
The Evil Queen of Aravea

Her Majesty, Queen Lyn Amber Alfondrania of Aravea is a vicious and arrogant woman. Under her reign, her kingdom knew only suffering and chaos. She was feared for her unpredictable moods and thirst for power. Lyn, her last name the first thing she forgot, is a woman who had recently got her dream job as a professor at a university. She is a kind woman who aimed to nurture the next generation, and who selflessly tries to help other people with all her power. She was a woman others idolized and loved. So what happens when Lyn, only ever subjected to love and adoration, finds herself in the body of the most hated queen of a different world?

LalaMorose · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter Five

Lyn's recovery was quick. It was only yesterday that she woke up in a king-sized bed inside a mad queen's body, and now she found herself standing in front of a large mirror. Three maids scurried behind her, presenting gowns they'd picked from the queen's collections.

'Seriously, this isn't a closet, it's a freaking mall.' She thought, resisting the urge to cover herself. She was currently in what this world's equivalent of underwear; a cloth wrapped around her chest and some sort of cycling shorts made of white silk. 'Can't I have my privacy here? Jeez, I can dress myself.'

After a soft wake-up call from Amely, Lyn was brought to a huge bathroom and was made to bathe in a tub full of perfumed water. It would've been a nice experience if it weren't for the three maids that suddenly appeared to 'assist her highness'.

Right now, they were trying to find a gown for her to wear.

"How about this, your highness?' The maid asked, presenting a purple, A-lined gown. She shook her head. She would've loved that gown if the front didn't dip too low.

'The queen and I don't share the same taste at all!' She mentally groaned. The gowns in the collections were all bold colors, the design bordering on sultry and downright indecent. Lyn had preferred pastels and comfort over style. She particularly liked oversized sweaters, but those didn't exist in this world.

"Do I have anything in light shades of pink or blue?" She asked.

The maids all stopped in their scurrying, staring at her with confusion. She raised an eyebrow. Seeing this, the maids quickly bowed.

"W-we apologize, your highness!" One maid said. "I-it's just that y-you haven't worn light shades since b-before your c-coronatio—"

She was aggressively hushed by the other two maids.

"I-I mean," the maid stuttered, realizing her mistake.

Lyn wanted to sigh. "Find some light shades for me."

"Yes, your highness!" They chorused, before hurrying to do as she asked.

Several minutes later, Lyn smoothed over the dress she chose as she stared at her reflection. It was a simple, light yellow dress with the skirt just barely passing her knees. The maids had tied her hair in an intricate braid, with a few strands framing her face. They would've painted her face with the same make-up as the queen if she hadn't dissuaded them.

'She's so pretty.' Lyn mused, thinking of the few portraits of the queen she saw on her way to the bathroom. 'She honestly didn't need that heavy make-up.'

Lyn Amber's heavy eyeshadows and dark lipstick had hidden her angelic face. Maybe she was trying to be seductive, and while she still does look nice, a light look suited her best. So that's what she wore.

She nodded in satisfaction as she turned around. The sight of three gaping maids, however, brought the poker face back. "Is there anything wrong?"

The maids snapped back to attention.

"Nothing, your highness!" They said, bowing in apology. For the hundredth time that morning, Lyn resisted the urge to sigh. All this bowing they do was starting to annoy her.

"Your highness, I–" Amely said as she appeared behind the rows of dresses, but she froze as she saw Lyn. There was a few seconds of shock before her eyes suddenly start to water.

'Oh god please don't cry, what did I do?' Lyn mentally panicked.

"Yes?" She said.

With a jerk, Amely shook her head. She blinked her eyes a couple of times. "Y-you look lovey, your highness."

"Thank you." With this, Amely and the three maids gasped. Lyn cursed in her head. Great, so she wasn't supposed to say thank you.

Amely's expression lightened. She almost sounded giddy when she said, "Y-your welcome, your highness! Lord Cladius is waiting outside. He has offered to aid your highness in regaining all her lost knowledge."

"I see. Lead me to him."

The three maids remained in the room, probably to clean up the mess, as she and Amely made their way out. Outside the doors, Cladius stood with a hand on the handle of his sword. His expression was set in intense focus, his eyes bearing the same coldness Lyn saw for a brief moment yesterday. He turned in their direction as he heard them approach.

He, like the others earlier, also froze when he saw her. She waited for him to speak, noticing the way his eyes seem to assess her face. Gone was the cold look, replaced by curiosity and...sadness?

"Greetings your highness." He said slowly as if still trying to process his thoughts. "You look beautiful."

Instead of saying thanks, she nodded her head once. That seemed to be a bad move too, as Cladius almost reeled back in shock. He gaped for a few seconds before collecting himself, offering her a bow in respect.

"I apologize for my behavior, your highness." He said. "It was uncouth."

"Let's not make a big deal out of it." She responded.

'Really, let's don't.'

"As you wish, your highness." Cladius straightened.

Lyn inhaled a steady breath, making sure her ire isn't noticeable. She's starting to hate that title. She wasn't their queen, even if she is in the body of one, and being referred to as 'her highness' only made it apparent that she wasn't herself anymore.

She didn't like not being seen as who she is, but what can she do?

"Don't call me 'your highness'." She ordered. Amber Lyn had said that these two were the only people she could trust. That meant there was a bond between them. As sketchy as that queen is, she'll follow her advice. It's not like she has anyone else at this point. "Both of you, call me Lyn."

Cladius and Amely stared.

"Y-your highness?" Amely questioned, eyes wide.

"You can call me Lyn." She repeated. Silence. Cladius and Amely stood still as statues, faces set in surprise.

"B-but—" Amely was cut off as Cladius spoke.

"If that is what you wish," his eyes held Lyn's and for a moment she was struck at the sight of hope in them. "Lyn."

Amely was at a loss for words, but seeing that Lyn was indeed serious, she gave her a bright smile.

"Lyn." She said.

For the first time since she woke up in this strange world, Lyn smiled.