
The Entire Mankind is Acting As Me, I Shall Secretly Build a Battleship and Shock the World

"The world's top ten conglomerates had joined forces to create a programme where the crew had quietly evacuated all the people from a city, leaving behind only Raymond and his family, who were kept in the dark. Their purpose was to see this child, who had emerged from the slums of America, get humiliated. The whole world wanted to see this young man named Raymond make a fool of himself, and through what Raymond had done, and all of his doings, they wanted to decry the poor for being short of ambitions. Early the next morning, the show officially began. When Raymond noticed that the world outside was overly and strangely quiet, and when he had determined that all of humanity had disappeared. Just then, the survival aid system was activated, and the system notified Raymond: In a month's time, there will be a huge meteorite hitting the planet, and it is going to cause great destruction. Raymond: What the hell??? Then what should he do? The System responded: I'll help you build a space battleship so that you can escape from Earth! ""Oh my God, he has single-handedly created the Heavenly Eye System, and he is even thinking of creating nuclear-powered engines..."""

Two Langya Brothers · Thành thị
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251 Chs

The Deduction of the Eighth Cosmic Velocity Is a Success!

Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

"You think that NASA's been helping Raymond to cheat, but the truth is, NASA hasn't made any of these deductions. All of them have been completed by Raymond alone.

"Otherwise, if NASA has really completed these deductions, do you think that these scientists would not get any information?

"Moreover, deducing the third, fourth, and fifth cosmic velocities is such an honor. In order to create trouble for the program team, NASA would give this honor to someone else?"

With the program team's announcement, public opinion also quietly changed.

However, there were still many people who believed that Raymond was cheating.

On the other side, Raymond was not disturbed at all.

He added a period on the paper, but  he did not stop there.

Instead, he took a brand new piece of paper and wrote, "Seventh Cosmic Velocity" on it.

At that moment, the world was silent.

After the silence, those who had been commenting continued to comment. Those who had questioned Raymond for cheating continued to question him.

Those who had complained about the program team not doing anything continued to complain.

However, the program team had no choice but to let Raymond resume his deduction without further instructions from above.

Meanwhile, scientists around the world were still staring at the screen with full attention.

They watched Raymond write page after page and witnessed as he completed the deduction of the seventh cosmic velocity.

Then, it was the eighth cosmic velocity...

Finally, it was the ninth cosmic velocity.

On this day, everything the scientists all over the world thought they knew was turned upside down.

After completing the deduction of the ninth cosmic velocity, Raymond let out a long sigh.

"System, deactivate the Ultimate Learning State."

[Ultimate Learning State has been deactivated. The host has spent 2 hours and 21 minutes in this state.]

"Are my deductions of the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth cosmic velocities a success?"

[Responding to host... They are all correct.]

Following that, Raymond stood up, turned on the camera again, and went to the podium.

"It's me again, Raymond. I'm here once more."

After a simple opening speech, it was time for the main topic. "Next, I will begin to discuss the process of deducing the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth cosmic velocities..."

Raymond's unhurried voice rang out.

In the international live broadcast room...

"Genius, he's really a genius. He's very talented when it comes to acting. He deserves an Oscar!"

"Yes, facing the global audience, he actually doesn't feel the slightest bit awkward. This is definitely an award-winning performance."

"I have a feeling that after the program ends, Raymond will definitely transform into an actor and become famous at a speed that we can't even imagine. He's too good at acting."

Among the global audience, 99% of them could not understand Raymond's explanation.

However, the scientists were listening intently.

It was as though they were back to being students, who were being taught by their teachers.

Over in the conference room in the United States space laboratory building...

"There hasn't been anything wrong with his deduction process until now. Perhaps, he has really succeeded in his deduction," Antonio Ian said softly as he listened.

"Actually, there's something that I don't understand. Why didn't he reveal his talent in the past 22 years?" an old man with a long beard asked.

"Maybe he felt that a tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. If it wasn't for the sudden disappearance of humans, he might not have shown his talent." Antonio Ian thought for a moment and replied.

The old man with the long beard said, "In that case, we have to thank the program team for choosing him. Otherwise, who knows how long it would have taken for these deductions to appear before the world."

Behind the scenes of Humans on Camera, a few directors and representatives from Ross Financial Group were also paying attention.

"Although I don't believe that Raymond can really successfully deduce it, Mr. Sam, what should we do next if it happens to be correct?"

The executive director then asked, "Should we replace him?"

Even though the cost of replacing a person was a little high, if Raymond was allowed to continue his deduction...

The loss would be even greater.

Right then, a considerable portion of the audience was already dissatisfied.

"There's no need."

Sam shook his head. "Once he's done presenting his case, wake the tiger behind the bars up and get him to do something related to survival.

"As for the scientists, we've already compromised once. There won't be a second time."

"I understand, Sir," the executive director said.

As long as he finished presenting his argument, they could rest assured and intervene in Raymond's situation.

As for pressure from the outside world, did the scientists previously stopped them from interfering with Raymond's safety because of that?

Definitely not...

They only desired academic deductions!

On the other side, Raymond was explaining while using a piece of chalk to write and draw on the blackboard.

He was completely immersed in it at the moment.

An hour later, Raymond placed the remaining chalk on the podium. "I have written the entire deduction process for the eighth cosmic velocity above."

"Next, I will begin the deduction process for the final cosmic velocity, the ninth cosmic velocity."

California Aerospace Academy.

"I see, I see..."

Professor James could not help but nod. He was not even aware of it.

It was a purely subconscious action.

As he listened to Raymond's explanation, he had a sudden realization and a feeling of enlightenment.

By the side, an assistant looked at the professor's appearance and thought of the matter that his media friends had asked him to do.

"Please ask the professor if Raymond's argument about the eighth cosmic velocity is correct. Then, give me the news as soon as possible. In return, I'll give you a million dollars."

The assistant took a deep breath.

Then, he asked, "Professor James, is his argument correct?"

Professor James was silent for a long time. Finally, he slowly said, "Yes, there's no problem. The deduction of the eighth cosmic velocity is successful."

"Can I tweet my findings?" the assistant asked.

Professor James nodded and fell into deep thought.

The assistant walked out of the room gently.

Naturally, he did not tweet immediately. Instead, he passed the news to his friend from the media.

After all, a million dollars was equivalent to several years' worth of his salary.

Soon, a media outlet announced the news.

"Mr. James, a professor in the aerospace field, has given Raymond's deduction of the eighth cosmic velocity his approval. He has personally confirmed that Raymond's deduction is a success!

"Furthermore, the successful deduction of the eighth cosmic velocity also marks Raymond's status as the most influential person in the following three fields on Earth: space, mathematics, and physics."

Not long after, the International Mathematics Union stated, "Raymond's derivation of the eighth cosmic velocity and his use of mathematical knowledge are simply amazing. Raymond is probably the most truthful person in the world."

The International Physics Union comment, "Besides, he already has a deeper understanding than us of the physics knowledge he uses. He's too amazing, too amazing!"