

A/N: Don't forget you have a chance to gift the book today during the mass release event. to find the event page go to your profile>Inbox>events and scroll to Mass Releasing Ongoing. There you will find my book. I plan on releasing three chapters on Christmas Eve. These chapters will follow the story, and they are based on the holidays. I thought it would be fun to do for the season. 


Carter sat blissfully in a cozy armchair beside the crackling fireplace, with Dahlia cradled on his lap.

She was sipping on a steaming concoction of honey-ginger tea mixed with healing herbs that Helena had created for her. Her body covered in a warm quilt.

A lovely blush color had returned to cheeks. She looked vibrant and miraculously back to good health.

Dahlia had successfully transmuted the werewolf venom despite not being with child.

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