After defeating Maloch, The Merciless, Valhein or Nethra fell to the ground and was transported to another realm and met a certain raven-haired girl when she was still a child. How will this affect the world? Follow Valhein, the Demon Hunter, on his journey in this new world (THIRD PERSON VIEW IS BACK)
I…don't know where I currently am.
Under the night where earth's satellite hovers in the starless sky, was me – a man adorned in a blueish-green coat with linings that material was the same as the armor that I wore from the knee down to the foot, on my forearms, and on my shoulders, which are silver as underneath the chrysocolla coat was a charcoal shirt and charcoal pant; The coat has no buttons as it has drawn together with a silver belt that has an aquamarine stone embedded in the center that I wrapped it around my waist. Yet the most noticing feature was the crystals – bursting out and flaring like flames from one end of the gauntlets, towards the heaven above – were crystals with blunt edges that have the color of aquamarine with one scrawny crystal that acts like a feather on my hat, which palish furs surround the base…that is not mentioning a blunderbuss with a sharpen aquamarine bayonet strapped to my back…and a large, four-bladed weapon that is forged with the same aquamarine crystal that is dangling from my waist.
Adorns with charcoal gloves that have the same crystals act as fingernails, I look down within the stone ground that I stand up from and pick up the curve, pointy hat that has the same cloth color as my coat and shakes it a bit before I dusted it off a little and then I put on top of my short black crown. Before I walked toward the broken house in front of me, my eyes widen before I search for the one thing that I always wore – the beaked mask made from that same crystals. As I searched around the place, I saw the mask a few feet away from me…which was behind the broken, wooden door frame.
–I sigh in relief.
I walked over to the door frame and picked up the mask. I took a glance at it as memories started to flow through my vein into my mind as I began to recall the time when I wore this and went into the front line of the hunt for demons. Of course, it was a dangerous job but I was the Deputy Commander of the 'Demon Hunter' so I must set an example for the later generation before I retired and help the citizen of my home…although it does come with a cost…I shook my head before negative thoughts came knocking on my mind for a hunter must have a straight thought and an absolute focus when hunting demons…for example now, for I felt my spine has been poured with ice.
I remove my hat, put on my beaked mask, then I set my hat back to where it belongs before I stood up and pull my 4-bladed weapon from its dangle position whilst my other hand pull my gun from my back as I stood in a defensive stance. I step a few steps forwards as I look at my surrounding. My time as a soldier has trained my eyes to adjust to the dark quickly and able to pinpoint any creature with a single sound – Which is why I throw my large 4-bladed throwing star at my right.
"ARGH!" A screech reaches my ears and when I look at the target that I hit – it was hideous: like a centaur that lives within the 'Forest of Shadows', the beast that I struck had the body of a spider that replace her legs as her naked body was shown to the world…I had to admit, she was beautiful…yet so hideous.
"Y-you dare to –" I didn't give her a chance to talk as I throw my weapon at her jaw to shut her up, which hit its mark and slice her head into two. The explanation for how I have two weapons? I don't have that – the crystals are magic by nature, and the smithy crafts the weapons to teleport back into my palm whenever it had hit their target, and the crystals on the armor help my arms to swing the weapons faster than the speed of a bullet which the weapon itself also helps. So, the faster I swing my arms and aim at my target with the weapon, the faster the blade my target…yet it's not as fast as my friend's bullets, which belong to Violet – the previous commander of the Demon Hunter before she retired.
As the beast fell towards the wooden floor below, I heard another sound – a sniffing sound. I pull the blunderbuss, which has magical bullets from the crystal bayonet but requires some time to replenish its magic before I could fire it again, out and point it at the source and yell out "Get out!!!! Or you will get to meet your brethren in the afterlife!!!!"
-After that my eyebrow raises.
It's been a few weeks ever since I met the girl – Akeno Himejima.
