
The Divine Dragon of the Uchiha Clan (Droped)

Uchiha Ryu, the Divine Dragon descend to the shinobi world because of Heaven's will, see how Ryu takes advantage of plot of shinobi world.

99_DRAGONS · Tranh châm biếm
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25 Chs

From Earth?

Uchiha Ryu was taken aback for a moment, various thoughts rushing through his head.

How did she know? Could it be possible that she is also a reincarnate like me? No, that can't be. Ryu had always believed he was the only one from Earth. But who is she, and how does she know about Earth?

Nervously gathering his composure, Ryu decided to confront the girl.

Akari asked, "Are you from Earth?"

Ryu replied, "Are you from Earth?"

Akari's eyes widened in surprise, and she continued, "So, did you also reincarnate?"

Ryu hesitated for a moment, thinking, 'So, she also reincarnated like me.'

Akari pressed on, her nerves showing, "Answer me!"

Ryu finally admitted, "Yes."

Akari exclaimed, "Wow, I never thought, I thought I was the only one."

Curiosity getting the better of him, Ryu inquired, "How did you end up here?"

Akari hesitated for a moment before sharing her story, "I died in an accident; a truck hit me."

Ryu listened intently and asked, "What happened after that?"

Akari continued, "Well, I met God Yama. He said I will find by desire."

Ryu's curiosity grew as he urged her to continue.

Akari blushed deeply as she disclosed, "He said he would bless me with a life-nourishing body."

Ryu's mind buzzed with thoughts, "Life-nourishing... she must be an Uzumaki. Perhaps she possesses the Wood Style Kekkei Genkai."

Ryu maintained his calm demeanor as Akari persisted with her questions, "How did you become so strong? You earned a name for yourself in past wars."

However, Akari's persistent curiosity seemed to unravel Ryu's reserved nature, and he found himself engaging more with her inquiries.

Ryu then asked, "Did you graduate from the academy?"

Akari blushed slightly and replied, "No, not yet, but I have applied for early graduation."As Ryu made his observation, he remarked, "I believe you possess the Wood Style. With practice, you'll be able to master it."

Akari, with her short red hair tied in a ponytail and her green eyes, wore a white dress that complemented her appearance. She was undeniably cute,

but Ryu had never shown much interest in girls. Back in his past life, he had a special someone who sincerely cared for him, despite being a bit noisy.

Ryu treasured those memories because they represented a time when he had experienced genuine happiness and someone who truly cared for him.

Curious about her encounter with God Yama, Ryu asked, "Did he grant you any wishes?"

Akari replied, "Well, he didn't allow me to talk much. I have very limited knowledge of this world, mostly from my past life's brother's explanations."

Ryu couldn't help but think, 'She's new to this world and lacks knowledge. With proper guidance, she could become a valuable asset for me.'

Curious about Ryu's silence, Akari asked, "What are you thinking, Ryu?"

Ryu responded, "I was just considering how your presence might have changed things. I've never altered the plot, but even if I did, I have a backup plan in place."

Ryu walked home, while Akari yearned for his affection, but she couldn't get the response she desired.

Feeling content after her conversation with Ryu, Akari returned to her home, relishing the fact that she had the chance to talk to him.

Filled with joy, she stood before the Hokage monument and exclaimed, "I finally found you again, Ryu, in this life as well!"

Tears of joy welled up in Akari's eyes as she thanked God Yama for the chance to reunite with Ryu in this new world.

In a flashback to their past lives on Earth, Ryu was a brilliant student, excelling in academics and earning high marks in every test. However, this drew jealousy and resentment from some of his peers.

Amelia, a kind-hearted girl, defended Ryu from the bullies and supported him.

Despite the challenges, Ryu remained silent, purposefully choosing not to respond to their taunts.

As time passed, Ryu's academic achievements continued to soar, and he won the international mathematics olympiad, earning the title of an Honor student with an exemplary CGPA.

Amelia admired Ryu's determination and dedication and followed him wherever he went.

However, she eventually realized that she couldn't keep up with his exceptional academic performance and, with a heavy heart, they drifted apart.

