
The Elite Force

htxtoniek · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

The unexpected vacation

Woohoo, we're gonna rock out(said Maya).No we're gonna chill out, hey Pete(said Aja).Hey, I didn't know they were coming(said Peter).Oh I'm sorry for not telling you I kinda owe them(said Aja).It's okay, I just prepared a table for two that's all(said Peter).I'm really sorry Pete and thank you(said Aja).Hello guys(said Azura).Hey A-dog yeah I'm tryna make a nickname for you(said Aja).Cool, so Pete wanna hang out(said Azura and Aja).Um I um(he stuttered).Don't worry I'll go find the gang(said Aja).Okay I guess(said Peter).So, want a drink(said Azura).Sure(said Peter).Wow this place is beautiful, the sky is so bright and I love it(said Azura).It is beautiful(he stares at her)(she chuckles)(he blushes).(they kiss).Oh shoot what am I doing(she thinks).Pete I can't I'm one sec please(said Azura).Hey mom, oh it's over YESSS, oh okay(she sighs and hangs up).Pete I have a boyfriend(said Azura).WHAT WHO WHEN WHERE HOW(said Peter)?Yeah I'm dating(she gets interrupted).IT'S SUPERMAN(a girl screamed).(she kisses Clark).Wait you're cheating on your boyfriend with superman(said Pete).No dummy, she's(Aja gets interrupted).SHE'S DATING HIM WHAT WHO WHEN WHERE HOW(said Peter).Yes Pete I'm dating SUPERMAN eek(she said sarcastically).Yes she's dating me who are you sir(said Clark).I'm Peter I'm sure you heard about me even though I know nothing about you(said Peter).Okay whatever, let's go Azura(said Clark).So, Clark how's Kara(said Azura).Good, she's really in the super business(said Clark).Cool(said Azura).3 months later, when school starts.Oh it's Clark, it's kinda weird after what he did(Azura thinks).Hey Azura(said Peter).Hey Pete(said Azura).How are you doing with this(said Pete).Well I could be better, are you happy you were right(said Azura).I'm not happy seeing you sad(said Pete).I just don't know why Clark would do that to me or Aja(said Azura).I promised I won't tell but(said Pete).TELL WHAT(said Azura)!Aja brought red kryptonite so she tricked clark(said Pete).She did huh, SHE DID THAT MEANS CLARK DID NOTHING, I HAVE TO GO THX PETE(said Azura).(she spots Aja and slaps her).I know you're angry but that gives you no right(said Aja).I know your secret you used red kryptonite(said Azura).I did it cause of Pete, he loves you and you love him(said Aja).I DON'T LOVE PETE, I LOVE CLARK(said Azura).Hey, hey what's going on here(said a Teacher).You do(said Clark)?I do(said Azura).Well I love you too(said Clark).(she catches Clark up on the situation).I'm sorry guys for this(said Aja).It's alright(said. Lark).We'll discuss this later Aja).Oh hey Pete remind me what you said about Aja(said Azura).Uhhh(said Pete).(she hits his nuts)You little ditenite(ass)(said Azura).Huh, look I can explain(said Pete).Explain what you lied to me and now you'll pay(said Azura).I only did it cause I dinite lilac(skunk you).You just said you skunk me(said Azura).You know what I mean(said Pete).I don't care stay away from me and my friends got it(said Azura).Okay I'm sorry again(said Pete).I can't take that apology(said Azura).Hey Clark (said Amure).Uh who are you(said Clark).I'm Azura's sister, Amure(said Amure).Oh nice to meet you(said Clark).Dadnash elinte unn(nice to meet you too)(said Amure).Huh(said Clark).Oh I thought you knew Kryptonian(said Amure).I do only a little(he said embarrassingly).Well I can teach you, think of me as your sister(said Amure).Ok cool(said Clark).Well uh bye, oh wait I'm inviting you to dinner be there(said Amure).Dink(thanks), I will(said Clark).Sal sal(you're welcome), see you there(said Amure).At the Tyler's house, Good morning Mrs Tyler(said Clark).Good morning sweetie(said Mrs.Tyler).Hello Clark(said Mr Tyler toughly).hello mr.tyler(Clark said timidly).I'm just kidding come on in Clark(said Mr.Tyler).DAD STOP EMBARRASSING ME!!!(said Azura).Okay okay(said Mr.Tyler).May I help with anything(said Martha).No we're good(said Mrs.Tyler).It's done(said Mr.Tyler).He cooks dinner(said Martha).Yeah I'm still surprised myself(said Mrs.Tyler).Wow, I wish Jonathan did(said Martha).That's hilarious Mary does no cooking only on Drakster(independence day)(said Mr.Tyler).Huh(said Martha).Independence day mom(said Clark).Wow your brushing up on your Kryptonian(said Mrs.Tyler). Can I walk you home(said Azura). No way walking all that way I'll be fine Good night Azura(said Clark). Alr, Good night(said Azura). At Elite Force home HQ, Yo Aja what are you gonna do about Aja(said Maya). You are the one at fault here, you stole Clark for Peter(said Maya). I know I know, dan dan(whyyy)(Aja says sobing). Aja, How do you expect her to forgive you after what you did, you need to show her you are ready to be different(said Noami). Diven(no) I can't show her if she doesn't wanna be around me(said Aja). Wow, am I the only one who doesn't get Martian(Maya asked). I do know Krptonian(said Maya). I know Mercury(said Amaya). Well I know Spanish(said Maya). Well I know Portuguese(said Amaya).(they argue). HEY, DISH TA KIN(FOCUS ON ME)(said Aja). YES MA'AM(said Maya). I thought(said Amaya). You pick up a few things when someone keeps repeating it(said Maya). Night girls(said Jennifer). Night(said MAAN). At school, Hey...Azura(said Aja).(Azura gives her a stern look).Alr nevermind(said Aja). Let me talk to her(said Maya). Taka Lute(I'm sorry about what Aja did(said Maya). Why are you sorry, look tell her to stay far away from me(said Azura). Um okay I will(said Maya). By the way good job on your Kryptonian(said Azura). Thanks(said Maya). Yeah she hates you(said Maya).(Noami gives her a look). WHAT(said Maya). Look, Azura needed a friend you betrayed her fix it(said Noami). Somehow your speech was worse than mine(said Maya). AZURA WAIT(said Aja). WHAT WHAT what, leave me alone Aja(said Azura). But(said Aja). I said leave me alone(said Azura as she "mistakenly" hurts Aja). Ow(said Aja). Are you okay I didn't mean to, why am I even apologizing I don't care I just want you to leave...(said Azura).(Aja leaves before she finishes the statement).