Hikaru Akiyama, the heir of the Akiyama family, one of the greatest and most influential families in the world has been enrolled on The Advanced Nurturing Highschool. An elite school under the government's tutelage that trains its students using the most cutting-edge techniques, in terms of both physique and mentality and whose alumni have left their mark in society since time immemorial. And if this wasn't enough, Hikaru doesn't seem to have any talent for magic and seems to be a normal human, but how could the heir of the Akiyama not possess any magic? Eh..? What did you say? The First HighSchool had also finished its enrollment quota? The 1'st year representative is an extremely beautiful woman? She was called Miyuki Shiba? Eh? A Rental-Girlfriend company is taking over Tokyo!? ______________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/ukbaYfumaf I'll upload the pics there. ______________________________ Leave a review if you like the story. It helps me grow and constructive criticism is welcome. ______________________________ Any copyrighted franchise introduced in this fic except for my Protagonist doesn't belong to me and under no circumstances do I claim any ownership over it. The Cover Art doesn't belong to me and if the artist wants me to take it down, I'll be happy to oblige.