Ryu earned acceptance into Harvard, while Amelia pursued her studies at Imperial College in London. Despite the distance, she never stopped caring for Ryu and always kept an eye out for him.

As time went on, Ryu continued to excel and had several successful start-up ideas. He received MBA acceptances from prestigious institutions like Oxford, Harvard, and Stanford Schools of Business.

Amelia, who had fallen deeply in love with Ryu, followed him to Oxford. Her love for him knew no bounds.

Tragically, just before the graduation ceremony, Ryu was murdered, leaving behind a void in everyone's hearts.

Devastated by the loss of Ryu,

Amelia found it difficult to carry on. After a few months of immense pain, she decided to take her own life.

@ Shinobi World, the next day :

@ Uchiha District:

Kakashi paid a visit to Ryu's home.

Shisui greeted Kakashi with a smile, saying, "Hey, Kakashi! It's been a while."

Kakashi inquired, "Is Ryu here?"

Shisui replied, "Yes, he's in the sealing studio. Come on in."

Curious, Kakashi asked, "Sealing studio?"

Shisui explained, "Yeah, we have a designated place in our home for sealing things."

Inside the house, Kakashi noticed a pin board displaying Ryu and Shisui's upcoming missions, along with a separate board dedicated to Ryu's seals company. Custom orders and stock information were pinned on the board.

Kakashi then entered the sealing studio and encountered a woman in her early 30s.

Hana was excited, "Excellent! This strategy might work, and we could increase our revenue by next month. We'll surpass the Dumpling shop."

Ryu observed that his neighbor, Aunt Hana, had a natural talent for sales. She was the perfect fit for the job.

Just then, Kakashi entered the room.

Ryu greeted him, "Welcome, Kakashi."

Hana asked, "Who is this, Ryu?"

Ryu introduced him, "He's my teammate, Kakashi Hatake."

Hana's eyes widened, "Hatake? White Fang's son?"

Kakashi confirmed, "Yes, he was my father."

Hana expressed her admiration, "He was an exceptional shinobi. I'm sorry, Kakashi."

Hana then headed outside to the main streets to open the shop.

Shisui entered the room, curious about the conversation.

Kakashi questioned, "Why did you call me, Ryu?"

Ryu explained, "I've created a customized seal formula for you."

Kakashi was intrigued, "A seal for the eye? What does it do?"

Ryu clarified, "I've noticed that the Sharingan draws more chakra from non-Uchiha users. With this seal, I can seal the Sharingan, and you can unseal it whenever you want to use it."

Kakashi gratefully said, "Thank you, Ryu."

Shisui thought to himself, "Ryu is so kind. I'm glad he's my elder brother."

Ryu proceeded to seal Kakashi's eye, giving him instructions on how to activate and deactivate the Sharingan.

Kakashi followed Ryu's guidance, successfully sealing the Sharingan with the Horse sign and unsealing it with the Ram sign.

Kakashi expressed his gratitude once more, but Ryu humbly responded, "Don't thank me. We are a team, after all."

Kakashi approached Ryu with a request, "Ryu, Minato sensei asked me to join Anbu. Can you consider joining after me?"

Ryu paused for a moment before responding.

Shisui chimed in with excitement, "Wow, Kakashi, you're joining the Anbu! That's incredible!"

However, Ryu cautioned, "Don't get too carried away, Shisui. There's a dark side to the Anbu that most people don't know about."

Kakashi agreed, acknowledging the hidden complexities of the Anbu.

Despite this, Shisui was shocked to hear about the darker aspects.

Ryu eventually replied, "Alright, Kakashi, you can join. I'll follow you soon."

Curious about Ryu's unique fire style, Kakashi inquired, "By the way, how did you manifest those blue flames in your fire style?"

Ryu explained, "It's the result of my fire mastery training over the past few months."

Shisui was intrigued, "Blue flames? That sounds impressive."

Kakashi added, "Yes, they were hotter than normal flames. If used skillfully, they could even melt bones."

Shisui looked at Ryu with surprise, impressed by his abilities