
The Eye (Multiverse Tournament)

In the vast expanse of the Palace Dimension, the god known as The Eye, a being of immeasurable power and infinite knowledge, finds himself burdened by a ceaseless existence devoid of excitement. Seeking entertainment beyond his control, The Eye commands his loyal lackey, Xeros, to summon warriors from various universes to engage in a grand tournament. As the tournament unfolds, The Eye's true nature is unveiled through a tapestry of rich lore and poignant stories. The series delves into The Eye's origins as Galen, a mortal who endured a life of suffering and tragedy in a war-torn world. Transformed by an ancient artifact, Galen became The Eye, transcending mortal boundaries and gaining the ability to manipulate reality itself. Throughout the series, The Eye's insatiable hunger for the unknown is explored, as he seeks solace in the struggles and triumphs of the warriors he has summoned. The viewers are drawn into The Eye's complex character, feeling empathy for his yearning for purpose and understanding the origins of his consuming power. With each battle fought in the tournament, the stakes rise higher, and the warriors face unimaginable challenges. The Eye's omnipotent presence looms over them, observing their every move with his all-seeing gaze. Friendships will form, rivalries will ignite, and sacrifices will be made, all under the watchful eye of a deity whose thirst for entertainment is matched only by his existential longing. As the series unfolds, the viewers will grapple with questions of power, fate, and the nature of existence itself. They will witness the clash of warriors from different dimensions, each possessing their own unique abilities and histories. And in the midst of the battles, they will come to understand that The Eye's grand tournament is not merely a display of power, but a profound exploration of what it means to be alive and the lengths one would go to find purpose in an unfathomable universe.

Based_Scaling · Khoa huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Cold War

In the shadows of the tumultuous Cold War era, a clandestine project took shape within the enigmatic confines of the Soviet Union, shrouded in secrecy and born from the desperation of a nation seeking to tip the scales of global power in its favor. Dubbed Project Leviathan, the clandestine initiative was spearheaded by a group of enigmatic scientists and strategists whose identities remained veiled in the annals of history.

In the heart of a dimly lit laboratory, hidden deep within the bowels of the Motherland, the first stirrings of life manifested within the confines of a carefully constructed chamber. A being, a mere semblance of its future form, flickered into existence under the careful watch of its creators, a marvel of science and dark ambition that held the promise of untold devastation and unrivaled might.

The creature, designated as Subject Omega, began its existence as a mere wisp of essence, a spectral anomaly that grew in strength and substance with each passing hour. Its creators, with bated breath and a sense of trepidation that belied their scientific zeal, nurtured its growth, guiding its evolution with a delicate hand that sought to harness the full extent of its unimaginable potential.

After two years of meticulous concealment and clandestine maneuvers, the Soviet Union deemed the time ripe to unleash their creation upon an unsuspecting world, setting their sights upon the azure expanse of the American sea. The hulking behemoth, now a titan of indomitable proportions, surged forth from the depths, its titanic form breaching the surface with an otherworldly grace that belied its monstrous intent.

The shores of New York bore witness to the awakening of this abomination, the very fabric of the city quaking with a reverberating terror that heralded the onset of a conflict that would leave an indelible mark upon the annals of human history. The United States, stirred to action by the looming threat that now cast its malevolent shadow over their shores, marshaled their forces with a resolve born of desperation and a steadfast determination to protect their homeland from the encroaching maelstrom of destruction.

What ensued was a cataclysmic war that pitted man against the unfathomable might of an entity that had been birthed from the dark ambitions of a nation embroiled in a power struggle of global proportions. The echoes of battle reverberated through the teeming streets of New York, the clash of steel and sorcery intermingling with the distant thunder of artillery and the anguished cries of a populace thrust into the throes of an unyielding conflict that threatened to consume them whole.

The colossal monstrosity, its towering form eclipsing the very sky itself, strode alongside the fallen remnants of the once-proud Statue of Liberty, its hulking mass casting a shadow that engulfed the surrounding landscape in an impenetrable shroud of darkness. Standing at an awe-inspiring height of 152 meters, it exuded an air of palpable menace that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the chaos it had wrought upon the city of New York.

With a single, devastating motion, the creature laid waste to the symbol of American freedom, reducing the Statue of Liberty to naught but a crumpled heap of metal and stone. Its movement, a blur of unparalleled speed that defied the laws of physics, left onlookers reeling in a maelstrom of bewilderment and terror, their senses unable to fully comprehend the sheer magnitude of the entity's unearthly agility.

