
The Demons Claim

Mara is what her people call a gifted soul. Although she was born in Haiti where her life journey began, Mara traveled around the world learning various languages and forms of magic/witchcraft. What Mara had forgotten was her past, as a little girl meeting one of the most powerful demons to ever exist. Malum. Recognizing the girl as his mate but knowing she was too young Malum left a magical mark on her so he could find and protect her always, until she was ready for him. Will she fight against him in a battle of light and dark or will she tame the evil within him and give into their hearts desires.

Midnight_Syren · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Ch 14 Enemies and Love Evolved

Heinkel took to practicing with her new weapons in the gun range. Her normal guns were replaced with an alternate firing mode gun built into her arm. Instead of regular rounds her bullets were not cleaned and blessed with the holy aura coming off her body and she could focus that energy itself into rounds should she run out.

Her legs gave her a wonderful speed boost and she could jump to most places instead of having to climb. Getting close to targets and in and out of situations became a lot easier for her. She couldn't wait to thank Father Anderson for saving her life. She thought she would have been joining Yumeiko in meeting the Lord but the Father had protected her with his own body knowing that he would be fine even as battered as he already was. Had he not already be a mutated super human they would have both perished in battle that day.

Maxwell entered the range and Heinkel gave him a soft bow. "Commander Heinkel, glad to see you up and about. Father Anderson has come around and is asking for you." he informed her and she nodded. "Thank you father Maxwell." she replied as she reloaded her round cartridges that sat in the upper part of her arm. She followed him back into the medical pavilion of the Vatican's underground maze, noting all the different things she saw. Even if her and the father had failed, there would always be another to take their place. The Iscariot would not fail.

Maxwell knocked before letting himself in and Heinkel followed, walking over to the Father's side and grabbing his hand. "Father I can't thank you enough for saving my life." she said with her head hung. "No tears today lass. We have much work to be done in the name of the Lord and in honor of our fallen brothers and sisters." he said as he lifted her head with his finger under her chin. "We now carry the gift and glory of the Lord himself within us and we shall overcome." he added with a crazed smile and she nodded. "Amen." she replied. "Amen." he said with her.

It didn��t take Father Anderson long to recover once he woke up as well. He smiled as he played with his new bayonets and listened to father Maxwell give a debrief on what had happened while he was asleep. "Oh and do deal with our nosy Archangel. We don't need his interference until it's all said and done. He will thank us later once he realizes the good we have done." Maxwell ordered and Anderson nodded. "Aye sir." he replied as he got up and left with Heinkel close on his trail. "Oh and perhaps you may want to call him. If he senses your holy gifts he may become an issue." Maxwell called over his shoulder.

Father Anderson waited until they were outside the Vatican and waiting for a car to call Gabriel. "Gabriel speaking." the angel answered. "Hello great Archangel. This is Father Anderson. I heard you wanted to speak with me?" Father Anderson replied. "I just wanted an update one what is going on and what happened. I heard you guys were attacked?" Gabriel asked, trying to pry for information. "Aye. We had the Lass and the demon attacked us before we were ready. Took her back after nearly sending us all back to the Lord." Anderson replied not giving away much. "Okay but was Mara okay when you had her?" Gabriel asked right out. "Aye, safe and sound as could be. Can't say the same while she is in the demon's grasp. But rest assured we have a new plan of attack they have no idea about and will never see coming." Anderson assured him. Gabriel sighed and his leg bounced up and down unsure. "Perfect. Just keep me posted. Glad to know you and your comrade are okay." Gabriel replied. "Aye, a blessing from the Lord himself. Have a good one." Anderson replied and ended the call.

"We may have an issue. He asked about the girl. Could they have spoken?" Anderson asked Maxwell who was on three-way and muted. "It's possible but highly unlikely considering she is under lock and key. She's never not under protection of any one of the demon's people. Especially after the state she was recovered in." Maxwell said plainly. "Aye, keep me posted." Father Anderson replied and ended the call. "Gather the others. We're going to have to have another plan of attack. You and I sit back in the shadows and puppeteer the plan. Once they dont expect us, we swoop in, we hit them with the power of the Lord." he said and she nodded in agreement.


It had been a few months since Mara's kidnapping and run in with Gabriel. She wasn't large but she was beginning to show as her belly grew larger. She could feel their power and life force just like Malum had when he first found out about them. She wondered if they would be able to talk to them with the connection they all seemed to have. "How's my beautiful wife, queen annnd mother of our child?" Malum asked and he walked up to her and cupped her face before kissing her softly. Then he knelt down and lifted her shirt to kiss the left and right side of her belly. He hummed with content as he rested his forehead against her stomach and Mara rubbed his hair gently.

"I am well, no weird cravings yet but I am hungry again." Mara said whispering the last part. He chuckled softly and he stood and took her hand. He found her voracious appetite amusing. It only further supported his claim that the babies would be boys. He dragged her into the kitchen of their home and pulled out simple ingredients to make her a few subs. "So they finished setting up everything in the nursery. I've tested the baby monitor and the links for it to our phones. And the subscription of pampers and wipes already confirmed the address." Mara said as she practically inhaled her first sandwich. He set out two more for her before he put the supplies back.

