

Readiant · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 1:Memories of the past

Chapter 1:'Memories of the past'

'8 years ago'

3 years old Reign Ester:Mom why are we hiding our tails and ears?

Ester Mom:um...Reign my son you must never show that on humans because they don't like it.

Reign:Why?they don't like it?

Ester mom:It's because humans thinks that out race is a bad omen and they think we are similar to monster or even demons.


Ester Mom:Ha~ just for get about that.

Reign let me tell you a story ok?

Reign:Please mom!

Once upon a time there was a kingdom that ruled the world and make all the races lives as one,Dwarf,Elf,

Humans,Demi Human and even Demons!

The king of that kingdom is a very strong person,he is known as the strongest being alive at that time.Because of that king,all the races are able to live in peace!

And do you know Reign?That king is a demi human like us! Legend says he is the first demi human that evolved! And prove that we demi humans can evolve,but because of that many beings are jealous and loathe him so they plan to assasinate the king but they failed because the king overwhelmed them like a prey in front of a lion!

Reign:Then why won't we just go there mom?

Ester Mom:Because that kingdom is no longer known in this world son.Because the king died due to sickness and old age and because of that the kingdom begun to crumble,But the king have descendant which can inherit his throne but many are against it,so they begun to be separated again. And the kingdom of the great king is now only a legend..

Reign:That's sad mom,but what happened to the descendant of the great king?

Ester mom:umm..there was a legend that the king of that kingdom have a blonde hair and similar to a lion.

Reign:Woah~ too bad my hair color is black.

Ester mom:What are you saying son black is cool to you know you are similar to your handsome father!

Reign:(Laughter) Hahahahaha

*Open the door

Ester father:Why are you laughing?


( Talking )

3hours later

Ester father:Is Reign a sleep now hon?

Ester Mom:Yeah.So what happening in the kingdom?

Ester father:This is bad.The humans are on the way to hunt us because of that damn king!Giving reward to people if they capture or kill one of us.

Early tomorrow lets live this place and go to that place.

Ester mom:Ok hon...


Ester Father:Do you hear that hon?

Ester Mom:yeah,(gulp)

Ester father:This is bad we need to escape immediately they have a lot of people that surround our house! I have traps lay out so we still have time!

Take Reign and Go!!

Boom!! A person barged in and said!!?

Well~well~well~ looks like we found them you can't escape now kitties hahaha.

Father:Youu!!! Grr grrr! Ya!!

Oho...you surprised me with that speed of yours~ this is why you demi's are no different than a beast HAHAHAHA(Evil laugh *lol)

Father:You why are you doing this!?

Why you ask? haha... Well do I need a reason?KILL HIM!

Different people spells :



Mom:Hah hah hah...honeyyy sob sob(crying)

Reign:Mom why are you crying? Where's dad?

Mom:Reign I can't go with you any more....ack ha~ ha~ Reign my beloved son take this pendant the person in this photo is our ally you must go to this place if you see him tell him your name and he will know..Reign please live and I'm sorry,I'm so sorry Reign sorry for everything! Mom and dad always loves you ok? (Smile gently with a tears on her eyes )and then pushes Reign in the river..

To be continue...