
The Divine Dragon of the Uchiha Clan (Droped)

Uchiha Ryu, the Divine Dragon descend to the shinobi world because of Heaven's will, see how Ryu takes advantage of plot of shinobi world.

99_DRAGONS · Tranh châm biếm
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25 Chs

B-Rank Bandit Extermination Mission

On the B-Rank Bandit Extermination Mission, a team consisting of two civilian chunin, Ryuko and Kaito, along with Guy, Shizune, and Uchiha Ryu was assembled. Each member had their specific roles and responsibilities within the team.

Ryuko and Kaito were tasked with handling the bandit extermination, using their skills and expertise in combat and strategy. Shizune's role was to provide healing support, ensuring the team's well-being during the mission. Uchiha Ryu, with his sensing abilities and combat prowess, was responsible for reconnaissance and engaging in combat when necessary. Guy, with his support and combat skills, would provide assistance and backup to the team.

As this mission was of utmost importance, assigned directly by the Hokage himself, Ryu made sure to prepare himself accordingly. He equipped hand protectors, an Anbu-tier quality sword, and Tanjiro-style earrings with chakra signature erasing seals, enhancing his combat capabilities and concealment during the mission. With his team ready, they embarked on their mission to eradicate the bandits and restore peace to the land.

All the mission members met at the entrance gate.

Ryuko: "I'm Ryuko, a chunin, and this is Kaito, my partner."

Kaito: "Hey."

Guy: "Youthful greetings, everyone! I am the mighty Might Guy, known as the beast of Konoha!"

Shizune: "I'm Shizune, a genin and part of the medic team."

Ryu: "Uchiha Ryu, reporting in as the sensor and combat specialist for this mission."

Ryu's appearance and confidence drew everyone's attention. He had a striking presence with his black attire, jet black hair, and paper earrings bearing the Uchiha clan symbol. His hands were adorned with protective guards and seals for weapon summoning.

Kaito couldn't hide his frustration, directing his comments towards Ryu's age and perceived privilege.

Kaito: "So, the Uchiha clan's pampered child joins us on a B-rank mission? Quite a shame for us chunin."

Ryuko tried to defuse the tension while Shizune remained silent, unsure of how to respond.

Ryuko: "Let's focus on the mission, Kaito. We're all here to work together."

Guy, however, saw potential in Ryu and acknowledged his capabilities.

With the team assembled, they prepared to embark on their B-rank mission, ready to prove themselves and face the challenges that awaited them.

Ryuko: "Our mission is to track down the bandits who have established their camp along the trade route between the Land of Medicine and the Merchant's territory. They have been involved in illegal activities, such as stealing medicine and extorting money from the merchants."

Kaito: "Alright, everyone, stay alert. We're approaching the bandits' camp. Our objective is to retrieve the stolen goods and eliminate the bandits."

Ryuko: "Understood. Ryu, keep your senses sharp and be ready to engage in combat."

Ryu nodded, his focus intensifying. He relied on his natural sensory abilities, refraining from activating his Sharingan until the battle began.

Guy: "Youthful determination! Let us show these bandits the power of the Leaf Village and bring justice to the innocent victims."

Shizune remained silent, her medical supplies at the ready, prepared to assist any injured team members or innocent bystanders.

The team moved silently through the dense forest, approaching the bandits' hideout. Ryu's heightened senses allowed him to detect faint movements and murmurs ahead.

Ryu: " at 4 o' clock 7 bandits and 10 o' clock 3 bandits"

Kaito: "Great job, Ryu. We'll split into two teams to handle the bandits. Ryu, take Guy and flank the group at 4 o'clock. Ryuko and I will deal with the ones at 10 o'clock."

Ryuko Agreed.

Ryu: "Got it."

Ryu's Sharingan spun, its crimson glow reflecting the intensity of the battle. With his Swift Release activated, he swiftly unsheathed his sword, flames engulfing its blade. In a swift motion, he sliced through two bandits effortlessly, their bodies falling to the ground.