"Have you heard from Gabriel recently?" Malum asked as he sat next to Mara with his own sandwich. She shook her head and took a deep breath. "No and I am worried that something is up. He's too quiet and the Iscariot isn't making any big moves either." she replied solemnly. "I think you should try and reach out. Test the waters a bit. I don't like the quietness either and it's got me super skittish at times." he begrudgingly admitted. "I suppose. In a few hours, it's still too early for him to be up." she sighed and went to work on her last sandwich.

"In other positive news. I reached out to the big man downstairs…" he informed her. "For what?!" she asked, panicked as she nearly choked on her food. Maum could barely contain his laughter as he patted her back to help her clear the misplaced food. The smile he held however, he couldn't help. "Our version of a baby blessing or baptism. Just yanno, eViL." he said the last part in a joking and mocking tone while he bent forward with chicken arms and a weird face. This time it was Mara who laughed and managed not to choke on her food. "I'm calling it a dark baptism." she said in between laughed. He gave her a deadpan face. "It's cuz I'm black innit." he replied which made her burst out laughing and had to put her food down all together.

He burst into laughter with her before he pulled her onto his lap. "Mmmm my Mara, how you complete me so." he said into her hair before he hissed the top of her head and breathed her scent in. "Yeah I guess we do fit together pretty well or whatever." she replied with a smile as she waved her hand about nonchalantly. "You think so?" he asked and she nodded. "Yeah. As unfortunate as everything played out. Now that I'm here with you and the kids. I can't really imagine my life any other way or without you." she said to him as a single tear slid down her cheek. Malum smiled at her, wiping the tear away and kissed her softly. "Man you and these hormones sis." he whispered and she laughed smacking him in the check which caused him to laugh.

There was a knock on the front door as it opened and Mara could hear people pouring in. "The hell/" she muttered as Malum pulled her into the living room and she saw everyone, including Dominique present. "Hey guys!" she said but it came out like a question. Malum held her from behind as they all bowed. "My king. My queen." they said in sync. Even Dominique, which confused Mara even more. "Dominique and I had a long talk Mara. She even let me in her mind to see her memories of what happened and why she had taken you essentially. It cleared any and all doubts I've had about her and so. I've accepted her as an honorary member into our little clan here. Gives her full protection too. I know the Iscariot may become a problem for us all again and how much she means to you. I didn't want to risk anything." he said kissing the back of her head.

Mara had turned around in her arms and clung to his shirt. After a few seconds of silence they could hear her sniffing into his T-Shirt and he let out a soft chuckle. "Thank you." she choked out as Dominique approached her and turned her to pull her into a hug. Mara laughed and returned the gesture as everyone else came up at it was a massive group hug. She was so busy wiping her tears she didn't see the nod Karma gave Malum over her shoulder.

"Now there's one last thing I wish to give you." Malum said from behind as he slipped a blind fold on her. "Oh lord babe I told you I didn't need the car." she groaned. He chuckled. "Guess I'll toss these keys then." he said joking and everyone laughed when she squealed out a high pitched 'NO!' "I know that the two of us come from different worlds and we tend to do things differently. But because I am capable of the things I am I wanted to give you something I know you've always wanted. Courtesy of a little birdy from home." he told Mara as he smiled thankfully over at Dominique. She smiled back and nodded as everyone else stepped away from Mara.

As Dominique turned Mara around Malum bent down on one knee and pulled a velvet box out of the pocket of his sweats. "I technically we are already bound and considered one, but for you I wanted to make certain there was no doubt where my heart lay. I will love you until the end of times and I will shout it from above and below. Our union is recognized by my deity as it should be yours. Whether he likes it or not." Malum said tacking on the last part quickly. Everyone laughed as Mara tried to wipe the tears slipping out from under the blind fold.

Malum opened the box to reveal a silver engagement ring. The band itself was silver but details to look like feathers that laid together. There was a large cut of Onyx on either side and then two features perfectly encircling the middle gem. The purest and deepest cut of Amethyst that could be found. The stones represented their favorite colors as how well they complimented one another. Dominique removed the blind fold and stepped back to join the others as Mara cried into her hands as she cupped her mouth. Find herself unable to speak Mara nodded violently before she managed to squeak out a yes in between cries.

No one was surprised she said yes but everyone was happy and excited all the same. Malum smiled and placed the ringer on her left ring finger and stood at his full height before lifting her into his arms from her waist and kissing her deeply until both their lungs burned for air. "I love you Malum. With all of me." she said she managed to finally stop crying. "And I you, my Mara. With everything that I am." he replied before kissing her again. "Alllllright alright enough mushy. We got that good shit for everyone else and sparkling cider for the mommy tooo beeee." Prudence and Dominique sang. Everyone laughed and indulged in their happy moment unaware of the dangers that lurk in the shadows, or more like that light that had yet to make themselves known.