
The Demons Claim

Mara is what her people call a gifted soul. Although she was born in Haiti where her life journey began, Mara traveled around the world learning various languages and forms of magic/witchcraft. What Mara had forgotten was her past, as a little girl meeting one of the most powerful demons to ever exist. Malum. Recognizing the girl as his mate but knowing she was too young Malum left a magical mark on her so he could find and protect her always, until she was ready for him. Will she fight against him in a battle of light and dark or will she tame the evil within him and give into their hearts desires.

Midnight_Syren · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Ch 16 Wedding Bells

Malum was beyond enraged by the time Mara picked up the phone but he bit his tongue to let her explain. She had told him everything about Baron, the others and the girl they were after, their mate. He took a moment to collect himself. "Okay but did you have to shut me out?" he asked with a hint of hurt. "Not for me but Baron needed the space to talk to me and get me to understand the issue. Besides the others I'm the only one who knows, so yes. I didn't mean to hurt you my love but I had to respect my friends privacy." she replied. He nodded on his end of the line and sighed. "I understand. I love you my Mara, and soon to be wifey." he said with a chuckle and caused her to giggle.

Time had flown by easily enough. Dominique had flown back in a few days ago and the girls decided to have all bonding time while Malum and the men did whatever it is they considered fun. "Okay okay, so you mean to tell me Domo tried that spell at just 5?" Prudence asked in disbelief. "Yup and bout lost my leg for it to chile." Dominique replied and sucked her teeth. "Man I wasn't even a proper healer and the village just assumed I could fix her on up. I mean I tried." Mara replied with a shake of her head as she took a sip of her virgin daiquiri. "Saved my life probably too. Fucked up leg or not, you saved my life. For that I will always be grateful." Dominique replied. "To friendship, sisterhood and loyalty." Pride said as she lifted her wine glass.

They all clinked their cups together and took a sip. "Okay so how are we going to get Pru and Domo a hook up?" Lust said. Dominique looked mortified and Prudence scoffed. "I will not be tied down." Prudence replied playfully and shook her head. Everyone laughed as Mara turned to Dominique. "What about you?" Mara asked and though she couldn't see Dominique's blush, she knew her face. "Who is it!?" Mara asked excitedly. Everyone turned to face her and Dominique hid her face and shook her head. She knew it would cause problems and she didn't want to ruin a good time.

Mara was worried but let it go for now. "Okay so we have all the prep work set up. The catering and planning team will finalize decorations and everything early tomorrow. We should get to the spa or we'll be laatteee" Karma said in a sing song voice as the girls got ready to leave. They spent the next few hours at the spa getting pampered with massages, facials and mani-pedis. Mara made sure she went last for her nails and didn't tell the girls what she was going to have done because then it would give away which dress or style she chose.

Mara walked out to see the girls all huddled around like old men playing crabs, while they tried to guess what dress she chose and what her nails would look like. "What are yall up to?" Mara asked, surprising them. They all let out squeals of shock as they turned to her, giving her innocent smiles. Mara shook her head as she giggled before putting out her hand to show off her nails. "YES!" Pride and Prudence shrieked as they saw Mara's hands. Mra chose stiletto nails with a Gothic style to them. They had a dark purple and black marble pattern as the base for her with gold calligraphy on her ring finger. Her pointer, middle finger and pinky all had microshards of Onyx and Amethyst covering them in various random patterns.

"Okay but we still don't know which dress you chose outside of the fact that you're clearly going non-traditional." Envy. "Or hybrid." Lust added. Mara turned to Karma and smiled softly. "I know you wanted me to go traditional and at first I wanted to as well but I realized that my life, and now my family is far from traditional. I don't need normal when I have you guys. Normal seems so boring." Mara joked and Karma let out a laugh as tears of joy slipped out. "My girl is getting married!" she squealed and everyone laughed. "So we just not gunna get to know which dress she picked?" Gluttony asked, making everyone burst out in laughter.

"Mam your dress has arrived." The owner of the spa said as Kayos and Vyngence brought back a massive black garment bag. "My queen" they said with a bow as they passed the dress to Karma and left, kissing their mother goodbye. The dress was hung in the changing room and everyone fled to their own rooms to change into their dresses. Instead of a traditional dress, Mara chose a purple and gold, halterneck jumpsuit with a long flowing cape that came off the bodice. The entire outfit was a dark plum purple to match her nails except for the front and neck that was laced with gold beads that tapered off the farther it went down from their breast to their belly button.