As the forces of the United States marshaled their military might against the behemoth, the futility of their efforts became painfully apparent. Tanks roared across the battered streets, jets streaked through the smoky heavens, carriers launched volleys of ordinance, and submarines unleashed barrages from beneath the churning waters, all converging upon the elusive target with a fervor that bordered on desperation. Yet, with each concerted assault, the monstrous entity evaded their attacks with an uncanny grace, its every movement a symphony of destruction that razed entire city blocks to the ground.

Buildings crumbled like sandcastles in a tempest, their steel frames twisting and buckling beneath the onslaught of the creature's unfathomable might. The city, once a bustling metropolis teeming with life and promise, now lay in ruins, its streets scorched and its populace scattered amidst the debris of their shattered existence. The toll of the battle mounted with each passing hour, a grim testament to the unyielding resilience of a force that seemed impervious to the might of mankind's most devastating weapons.

With nightfall casting its shadow over the smoldering ruins, a decision of unprecedented magnitude rippled through the highest echelons of the United States government. In a last-ditch effort to halt the relentless advance of the creature, the command was issued to deploy a nuclear warhead, a devastating display of power that would, in any other circumstance, spell the end of any adversary. The heavens quaked as the warhead hurtled toward its intended target, the blinding light of its detonation painting the night sky with an ethereal luminescence that seemed to herald the onset of oblivion itself.

However, to the horror of all who bore witness, the entity emerged from the inferno unscathed, its form untouched by the ravages of the unleashed nuclear force. In a display of power that defied mortal comprehension, it opened its colossal maw, unleashing a torrent of searing blue energy that coalesced into a massive beam of annihilating force. The impact, akin to a celestial cataclysm, bore down upon the city with an unrelenting fury, reducing what remained of the once-proud New York to a smoldering wasteland of ash and ruin.

As the behemoth traversed the continents, its colossal form swelling with each passing day, the nations of the world rallied in a desperate bid to halt the inexorable advance of the Soviet-engineered juggernaut. However, even the combined might of the United States, the Soviet Union, China, France, and the United Kingdom, armed with their arsenals of nuclear warheads, proved insufficient in the face of this unparalleled cataclysmic force.

Day after day, the sky rained fire and brimstone as the heavens were rent asunder by the detonations of nuclear payloads, their blinding light and devastating shockwaves failing to quell the insatiable hunger of the beast that had emerged from the Soviet depths. The landscape of the world was scarred by the constant barrage, but the creature, now a god of untold power, absorbed the energy of the detonations, its form morphing and distorting in an unending cycle of evolution that defied the very laws of nature.

The sinister machinations of the Soviet Union, born from a desire to cripple the United States and pave the way for their own ascent to global supremacy, had backfired with cataclysmic consequences. The monster, no longer a mere weapon of destruction, had transcended its creators' ambitions, ascending to a plane of existence that rendered it nigh invincible, a force of nature that bore the capacity to reshape the fabric of reality itself.

Amidst the chaos that engulfed the planet, humanity grappled with the horrifying realization that their most formidable adversary had acquired a sentience that surpassed the limits of mortal comprehension. It moved with a purpose that bespoke a malevolent intelligence, its unfathomable gaze casting a damning judgment upon the feeble attempts of humanity to subdue its indomitable might.

Two years elapsed in a relentless struggle for survival, the planet scarred and ravaged by the ceaseless conflict that raged between mankind and the harbinger of their impending demise. The monster, now a towering colossus that loomed at an unprecedented height of 196 meters, had become an apex predator, a malevolent force that hunted humanity with a relentless determination that spoke of a consciousness intertwined with the very essence of its being.

In a world bereft of hope, the final vestiges of human existence clung to the fragile threads of their shattered reality, their numbers dwindling with each passing day. Amidst the dwindling embers of a dying civilization, the monster, now privy to the location of every remaining human soul, sought out the last survivor with an unyielding resolve that bore the weight of an insatiable hunger that defied the bounds of mortal comprehension.

Just as the jaws of oblivion seemed poised to claim the last vestige of humanity's defiance, a celestial force intervened, tearing the monstrous entity from the precipice of victory and hurling it into a realm where legends clashed and destinies entwined in a cosmic tapestry that transcended the confines of mere mortal strife. A new chapter in the saga of the cosmic tournament awaited the Soviet-engineered god of destruction, its fate entwined with the enigmatic legacy of the Conqueror of Realms, Maximilian.