
The Binding

Chapter 1: The Binding

Vikas Singh, also known as Vikas, was a recent college graduate and an average student. He had been tirelessly searching for a job, but to no avail. His life had not been an easy one - his mother had died while giving birth to him, and his father had committed suicide when he was only 19 years old, after their crops were destroyed. Vikas had been left to fend for himself, with only his father's small grocery shop, earning him a meager income of 11,000 to 13,500 rupees per month.

One morning, as Vikas woke up, he heard a strange sound. "Upgrade System binding. In process 1%," a voice in his mind announced. Vikas was bewildered - what was happening to him? But as the binding process reached 100%, the voice continued, "System Binding complete. Congratulations, The Upgrade System has binded to you. The system helps you to upgrade anything infinitely without anything."

Vikas couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had read about such things in novels, but never did he imagine that something like this could happen to him. "How do I upgrade things?" Vikas asked the voice in his mind. "Host, you can touch anything and choose to upgrade it. You can also see the attributes of the items you upgrade," the voice replied.

Excited at the prospect of upgrading anything, Vikas looked around and saw that his bed was in a bad condition. It was half broken and uncomfortable to sleep on. He touched the bed, and to his amazement, its attributes were revealed to him.

[Bed - Level 1]

Size: Single bed

Material: Wood

Durability: 3/10

Comfort: 2/10

Evaluation: "Sleeping on this bed is like sleeping on a pile of rocks. It's uncomfortable, squeaky, and leaves my back feeling worse than when I went to bed. I wouldn't wish this bed on my worst enemy."

Disappointed with the poor state of his bed, he decided to upgrade it. A magical scene ensued, with the bed glowing a bright white light as it began to transform.

After the transformation was complete, Vikas eagerly looked at the current stats.

[Bed - Level 2]

Size: Single bed

Material: High-Quality Wood

Durability: 8/10

Comfort: 9/10

Evaluation: "Wow, this bed feels like sleeping on a cloud! It's so comfortable and cozy that I don't want to get out of it in the morning. The upgrade system has truly worked wonders on my bed. I can't believe I ever slept on that old pile of rocks. This bed is fit for a king!"

He couldn't believe his eyes as he saw the vastly improved version of his bed. "This is incredible!" he exclaimed, feeling a sense of joy and wonder. With this newfound power, he couldn't wait to see what other upgrades he could make in his life.

Vikas smiled feeling like the possibilities were endless. This upgrade system was a game-changer for him, and he was excited to see what else it had in store for him.

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