
This chapter was written while listening to Russian hardbass

So I died and am currently facing whatever this God is of... I'm pretty sure it is of Eldritch Abominations though because it is one ugly bastard. It disgusts me to even look at it, It has some extremely fat legs, human legs. A whole lot of leg hair, I suspect enough to stop cancer patients from going bald with this amount. It has no genitals which... Is honestly lucky because I don't want to see that stuff yet, Already seen enough of that with hentai...

Kiddies, Do NOT go down that rabbit hole, Take the words from me, I have been reading and watching hentai since I was 11 and have regretted it a LOT sometimes... Curse 177013 and the eunuch that made it. There is worse out there, I have seen some, But 177013 has left the deepest impression on my mind, That stuff made me realise the disgusting thing that is humanity.

Like, I went reading about Gender Equality on some websites for only 30 minutes and honestly, humanity has ruined the term that is "equality". Most of those polls try to yank even more support to females than males, I mean, Males don't even have Rape-Trauma therapy, They just get laughed at for not living it down like a so-called "man". Bullshit I say, Males have feelings too but they have just gotten to the point where showing it is a sign of weakness, Which is foul.

Anyway, After my brief deviation of topics. It is time to continue the introduction of its overly large legs is where it goes to shit. It doesn't have any more human features, Instead, it has an octopus mouth on its distorted stomach made of mould, fungi and... Whatever that red stuff is. The overly large being doesn't have arms either, It only has legs and a torso, For which I am thankful for. Mostly because I do not want to see whatever Eldritch septic creation this fucker is...

Wait, I died, didn't I? Can't believe this creature is so damn disgusting it made me forget my own death, It's smell alone could probably cause me to kill myself all over again just to get away from the reek. Nasty bastard.

"That is cruel you know? With this body I can ALL of the Treants and trust me, They give the best blowies... If you can stand the pain of being sucked off by wood of course, But I digress"

<A few minutes earlier>

Ever wondered what it was like literally wasting away to death? Hope you fucking haven't because it is a horrible experience. To put it simply, Picture a plant. Now don't water this plant, Deprive it of all sunlight for 1 week each before giving it 4 hours of sunlight and then repeat. While only giving it the most unhealthy of plant food... That was what happened to me. Only that I wasn't the plant, Obviously. Weirdo.

Anyway, My life was depressingly boring. Born to a poor family, Father left when my younger bro was born. I loved my little bro because he was pretty much a twin version of me, But more social. And he had better looks... Damn, He is just a better version of me!

Whatever, Anyway, my life was to put it simply, Simple. I was pretty smart when I was younger, Only needing to hear some words a few times before picking them up. My years through Primary (Middle School) were easy as hell, I was semi-popular, I was smart, I had my own game console. I had a crush on that one girl that I liked for a strangely long time...

Everything is as should be for a child. Of course, Only until high school, Where puberty and horny teenagers collide and make the mess that was my Highschool life. It started okay, Only losing like 4 friends, Still had 4 left that I hung out with, Though I only truly vibed with one of them. High school life was fun while it lasted, Year 7 was the best, No family to annoy me during school, My mates I hung with and played handball with, The anime I started watching (Secretly), And my teacher I hated but liked the most.

I had high attendance, Near-perfect attendance throughout year 7 but it went down the drain when my sister started high school. I couldn't catch the bus with my mates anymore, Causing them to start to hang without me because my dumbass of a sister was always lazy and couldn't even do the dishes. This started with what I like to call "My Downfall", To cope with losing 3 of my friends and having only 1 left I started to dive into Gaming and Anime even more. I got onto the top 10 leaderboards on Hypixel duels, Which I was proud as heck of. Then I started playing even more games and pissing my mother off by asking for more DLC, Games and a PC.

Which, Is what caused her to go into debt when I was in year 9. My sister got jealous of me having the stuff to use while all she had was her iPhone 7, My sister kept on screaming at my mother for playing favouritism until she bought phones for my Sister, Herself and my older brother. I could go on and on about how my sister made my life worse indirectly but... I don't really feel like that right now, Let's skip to the interesting bit.

So, There I was at 2:43 AM (The time I'm writing this) playing Terraria, On my 3rd Ranger character absolutely TOYING with the Empress Of Light when suddenly my power cut out, My mother couldn't afford the electricity bill this month because my sister "needed" the data for her "job" which is TikTok. I got really pissed off, Not with my mother since I understand the problem and help her as much as I can, No, What I got pissed off at was my sister.

She made us go from "Average Family Life" to "Extremely Poor and Lonely Family Life", So me, In my Anger ridden fury went straight into my sisters' room, Not caring of her doing a rather... Revealing TikTok currently and directly yanked her phone from her phone stand and pegged it straight into her fish tank. The 3 goldfish sadly died as I did it.

My sister, In her half-naked fury, decided it was a good idea to try to tackle me into her Wall-Length mirror, Glass dropped to the floor and my back had multiple shards in it which I couldn't feel at the time from my fury filled adrenaline. When we were younger, We had major anger issues we inherited from my fathers' side of the family, Which allowed us to sometimes have what feels like the anger of a Saiyan. This was one of those times. Both of us were nearly out of our minds with our shitty genetic fury and were lashing out at each other with our frustrations.

So, There we were, Me and my sister in her room, Which was always "Off-Limits" both half-naked, Me with only my parachute pants on and her with only her Short-Shorts over tights and sports bra on. If any of my other family were at home currently, They would think we were doing something we shouldn't. Luckily though, My younger bro still had friends and was at school with them while my Mother went out drinking. My older bro moved out last year with his Girlfriend.

Back to our fight, I yanked my sister off of me by her only grabbable thing... Her hair. What did you think I was going to say? Usually, I wouldn't do this without good reason but right now I couldn't care less.

Anyway, With a loud "AGH!" my sister collided against her nearby bed, I quickly shot up and moved back towards the door in the hopes we would still stop this fiasco. Our mother had enough on her plate already, She didn't need her two teenage children having a Half-Nude battle at 3 am have the cops called on them.

But, My sister didn't stop and quickly enough grabbed something to hit me with, Her large hand mirror. The psycho girl chucked the hand mirror at me and me, Being majorly unhealthy and having 2 health problems, Couldn't dodge and got smacked in the face by it, Causing me to have a nose gushing out blood and 1 eye that was in extreme pain.

Me, In even more fury, ran straight towards my sister and punched that bitch in the throat as hard as I could, Which wasn't hard considering my decaying muscles and bones but still enough to completely shut off her air pathways. The throat is an extremely dangerous area to have injured, and I just punched my sister there with all my strength, Causing her to not be able to breathe and be in extreme pain.

She tried screaming out in pain but all that came out were a few pain-filled gasps. I felt a disgusting sense of fulfilment watching her choke to death, She caused our mother to go into depression and attempt suicide 3 times, Go into alcoholism and major debt. She is now dead. It felt as if all of my worldly problems were being washed away. But then I suddenly realised, I was way too at peace and lightheaded... I died of blood loss.

<Current Time>

The Ugly Bastard has finally spoken.

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