Chapter 1: Slicing Summer - Uchiha Style Sun Dance Halo

The remaining bandit and Guy, paralyzed by fear, found themselves trapped in Ryu's genjutsu, Fear's Embrace. Their minds were overwhelmed by a torrent of terrifying illusions, leaving them trembling in terror.

Ryu: "You're at my mercy now. Tell us where the stolen goods are, or your fate will be even worse."

Ryu release Guy from Genjutsu.

The bandit trembled, his voice quivering as he revealed the location of the stolen goods. Ryu maintained his genjutsu, ensuring the bandit wouldn't escape or alert others.

Ryu: "Good. Now, stay put and don't make a sound. We'll deal with you later."

With the information in hand, Ryu regrouped with the rest of the team, sharing the location of the stolen goods.

Ryuko: "Impressive, Ryu. Your speed and prowess are unmatched. Let's retrieve the goods and make sure these bandits pay for their crimes."

As they moved towards a goods storage place,

Kaito's carelessness proved to be a grave mistake as a large group of bandits suddenly emerged, surrounding the team.

Ryu: "We're outnumbered, but we can't afford to back down. Prepare for battle!"

Ryuko: "Stay focused, everyone. We'll have to fight our way through."

Guy: "Youthful challenge! Don't underestimate the power of Konoha!"

Shizune's face turned pale, her eyes filled with fear as she realized the magnitude of the situation.

Shizune: "This... this is overwhelming. What do we do?"

Ryu's Sharingan spun, his crimson eyes filled with determination and battle lust.

Ryu: "We charge into the battle with all our might. Shizune, go and hide."

With his Swift Release activated and his Uchiha-style Sun Dance Halo Kenjutsu at the ready,

Ryu unleashed the new sword technique for test ride


The Song of War sword techniques were a hidden treasure of the Uchiha clan, derived from the Uchiha Sword: Fire Possession. As Ryu channeled the essence of this powerful technique, the battlefield seemed to be painted in blood, amplifying the intensity of the battle.

As the relentless wave of bandits continued to pour in, Ryu realized that he needed to unleash his ninjutsu to turn the tides of the battle.

As Ryu continued his onslaught, his Sharingan ablaze, he unleashed a devastating technique: Fire Release: Demon Lantern.

Performing the required hand seal, Ryu summoned numerous floating fireballs that surrounded him. These fireballs took on the shape of eerie ghosts, hovering ominously in the air. With a swift motion, they launched themselves towards the bandits, attacking in relentless swarms.

Each fireball erupted into a massive flame upon impact, engulfing the bandits in a sea of fire. The power and intensity of the technique left the bandits stunned and terrified, their ranks dwindling rapidly.

The Fire Release: Demon Lantern proved to be a fearsome and formidable technique, decimating the bandits and clearing a path for the team to advance.

Kaito and Ryuko stood in awe, their eyes wide with amazement and new found respect for Ryu. They had underestimated his abilities and were now witnessing firsthand the true extent of his power.

Kaito: "I can't believe it... Ryu, you're incredible. Your mastery of ninjutsu is truly awe-inspiring."

Ryuko: "I never imagined that someone so young could possess such skill and control over their techniques. You've proven yourself to be a force to be reckoned with, Ryu."

Ryu: *smiling humbly*

The team took a moment to catch their breath, their bodies covered in sweat and dirt from the intense battle. They looked around at the defeated bandits, a sense of accomplishment washing over them.

Shizune and Guy, who had been observing the battle in awe,

Ryu requested a hand towel to wipe away the blood from the fierce battle. As he cleaned himself, the chunins diligently compiled a list of all the bandits who had been defeated, noting those who had perished and those who were still alive.

The severity of the mission and the overwhelming number of bandits had prompted the mission's rank to be upgraded to an S-rank. This recognition highlighted the danger and significance of their accomplishment.

Shizune tended to the team's injuries, using her medical expertise to heal their wounds and ensure their well-being. With their injuries treated and the stolen goods secured, it was time for them to return to Konoha.

The team prepared to depart, their hearts filled with a mix of relief and pride. They had faced a formidable challenge and emerged victorious. As they made their way back to the village, they reflected on the intensity of the mission and the bonds they had formed through their shared experiences.