In this story, Isabelle Woodfine the prophecies Girl to be created with Pure Magic but is born to be a Pure White-blooded, This girl will have extraordinary Power that comes with destruction. As all questions the true past of Isabelle Woodfine and her Mother, They’ll face the worst to come and stare at the eyes of death and in the process she will choose her nature of good or bad. Between the times of her journey, Time will be used for power to either find the true enemy or find nothing. Will she discover her extraordinary power? Will she cause destruction? Will she discover her mother’s past? Will she know her own past? Will she outcome death? What will she choose between good and bad? Will she mess time itself? Who is the true enemy? WHAT MORE WILL COME? we must find out.
In a cold of the 29th of February,
In 13 Roseland Drive, A lightning thudded close by
I: "Holy shit! The TV went off, Maureen!"
M: "Shut it Issa!" Then after minutes
I: "Maur- een" In that exact moment it began. Maureen Felmare went down after a thud below
M: "Issa? What's going on? Issa? Don't play with me like that!" and that after: She saw Isabelle Woodfine laying on the ground, Unconscious.
"The End of the beginning"
M: "What happened? You're fine now aren't you?" said Maureen on 1st day of April
I: "I don't know— it was just dark— Ev- Everything... gone—- even me... It's like... Just Nothing"
M: "Oh come on now, Issa... Your imagination again! But the doctor said you were completely fine." *With a laugh*
I: "It's weird, you know... I just don't understand why this keeps happening!" said Isabelle with a glass-like eyes
M: " Now, Now Isabelle, enough."
I: "Exactly as I needed it to be." Whispered her to herself. 45 Minutes Has passed
M: "uhm... Issa... I feel very uncomfortable."
I: "So do— I" after realizing that someone in a coat on a sunny day was following them
M: "I think we need to run.... He's probably gonna kill us!" so they both ran as fast as they could only seeing the man in a coat again right in front of them again
I: "Didn't you notice he was following us for 45 minutes?!
I: "OTHER WAY! MAUREEN!" So they rushed and ran faster than they ever did since their 7th Grade
M: "This feels familiar, doesn't it Issy?" With both chuckling... But then, they saw him again, This time Issy didn't run and just waited for the man to go closer
M: "How the hell?!" but Issy didn't ran, so did Maureen even if Maureen was tempted to run. As the man was close enough Isabelle heard the most loud frequency sound she ever did, She cried and asked for help but Maureen didn't know what was happening so does the others around her, Then she shouted
I: "ENOUGH! LEAVE US ALONE! DIE YOU SON OF A—" and then suddenly a series of thunder Thudded near them and the man suddenly banished into thin air, yet Maureen fainted just like Issy did before.
I: "Maureen! Maureen! Mauree-" until it faded away.
In the next day:
Isabelle sleeping in a chair waiting for Maureen to wake,
M: "Issy? Issy? Wake up!" then Issy, in a rush opened her eyes and helped her
I: "Oh, THANK GOD! Maureen, You just fainted.... just like me, i didn't know what happened there was this man an—"
M: "Stop Issy! I did faint.... just like you did before... but it was EXACTLY like it.... I don't remember anything that happened before... It's just blank.... Just and only blank." Then Isabelle in a stammering way said
I: "Well, of course you do? right? It was just this man that was following us and he—"
M: "ISSY! CLEARLY I DON'T... please."
I: "I'm— sorry.... but... Why do I? and How did I make him banish into thin air?"
M: "Banish to thin air? oh Issy, you were asleep." but when Issy was about to talk...she decided not and just kept it to herself and walked back to the chair looking Intensely confused
M: " Issy, What aren't you telling me?
I: " Nothing... we don't hide— anything from each other.... right?"
M: "Yes Issy, thats why you have to tell me... I know that face.... I always do."
I: "I have told you everything! Please, why don't we talk about the women last year in the mall?"
M: "Oh I remember Hardly haha" And they talk about everything they could laugh at, yet Issy still cannot forget about anything and Maureen Vice versa.
3rd of April:
M: "Help me here, ISABELLE!"
I: "Right, Right just let me finish this episode"
I: "I wanna take a break from yesterday... probably the most weird day of my life.. hm."
M: "yeah, yeah, yeah! just PLEASE hel-" Someone knocked in the door exactly 4 times "What was that?"
I: "We are not buying anyth-" And there at that moment, The door turned water-like, translucent and pass through(able).
M & I: "What the hell!" then this stranger wearing a long white robe and a flower necklace with the perfect hair went through the door like it was water
Stranger: "Ah! At last! Hello Ms. Isabelle!"
M: "Whoa, whoa, Leave our house away from you witchy things and go aw-"
I: "No Maureen.... Who are you?"
Stranger: "Glad you Asked because I am Cracrizamay-asrinKathbelle-Shipka Motocomo or Shipka Instead."
I: "What?! Is this a Joke?"
Shipka: "I ask that Myself too, Ms. Isabelle."
I: "How do you know me and how did you do that? What are you?.. a witch or what?"
Shipka: "I know you because you are the most talked-about person in the whole Hidden Realm, and I did that by Fairy Dust.... or well, Fairy Ash... and I am not a witch... which i hope I am.... Yet I am a Magician, Drop of witches blood breed."
I: "Excuse me? Most talked about? How?"
Shipka: "Well... I May not be the right person to tell you that, Isabelle." and there she opened her hand and a Blue Air surrounded her hands and out of nowhere and a scroll appeared then shipka handed the scroll over then next: A glass ball half-filled with water which both was described as The longest scroll Isabelle has ever seen, as she described by its weight; The glass ball: She started to shake and it showed her: Things she desire
Shipka: "Ha! The Ball of desires, This ball is the ball of which shows your desires and only- only shows, But beware this may make you addicted To your end... more specifically— your death." and in the moment she banished.
I: "WAIT!" then the door turned normal once again
M: "Issy.... help me.... help" [Issy headed to Maureen]
I: "Maureen! No! No! No! What's happening?!" in this moment maureen was slowly turning into dust and swoosh in thin air
I: "Hold it maureen.... please... please!" and in a second Maureen banished, and with that: Isabelle dropped heavy tears
I: " Maureen! PLEASE! plea-" [Crying]... Then she heard voices, soft voices again and again
I: "ENOUGH! Stop, Please!" she shouted for help and almost looking lunatic she threw things on the ground and cut herself with a knife
VOICE: "In will of thee, Those who have seen but yet shall not must begone to dust, And those who witness what must be done shall turn their memories... into rust." then a light enlightened everything around her and she heard the voice of Maureen shouting help, Isabelle was dizzy and panicked almost hoping to die
The Next Day:
In confusion, her heart's beat was faster then ever before. Everything around her is clean, The scroll and the ball Was on the desk beside her bed. Her memories of Maureen was just-dream-like, Her memories were modified to be only her. She was still half-dizzy and her cut turned into a scar, but she doesn't know how she was scarred, More specifically- She doesn't remember a thing with Maureen connected. Then after breathing heavily she said
I: "What happened?"
( C2 Story Here: )