminiscent of a wild Siberian tiger. 

As Jack's mind raced to contemplate how to survive this seemingly hopeless situation, his supposed sense of security lay sprawled on the ground. Uncertain whether the goblin soldier was dead or merely faint from fear, he managed only a wry smile, questioning why he was still standing.

"What kind of difficulty level is this? What should I do?" Jack mumbled, silently praying the tiger would ignore them. Suddenly, a voice entered his ear.

"A human and a goblin? Quite the rare sight. Goblins are known never to submit," a rough and aged voice emanated from the tiger, its massive form blocking light as it lay on the ground. "Tell me, human, what brings you to my territory?"

"We're only looking for a place to stay, and we'll leave immediately after resting. I'm sorry; I didn't know this place had an owner. We'll leave immediately," Jack replied, gently nudging the goblin soldier with his foot.

The goblin soldier opened his eyes, only to be met by the intense gaze of the large beast. Vibrating with fear, the goblin collapsed motionlessly to the ground.

"What the heck? What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be protecting me?" Jack stared helplessly and added, "I apologize; we've been walking for hours without rest, and my servant is exhausted."

 "Hmmm…" the tiger fell silent for a moment, making Jack's heart race with nervous anticipation. Then the tiger continued, "What is it behind you, human? I felt a strange power emanating from it."

"This... it's a large gem we found. I don't know what it is. I'm bringing it to the city, hoping someone could recognize it." Jack didn't know if lying was the right thing to do, but the Dungeon Core was essential to him, providing protection in this world. Since the Dungeon Core could summon monsters, he didn't know what kind of danger he would face if anyone knew such a thing existed – or maybe they already knew. It was better to be careful.

"Don't lie, human. I can sense your nervousness. I may not be able to read your thoughts, but I can read you like a book."

"I'm sorry." Jack didn't know how many times he apologized, but if apologizing helped him survive, he would gladly do it. "This is a Dungeon Core."

"A dungeon core… Oh, so you are a Dungeon Master. I see, I see. That's why the goblin is loyal to." The tiger then stood up, casting an imposing shadow over Jack. "Since you are a Dungeon Master, I have an interesting proposal for you. Do you want to hear it? But don't worry; it will benefit us too."


"This forest is teeming with dangerous beasts, and a young dungeon master like you becomes prey to others, particularly if they discover your identity. Your flesh is like an intoxicating elixir, a potent lure that drives them into a frenzied craving. I witnessed one of your kind not long ago; he met his demise, gripped to death by a snake, his loyal servant powerless to save him. Both met their end," remarked the tiger solemnly.

A silence filled in the cave as Jack mumbled, "My kind? What do you mean, my kind? A human too?"

Then something clicked in his mind. Recalling the moment his sister vanished and his subsequent arrival in the forest, he surmised that she might have undergone a similar experience. Turning to the tiger, he inquired, "How many Dungeon Masters have you encountered? Can you assist me in finding them?"

"Relax, human. You haven't heard my proposal yet," reassured the tiger. 


"Now, you will have my protection, and you can stay as long as you want in my territory. In return, you will provide me with food and monster cores daily." 


"As you know, I'm growing old. I have only a few years left to live, and my strength is waning. While I can hunt weak monsters myself, this forest is home to many powerful creatures, some equal or stronger than me. Consider my proposal; after a few years, you can harvest my monster core and claim my territory as your own."

"This… let me think about it…"

As the tiger remarked, the proposal wasn't bad, but there were still many aspects he needed to consider, such as providing daily food and monster cores. While it might work well in the short term, the long-term implications, especially regarding the challenge of sustaining multiple individuals and securing enough monster cores, concerned him. Unaware of it at the moment, he might find the monster cores valuable in the future. After contemplating this, he shook his head. "Damn," he muttered to himself, realizing he needed to focus on the present; solving future problems required more than solitary contemplation. His immediate priorities included locating his sister and advancing the development of the dungeon.

He turned to the tiger and agreed to the proposal. The tiger handed him a piece of fur, and in exchange, he offered a lock of his own hair. The tiger explained that it was a magical contract; anyone who violated it would face the penalty of losing all their hair, not just the hair on their head but every strand on their body.

The only response he could muster was a bitter smile.



He struck the wall with his spear, aiming at a glistening crystal – the key to summoning servants for assistance. Unfortunately, he lacked the necessary equipment. Despite reaching out to the tiger for help, the response was a flat 'not part of the contract.' Turning to the goblin soldier, he instructed it to scout for materials, suggesting the possibility of finding a stick or stone to use.

Lacking the knowledge to craft a pickaxe, he was well aware that the spear was ineffective for the task at hand. Born in the modern world, his unfamiliarity with wilderness survival skills, including pickaxe construction, was unsurprising.

After a while, his efforts were rewarded as the magic gem finally fell to the ground – only half of it, but it was better than nothing. Examining the spear, he noticed its point was tattered due to being made of wood. Tossing it to the returning goblin soldier, he made his way to the Dungeon Core.

The Dungeon Core was now situated within the cave, integrated into its ecosystem. The cave offered a suitable living environment, providing a natural water source and protection from sunlight. With only one entrance, it allowed him to monitor incoming visitors and maintain a sense of security.

Upon placing the Dungeon Core, the system prompted him with a message akin to, "Do you wish to place the Dungeon Core?" Upon confirming his decision, the Dungeon Core seamlessly integrated with the entire cave, designating it as a dungeon with the Dungeon Core as its central core. Following this recognition, he found himself endowed with a comprehensive map of the dungeon's layout..

Within the cave, two tunnels branched out—one leading to the ecosystem where the Dungeon Core was situated, and the other to the base of the tiger. The map provided a wealth of information, color-coding elements for clarity. Red markers denoted enemies, green identified allies, blue marked neutral entities like the tiger, while black indicated his own position. Notably, white markers highlighted resource points, such as areas abundant with magic gems.

[Magic Crystal: 1] 

[Dungeon Core]

[Level: 1]

[Durability: 100/100]

[Required Upgrade: x10 Magic Crystal, x5 Monster Core] 

"Hmm… It disappeared indeed. I can't sense any intervention," the tiger mused, staring intently at the magic crystal that had vanished into small particles. "What a strange power. If I were young, I would kill you and claim this treasure myself, but too bad I've already lost interest in everything," he added, revealing a sense of detachment and disinterest.

"A strange power indeed..." A bead of sweat formed on Jack's forehead as he nervously smiled. Fortunately, the tiger was old. Jack turned to the tiger after regaining his composure. "Jack Green."

"Jack Green?"

"Yes, that's my name."

"Did you name yourself Green because the goblin is green, and the dungeon core is green? What a funny and unique name, a green.. huh," the tiger remarked with a touch of amusement.

"What about you? I can't just keep calling you 'you' or 'tiger.' Since we are partners, I think it's better to know each other's name," Jack suggested.

"My name..." Before the tiger could respond, the goblin soldier rushed inside with a solemn expression.

"Enemy, my lord! Lots of enemies!" the goblin soldier urgently reported.