
The Emporer Duke’s obsession

Do you believe in the tangled web of fate and destiny? Athena Rosa, the 13th princess of Searella Kingdom finds herself trapped in a twisted web of love, betrayal, and reincarnation. Just when she thought she had escaped her past life, the life where discovers that she was killed and betrayed by the people she loved, fate shows her otherwise Although it is all tragedy, she crosses paths with Deimos, the emperor who not only needs her blood to survive but is also someone she has loved in not one but two of her past lives and this time he wants her no matter the price Will she be able to fully trust him, will he betray her like the others and most importantly does he remember her or is he like the rest? Btw cover is not mine at all so I do not take credit My only hope is that this Novel does not change you as it changed it’s writer

Aella_Quinn · Lịch sử
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105 Chs


God stood me up

And I don't know why

Lights are on

But nobody's home

There ain't no love like our love

There ain't no love like our love

Like our love, love, love, love, love

Let the last worms go

And roll in tonight

Don't wake us up

We got nothing for you

Lights are on

By Tom Rosenthal

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"Athena, my darling Athena" Maya called as she ran to Athena when she saw her coming into to the table

"Maya" Athena called her name with a huge smile, she loved Maya so much

"Oh my goodness, you have the mark!" Maya gasped loudly when she saw the moon on Athena's neck

"You would be surprised," Athena said as Maya just kept glaring at Deimos

"How dare you mark her so soon, you just couldn't wait to hold her down could you, you damn idiot" she shouted at him and then turned to Athena with a huge smile

"It looks so cute on you, it suits your personality, you're such a bright moon," Maya said as she smiled at Athena. Her friend finally got the mark, but why did she have to get it so soon, that meant that she now fully belonged to Deimos and he also fully belonged to her, they could've waited a little bit, they could've waited until Athena made Deimos cry for leaving her to go battle on their past life, but no, there was no revenge at all, well at least on Athena's side, but Maya was going to make Deimos pay for making her friend cry for so many nights worried about his safety

"Maya, what is your relationship with my wife?" Deimos asked Maya who was standing really close to Athena

"She and I are best friends" Maya bragged to Deimos who pulled his wife to him

"I suggest you find your own wife, this one is mine," Deimos said as she glared at her

"I don't need a wife, I need a husband," Maya said glaring at him

"By the way you were being so close to my wife, I just thought you suddenly had an interest in women, but even if you die, she.is.mine" he emphasised those three words to Maya which made her more pissed off

"You annoy me so much Deimos" Maya said as she stared at him

"The feeling is mutual, so stay away from my wife, your stench is covering her beautiful scent" Deimos said and talked passed her while holding Athena's hand and the three of them sat down

Athena was used to their fights, they were like that when in the past life as well, acted like true siblings

"So I heard you would be going to the West, can I come with?" Maya asked Deimos

"I know you want to come, but Maya I need someone I trust to take care of the North while we are away and besides my wife, that's you, so I am sorry to ask you this, but could you stay here and look after the kingdom?" Deimos asked her

"It's understandable, the Kingdom comes first and I know that you two would've stayed if it wasn't for something you are screaming," she said pointing at Athena

"What did I do?" Athena asked leaving her fork inside her plate, she was quiet the whole time and the conversation suddenly involved her

"I know you, Athena, I know you so well that your innocent face doesn't trick me, so what are you scheming this time?" Maya asked her as she stared at her

"Fine, fine, you know how the goddess loves babies" Athena said and Maya got it at once

"You are so cruel, this is why I love you," Maya said as she smiled at Athena

If there was one thing about Maya it was that she loved death, she lived for death, but when her angel Athena died, she hated it, she hated it so much that she couldn't stand the sight of a dead body for years

Deimos was left puzzled, the only question in his head was how his wife and Maya got so close, they were acting like they knew each other for years


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