I am currently leaning against the wall that is set next to a door where the Himejima girl had walked in. The wall is latched onto a house of…weird design as the house was unlike the house I've lived in before as the wall was pale and the triangular roof was painted with wooden color. As I continue to lean on the palish wall under the heat rays, I begin to recollect some pieces of information that this 'Akeno' girl has said to him – she said she was an orphan and since the orphanage was abusive, she left the place entirely…even though I'm still in my early twenty, I was able to call off a lie. When 'Akeno' realise that the lie didn't work, she tell me the truth…that her mother was a priestess…and the father was a 'fallen angel'...because of that and the fact that she show me her 'wings', I almost consider taking her head off her shoulder despite being a child…yet, in her eyes show no malice…instead, her violet eyes show innocent…so I gave her a deal – that if she shows me around and let me follow her, then I would protect from the possible harm that might go to her.
–She accepts the deal
"NETHRA-SAN!!!" As I remember what happened that night, a scream reaches my ears – It was Akeno's. My eyes widen as spin towards the door and kick it open, to find within an ordinary yet weirdly designed room were two old people who appear to be an old couple, Akeno whose sitting on her rear on the ground she uses her arms to slide away as if she was fearing something, and finally, the 'something' was a demonic-looking transparent ghost that floats towards her with haste – Instinctively, I throw the star with all speed I could muster…which ended up slicing the ghost's head in half.
–And before I knew it, I felt a bump on my leg and felt something wet…I look down to see Aekno wailing as she hugs my legs…I sigh and I pat her head while saying "Good job" with a feather-like, smooth voice.
It's only been a few months ever since I met Himejima…and now I'm carrying her up on my shoulder as I ran away from some attackers.
We ran, ran, and ran until we stumbled upon a huge tree with a hole that could cover a child up without nobody noticing – perfect. I place her inside and told her to be quiet.
"No!, you can't leave me!"
"I'm not leaving you, I'll be back"
"...Promise?" Himejima look up at the beaked man with saddened eyes
"Promise" I nodded my head at the scene which he must admit…it was cute.
I step away and ran toward a nearby bush where I waited for them to be in sight…but seems like they found me first. I felt the presence of an attacker's sword behind me as it pointed to my neck as one by one stepped out from the bushes…as one of them was now holding a young black-haired girl on their arm with their swords out and placed its edge on their neck.
"It seems like we finally found you, you disgusting brat!"
The leader comes out, he was recognizable as he was wearing different clothing compared to the other, and spoke out words that sent hatred towards the young girl before he turns towards my direction.
"And apparently you were helping her, huh?"
"So you shall die for protecting this ugly brat." the leader jerks his head and one of them stabs Aekno through the shoulder as laughter begins to echo throughout the forest.
–Something crack
I spun around and grab the swords – pulling him towards me as I stab through the neck with my 'glaive' before I spun towards Akeno's direction and applying the advantage of motion, I throw the star at Akeno's holder which split his head in two. Akeno was dropped to the ground at the same time as the dead man hit the ground, I screamed: "RUN!!"
As Akeno stood up and ran in a random direction, the 'glaive' teleported back into my hand before I throw it at another attack who raises his sword and ran towards me…which now cut his body in half. The other two attackers besides the leader ran towards me – a big mistake. I pulled out my blunderbuss and fire it at the attacker as I throw my 'glaive' at the other attacker the second after which resulted in one now having a gaping hole in his chest and one being headless. As the 'glaive' teleport back into my hand before I throw it at the leader – who is no longer there…then I felt something warm on my back.
"Urgh!!!!" I grunted as I step forward before I spins and used the motion to throw the star behind me… which ended up breaking the blade that the leader was using. The leader's eyes widen as he pulls out another sword…but he looks…
"Terrified, huh?" I pulled out my blunderbuss and pointed at him before I signal with my other hand, which was holding the 'glaive', to taunt him to come to attack me. The man gnashes his teeth and then ran towards me with a raised sword and with my finger slowly pulling the trigger…but both never happens.
"STOP!" a voice reaches both my ears and his ears as the leader stops running before both of us look towards the direction of the source…to see the person that soon changes the life of Valhein, the Demon Hunter and the Deputy Commander of the Demon Hunters, to better.