Mara did keep it semi traditional with Karma as her matron of honor. Karma got to wear a ¾ sleeve gown with a black base and gold embroidered into various calligraphy patterns and weaves. "Oh YES CHILE!" Karma yelled as she opened her garment bag to see her dress. "ON GOD THIS OUTFIT SENDS ME SIS" Prudence yelled and Mara could do nothing but laugh hysterically trying her best not to ruin her makeup. "Prudence Ima need a spell to hold my makeup in place because I'm either going to be laughing or so happy I'm crying more often than not." Mara half joked. "I got you." was the only reply she got.

Mara waited until all the girls were finished before putting on her dress and walking out of her dressing room. All seven sins, Karma and Prudence couldn't utter a word as their jaws hung open. Mara had chosen the all black A line ball gown. She had the corseted top adjust to properly hold her ladies up and together but otherwise no changes were needed. The deep V allowed her to wear low hanging jewelry that the girls had gotten her. It was a pendant made from the iron they were able to pull from Malum's blood with Amethyst gems in it. The idea weirded Mara out at first but when the magical properties and capabilities that the jewelry possessed were explained, it made more sense. It looked like three crescent moons that connected at the point and were bound to the gem with chain and another smaller gem hung below that.

Mara had fun with her hair and had the top half put up into two playful buns while the bottom half hung low down her back. She had strings of silver clipped into her hair and there were amethyst and onyx stones hanging from the strings. The girls helped her place her floor length sheer black veil on while Karma got her tiara/crown. Mara was happy she chose the outfits and colors she did because Karma brought forward a Gothic style black, purple and gold crown.

The metal base of the crown was gold with various spikes and designs made from the precious metal. On the crown the main large stones were Onyx for the middle and two outside pyres. The two middle pyres had large Amethyst stones. Each of the larger stones were surrounded by various smaller cysts of the same gems in an alternating pattern. Much to her surprise, there were earrings to match. Her hair had to be slightly adjusted since her curls didn't exactly expose her ears but once the changes were made, Mara was ready to go. "Alright girls. Let's get out queen married!" Sloth giggled evilly making everyone else giggle as they loaded into the limo awaiting them outside.

Malum had found an old abandoned cathedral that he had his witches and warlocks repair with magic to its natural glory. The marble floors and stone walls were so pristine she could see her reflection in them. There were black wooden pews in the main area and the stained glass had been replaced, removing the old 'holy' pictures with Gothic style stained glass art. There were streams of black and purple fabric tying the column on the outside of the rows together and the inside rows had purple, black and gold roses on the ends of the pews.

Malum hadn't arrived yet, he wasn't allowed to in fear he'd try to sneak a look at his bride. Mara was stowed away and sealed off with magic while Karma gave her husband the all clear. Malum walked in and the power and authority he radiated quickly filled the space. He adjusted his gold cuff links on the sleeves of his jacket. His three piece tux clung to his body like a second skin while somehow fitting him perfectly enough to allow him free movement. He adjusted his tie on his collar next as his black dress shoes clack along the exposed marble before hitting the black carpet that would soon lead his mate to him.

The black cape clinging to his shoulder fluttered in the non existent wind with the speed of his strides, allowing the lights to glint playfully off the red and gold coat of arms on his back representing the House of Malum. "Okay by boss gunna go see the girls!" Vygence yelled before he and his brother ran off. Malum threw a cold glare where they once stood and looked at their father. "You could totally replace them. I mean just have more babies." Malum said half joking. Death gave him a look that said 'Now you know my wife would kill the both of us so don't even think about it' and Malum sighed. The brothers had been teasing him about getting to see Mara first and although they were light hearted, he was itching to see his mate.

The higher council had arrived not long after Malum and filled into the first row of seating while his friends filled in behind them. Malum didn't have a father, but he had a creator so to speak and he managed to get him to officiate the wedding. Fallen or not, he was still an angel. Finding the right spell and enough sacrifices to get him here was another story all together and was messier than he'd like. Malum spoke with Lucifer for some time while they waited for the ceremony to begin. Unknown to Malum, Lucifer was honored that he asked him to officiate the wedding and more so elated that Mara agreed as well. Unknown to them both Mara wanted to meet the man who brought her mate to life, father or not.

