
The Connection

Anna woke up to the screams of her parents, they were in the middle of a fight as usual she can recounts the number of times she has heard her parents scream at each other and sometimes she just wish that she was just adopted by her best friend Rosie's parents you see Rose has been Anna best friend since elementary school and today is the best stage of their lives Anna wanted her parents to be happy for her big day today but instead they are busy having their selfish interest of quarreling as she like to call it ,she rolled out of bed went down stairs and shouted on top of her voice ; can't you see that today is a big day for me ,her mother Mrs Juliana turned and said honey we are deeply sorry actually we decided to prank you about our fight ,Happy first high school day ,she she was relieved and for the first time Anna was actually grateful to have such parents, won't you go and dress up young woman her father said and Anna couldn't control her excitement she went straight into her father's arms with her eyes full of tears ,her mother joined the hug and sweetly kiss her cheeks this time Anna saw that fate was finally smiling at her and today she felt a connection between her and her parents