Mara was in a back room taking massive and deep breaths. She wasn't getting cold feet or panicking but she was nervous. Not everyday you get married let alone meet Samael Morningstar himself. "Gurrrla you��re making me nervous and I'm not getting married to the strongest demon from hell by his daddy the devil himself." Prudence joked and everyone but Mara giggled. "You are NOT helping woman!" Mara squealed and threw a pillow at Prudence. There was a knock on the door and Kayo's voice came across the wooden barrier. "We're ready to go." he said.

The bridesmaids and groomsmen lined up leaving Prudence and Karma to pace them down the aisle and give Mara her que. Mara took a deep breath as the final pairing walked down and the girls looked at her. "You ready little one." Karma asked with a smile. Mara nodded with a wide smile as her eyes started glistening. "Not yet sis, get down the aisle first." Prudence said, her own eyes glistening. Mara nodded, patting her eyes dry with a cloth Karma handed her before passing it back.

The piano began to play a classical song that Malum and Mara both enjoyed in their free time and Mara knew it was time. As she practiced she walked to the beat, her eyes on the carpet before her. Malum took a deep breath and felt his heart swell. Her dress was classy, elegant and yet made him yearn for her touch and to touch her. Mara finally summoned enough courage and looked at her mate waiting down the aisle. She let out a soft giggle, covering her mouth with one hand as the other held her bouquet and had Karma's arms hooked with hers.

Malum sent her a smile that made her heart swell and she realized that being with him is one of the best decisions she ever made. She cared deeply for Gabriel at a time but it was never a love like this and she realized that now. Her hand that was covering her mouth now rested on her stomach, her fingers splayed wide. She could feel the energy growing within her, a mixture of Malum and her powers combined. Malum's eyes followed the path of her hand on her belly and slid back up her body to find her eyes on him.

Karma stepped aside as Malum stepped up and took Mara's outstretched hand. Mara smiled up to him as her warm hand engulfed hers and pulled her closer to him, their noses touching. There was a throat clearing to their side, "Not yet General." Lucifer said with a smirk on his lips. Malum sighed and nodded his head to the side motioning her to step forward to they could go on with the ceremony. Mara giggled as they stepped forward and she bowed her head to Lucifer who smiled. "Finally a daughter who can keep this on in line." Lucifer joked with a wink at Mara. Mara had to bite her tongue to hold back a giggle. Malum rolled his eyes and adjusted her hand in his before looking to Lucifer and nodding his head. Lucifer looked to Mara and she nodded her head too. With the okay Lucifer began the ceremony.

Outside the Iscariot order had their teams form up in flanking positions that surrounded the entire church. "So they thought they could take a place of worship and just defile it eh?" Father Anderson asked, disgusted at the notion of what was done to the old church. "Father there is a great energy, energies coming from inside. I do not think it best we-" the soldier didn't get to finish speaking as his words were cut short when Father Anderson placed a bayonet threateningly close to his throat. "Aye and who asked ye? Cuz I sure as hell didn't." Father Anderson asked rhetorically.

The soldier stepped back and nodded knowing he had over stepped even if he was just doing his job. Heinkel agreed with the man but she would never defy the father. "Where do we go from here father?" She asked and he rubbed his chin. "Well we know we got all the right people inside. The wench, her demon and all his little cohorts. I say we make this ground sacred again. Trap them inside. Then we can pop them out of existence like a pimple on a prepubescent boy's face." Father Anderson said with a gleeful smile as he clapped his hands together.

"Father Anderson, surely you don't think that you can just walk in there and take on Malum and his court. You do remember what happened last time?" Maxwell asked with a raised brow. Father Anderson gave him a look and started laughing like he lost his mind. "Of course I do. We have the strength of the Lord flowing through us. Quite literally." Father Anderson joked while Heinkel and Maxwell shared a look of worry. "Now then. If all teams are ready. Let. Us. Begin!"

So sorry for the delay yall. I hit a MASSIVE writers block. But we live baby, yeah!

Midnight_Syrencreators' thoughts